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F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Official Thread


AgentOtaku said:
Thanks for the write up man! ...I'll probably pick up the DLC on PC in the near future (doing a HL2 run and finishing Mass Effect right now)

Np man! Yeah, pick it up it's a decent value. This is the first dlc content that I can get behind.

For once it's was done after the game so no whoring out the already made on disc content.

More games should have dlc single player campains.

SP levels > Multiplayer maps.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
GrayFoxPL said:
Np man! Yeah, pick it up it's a decent value. This is the first dlc content that I can get behind.

For once it's was done after the game so no whoring out the already made on disc content.

More games should have dlc single player campains.

SP levels > Multiplayer maps.

I totally agree with you. I loved expansion packs in the old days, but DLC for shooters is almost always new maps for multiplayer which always bums me out.

I got the mini-expansion on PC where it looks pretty damn crisp. I enjoyed playing through it a lot as it puts in a lot of the different gameplay elements from the full game and puts a twist on them, like in the sewers. It only took me a little over an hour but I didn't feel ripped off as I was playing on easy and I am definitely going to go back and replay it on the harder difficulties.

Basically, if you are a fan of the series, this is a must-buy. I am a whore for the F.E.A.R. universe so it was a real treat getting more. The ending is pretty much a love-letter to fans of the first game. Can't wait to see how this all plays out. (I wouldn't mind another mini-expansion)


Loves Robotech S1
Just finished Reborn. Great stuff. This is the kind of dlc I can get behind, although 10 dollars for about an hour of gameplay is cutting it close. I would definitely prefer it if they just took their assets and made a whole new full length game, but I know there is a definite stigma against that sort of thing, as though it's completely unjustified unless there is a significant visual upgrade or gameplay twist. I just want more FEAR goddamnit!


Just bought Reborn over Steam! My first online purchase for Steam ever. Can't wait to play it when it's finished downloading!


Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Playing Reborn on 360 now...so PS3 got trophies for it, but 360 doesn't get achievements???


Brandon F said:
Playing Reborn on 360 now...so PS3 got trophies for it, but 360 doesn't get achievements???

The 360 version of Reborn has achievements. I haven't had the time to play it yet myself (too obsessed with Trials HD and Defense Grid at the moment), but according to xbox.com Reborn has 230 new achievement points.


You guys should've played reborn on hard from the start. It'd take a bit longer.

BTW are FEAR FILES on 360 any good? I know they're monolith-less but I'm on FEAR drug.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
GrayFoxPL said:
You guys should've played reborn on hard from the start. It'd take a bit longer.

BTW are FEAR FILES on 360 any good? I know they're monolith-less but I'm on FEAR drug.

F.E.A.R. Files has both expansions from PC: Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate. I really enjoyed Extraction Point and would highly recommend playing that. The game continues right from where F.E.A.R. 1 left out and you still play as the point man. It has a very moody atmosphere that feels more grim than the first game. There is a fantastic level near the end and some interesting new weapons. Perseus on the other hand is not quite as good. It is by far the weakest in the series visually as they attempt too much outdoor areas and they engine was really never intended for that. The weapons added aren't very cool and combined with this new enemy type who has a boatload of health, they feel pretty weak. For die-hard fans of the series, I would recommend it, but anyone else should probably pass.


grif1020 said:
F.E.A.R. Files has both expansions from PC: Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate. I really enjoyed Extraction Point and would highly recommend playing that. The game continues right from where F.E.A.R. 1 left out and you still play as the point man. It has a very moody atmosphere that feels more grim than the first game. There is a fantastic level near the end and some interesting new weapons. Perseus on the other hand is not quite as good. It is by far the weakest in the series visually as they attempt too much outdoor areas and they engine was really never intended for that. The weapons added aren't very cool and combined with this new enemy type who has a boatload of health, they feel pretty weak. For die-hard fans of the series, I would recommend it, but anyone else should probably pass.

Thanks for all the info. Shame that Extraction Point story isn't considered canon.

Kydd BlaZe said:
Does Reborn require the F.E.A.R 2 disc?

Yes, from the same region.


GrayFoxPL said:
You guys should've played reborn on hard from the start. It'd take a bit longer.

BTW are FEAR FILES on 360 any good? I know they're monolith-less but I'm on FEAR drug.

Since you sound like a F.E.A.R. fan,then yes,I thought it was good as well.
isn't extraction point the one with the church level and whatever? didn't like that one, the levels are far too nonsensical and small. but perseus mandate was nice, even with the too open areas. the story is kind of really retarded in these. not fear2 retarded, but just crap. but you liked fear1 a lot, so definitely worth playing both. no way near as terrible as reviews and whatever at the time pretended like they were. or monolith says they are. hehe.
GrayFoxPL said:
Thanks for all the info. Shame that Extraction Point story isn't considered canon.
Luckily there's not very much of it. Though they did some interesting stuff with Alma... or at least I think they did something, I may just be imagining things.

Young Alma = trying to help you
Old Alma = trying to thwart you


Great game, I beat it a few weeks ago and I was amazed at how good the game was. I highly recommend it especially if you can get it for less then $20.
Got Reborn DLC on the Steam deal for $5.

First off, I don't know when they patched it, but I'm happy they allow 16:10 and turning off film grain. The DLC was pretty fun even though it was incredibly short. I think it took maybe an hour or so. Glad they didn't bog it down with a lot of the horror elements.


An hour? It took me more like three (and maybe even more). But then again I never rush through games. The difficulty also seemed harder and there's some replayability if you want all the achievements, like doing the first mission on foot.

I liked the DLC itself, but I was a tad disappointed in that there wasn't really anything new in there. It was basically a compressed F.E.A.R. 2 campaign, with the same enemies, the same weapons, and so on. But if you liked the main campaign, then that's not necessarily a bad thing.


I'm pretty late to the party, but I just finished FEAR2. Yes, pretty messed up :p I'm still more of a Condemned fan, but I definitely enjoyed most of FEAR2 over the original.

Although I kinda wish I saw
Alma as a child
like the first game. Freaky moments.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.

It looks glorious and since I get scared with pretty much anything I have to have my friend on vent all the time talking to me about whatever crosses her mind to keep playing :lol

I heard it didn't sell well huh? Freaking shame, I need a third game. I am close to finishing this one. I just made it to the school, and I am in love with it. After Halo, this is my favorite FPS franchise.


Loves Robotech S1
godhandiscen said:
I heard it didn't sell well huh? Freaking shame, I need a third game. I am close to finishing this one. I just made it to the school, and I am in love with it.

You actually still have a ways to go yet. :D

It really is a damn shame this did so poorly and what happened to Monolith. I hope they get a chance to finish the story someday (assuming there is anything to finish).


Noogy said:
I'm pretty late to the party, but I just finished FEAR2. Yes, pretty messed up :p I'm still more of a Condemned fan, but I definitely enjoyed most of FEAR2 over the original.

Although I kinda wish I saw
Alma as a child
like the first game. Freaky moments.

You see
Alma as a child
in the beginning of the game. It made me jump when
she suddenly was standing in front of me as I turned around at that closed door. She was just staring at me.


I picked up this game for $20 bucks at Wal-Mart, what can I say, I'm a sucker for the nice cardboard cover. Does anyone still play online? I heard getting the Platinum trophy was ridiculas.


I'd buy it in a heartbeat if steam dropped the price. Right now it's still $40 or $50 which is just ridiculous. Better yet, slap the original + expansions on there with F.E.A.R.2 and sell it for $30.


I'd buy it in a heartbeat if steam dropped the price. Right now it's still $40 or $50 which is just ridiculous. Better yet, slap the original + expansions on there with F.E.A.R.2 and sell it for $30.

In NA, you can buy it almost anywhere for $20.


Javaman said:
I'd buy it in a heartbeat if steam dropped the price. Right now it's still $40 or $50 which is just ridiculous. Better yet, slap the original + expansions on there with F.E.A.R.2 and sell it for $30.
I picked up the 360 version for $20 at Best Buy just a few weeks ago.


Javaman said:
All the more reason they should drop the price. I've pretty much given up on retail at this point and only get games on steam, especially now that my DVD drive has stopped working.

FEAR 2 is a steamworks title though...


luka said:
It really is a damn shame this did so poorly and what happened to Monolith. I hope they get a chance to finish the story someday (assuming there is anything to finish).

Umm..what did I miss here? what happened to Monolith?
Is this really worth picking up? I've been interested in F.E.A.R for a while, but never took the plunge.

What are it's common pros and cons?


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Mayor Haggar said:
Is this really worth picking up? I've been interested in F.E.A.R for a while, but never took the plunge.

What are it's common pros and cons?

For the price its going for now, yes. However the MP is dead.


I started playing the SP and it has been really fun this far.

For the price its going for now, yes. However the MP is dead.

That really sucks for trophy whores if the MP is dead. I was reading that you need about 1 mil XP to get one of the trophies....


never left the stone age
It sucks in general that the MP never took off, the few matches I did play where actually kind of fun, mostly russian ones however.


I've been making my way through the campaign recently, loving it. Runs so smooth on my PC at max settings, it's too bad Mass Effect 2 came out recently, I'd play more F.E.A.R. 2 if it didn't.
Easy_D said:
It sucks in general that the MP never took off, the few matches I did play where actually kind of fun, mostly russian ones however.

Which Fear multiplayer is dead? Im considering buying the second FEAR as I loved the first one and even put quite a few hours into the multiplayer at the time.

So yeah is the multiplayer for FEAR 2 popular or dead?
Epic bumpage!!

So I've been getting back into the game recently after a long hiatus, and I suddenly remembered why I stopped playing to begin with. The lack of key bindings on the PC version is so damn frustrating.

Does anyone know a way to change key bindings as to allow the use of the "Delete" button as well as Mouse Buttons 4 and 5???

I am left handed, so I use the arrow keys to move and have always used the mouse buttons for functions such as slow mo (used in FEAR 1) and grenades (used in FEAR 1 and pretty much any other fps).

But given the gimped nature of the PC game, the key bindings are limited, and I cannot even use the Delete Button for Grenades because for some reason, pressing delete deletes the action have have binded to that key :lol

Does anyone also know how to tweak it so the torch is a little brighter? Even adjusting the brightness and contrast I am finding that the game is still too dark, and the torch is pretty damn dull, and it really hurts my eyes at times when trying to focus and see in the dark :p


An blind dancing ho
thechemist said:
Bump, completed this the other day, first was far better but still had fun, and WOW at the end, very freaky lol.

the opposite here, I am with the minority I know that ,but I think FEAR was mediocre at best , FEAR 2 was better in everything , better level design ,less repetitive than the first with more stuff to do , far better weapons , better gunplay/shooting with the guns feels like guns instead of toys , Mecha parts were pure awesome ,better characters , better cinematic/cutscenes and story ,even the pacing was better too.
it's about $6 at toys r us if you can find it.

i got this about a year ago i think, had a great time with it, so its a good pick up.

i'm assuming online is dead but it was fun though :D

:lol laser beam guns across the maps type matches
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