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F**king Wookies! (KOTOR)


Well, I've been playing Kotor for past couple of weeks after finishing up the first Halo - and what a little buggy game this is.

Right now, I'm walking on the light-side path, where I've reached the light is coming out of my character in straight beam, and only one more planet to go to do that StarMap... and I was just trying to help out this oldman Jolee's sidequest, for releasing his friend in Manaan's prison by becoming an arbiter. As soon as I got onto Ebon Hawk to get to Manaan, the droid T4 was swapped with another wookie, just like Jalbaar. As I completed the side-quest, and got back on to the ship, another wookie! Wookies everywhere - then the game freezes on me on loading, and can't get any further. :( (Auto-save seems to be also corrupted too.)

This has happened to me quite a few times during my play, and I am really aggrevated with all that bugs in the game. As for the game, I am having a pretty good time, although I do have the loading. :( I might have to re-start the game from scratch, which I already spent 30+ hours into it.

what a disappointment.. :( Just had to vent out, because I don't get much time to play RPGs thesedays because of time restraint - and it was a big commitment for me to decided to play KOTOR, all thanks to the excellent reviews and responses regarding the game...

I've never heard of bugs like that in the game. All I've ever experienced and heard about are more like the normal crashing sort. Check the disc for dirt/damage. Perhaps boiling it, too. Sounds weird, but it might work. Otherwise, try putting in three different titles into your system to flush the cache.

Deku Tree

Yeah, I loved KotOR but I was also amazed at the way the large number of bugs in the game were either glossed over or not mentioned at all by a great number of reviewers.


i had a mostly bug free experience with kotor.. only recall one or two lockups and no really strange behavior.


Unconfirmed Member
I think I only had one bug encounter, and that was a simple game freeze. Not really too big of a deal.

But yeah, I've heard enough stories to know that the game was pretty unpolished. Since they never really affected me, though, I can forgive them for the most part. :D


I got to the point that I saved new saves every other time I was in the menu. One save bugs out, I had four others to replace it.


Chili Con Carnage!
I played through twice and i think i broke one side quest the first time i played and that was it, no freeze ups no corrupted saves nothing. I was terrified when i got the game because of all the horror stories, but it all turned out to be forum hype on the most part.


MightyHedgehog said:
All I've ever experienced and heard about are more like the normal crashing sort.

That is everything that is wrong with KotOR. It has to be among the buggiest good games ever. :(


lachesis said:
Well, I've been playing Kotor for past couple of weeks after finishing up the first Halo - and what a little buggy game this is.

Right now, I'm walking on the light-side path, where I've reached the light is coming out of my character in straight beam, and only one more planet to go to do that StarMap... and I was just trying to help out this oldman Jolee's sidequest, for releasing his friend in Manaan's prison by becoming an arbiter. As soon as I got onto Ebon Hawk to get to Manaan, the droid T4 was swapped with another wookie, just like Jalbaar. As I completed the side-quest, and got back on to the ship, another wookie! Wookies everywhere - then the game freezes on me on loading, and can't get any further. :( (Auto-save seems to be also corrupted too.)

This has happened to me quite a few times during my play, and I am really aggrevated with all that bugs in the game. As for the game, I am having a pretty good time, although I do have the loading. :( I might have to re-start the game from scratch, which I already spent 30+ hours into it.

what a disappointment.. :( Just had to vent out, because I don't get much time to play RPGs thesedays because of time restraint - and it was a big commitment for me to decided to play KOTOR, all thanks to the excellent reviews and responses regarding the game...


You never saved the game besides the autosaves????? That is just stupid
Deku Tree said:
Yeah, I loved KotOR but I was also amazed at the way the large number of bugs in the game were either glossed over or not mentioned at all by a great number of reviewers.

Not me really seeing how many game reviewers seem to miss bugs and stuff that would give lesser hyped games a really low score. Like Fable and Sims 2 most recently.

I never had the game freeze up, and the framerate was really bad on the first planet thats all.


It's not exactly the most polished game ever, with the framerate frequently dropping. The first city was really bad, but it keeps dropping at many other places too. It doesn't bother me too much, even though I do hate framedrops...but since it's an RPG, I can live with it.

I have yet to encounter any bugs or similar 20 hours in, didn't even know the game was "known" for having bugs and whatnot.

And about only using autosave, I actually do that myself sometimes. I'm so used to the traditional save system in console RPGs where you have special locations for saving, that I often forget about saving.

Also, I reeeeally dislike how the game is designed around the PC save mentality. Save a lot, save everywhere. It's frustrating how you all of a sudden run into a bunch of enemies that you're totally unprepared for, or open a door to a room filled with enemies rushing towards you. Because of the lack of any save points, you can never be sure something tough is up ahead or not. And after getting into the unprepared fight, before you realize it's better to escape from the enemy, one of your teammates is already dead.

And this is where someone is supposed to say "Well, I never died once in KOTOR so I don't understand what you're talking about" or simply "YOU SUCK KOTOR H8R". The latter isn't totally true though, since I actually like the game. :p
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