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Fable is a lot of fun


Why the hate? I started playing this afternoon since I had the day off and bam, 7 hours have gone by. I have a feeling I am probably at least half way done as I just beat the Arena and a pivotal part of the story seems poised to happen, but I'm enjoying the hell out of it so far.


Junior Ace
What the hell are you doing playing a month-old game!? Don't you know you're only supposed to play games released this week?


I'm borrowing Agent Dormer's copy. I guess I might finish it tonight in time for San Andreas tomorrow if I'm 80% done hah. Even still, having a blast.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
bleh at fable, I'm glad it was only $9 (thank you ms, which I turned around and sold for 30+)


I spent a week with Fable on a rental and played through it twice (good and evil). It was a good deal of fun, but now that I've seen everything in the game, I don't really feel the urge to play it again. It's one of those games that makes you want to do everything you're allowed to do. Unfortunately, once you've done it all, there's not much reason to go back and do it again.


GameFan Alumnus
I'm pretty sure the Arena is close to 50% of the way through the game. There's a lot more to do after the Arena, so don't listen to this 80% nonsense. It should take around 15 hours to beat, if not more if you do extra stuff. I don't understand the hate either. I think it's GOTY material.

Deku Tree

Fable was a fun game. But it is too short, the load times were really annoying, the story could have been MUCH better and alot of the quests were somewhat dull. Good but not at all GOTY material.


I find it hilarious that my character is wholly evil, but I got women falling at my feet by just gazing upon my gruesome visage... I'm going to marry everyone of them and get me some of that ass and then watch them whores fight over me.

Plus, it's fun stealing in broad daylight right in front of a shop keeper and not being seen... assassin clothes rule. And then promptly selling their crap back to them... ez money


Yeah, the Arena is only about 50-60% through the main storyline.

I think there's been more misinformation spread about Fable than any game in recent memory, as evidenced in this thread. My clock was at 21 hours for the first play through (main storyline and about 2/3 of the side quests) which is MORE than ample playtime for a quality RPG.


I am now to the graveyard and also about to fight Thunder for my sidequest.. I was actually only at 6 hours on my gameclock when I last posted rather than 7 like I thought. At 7:40 now.

Musashi Wins!

Meier said:
I am now to the graveyard and also about to fight Thunder for my sidequest.. I was actually only at 6 hours on my gameclock when I last posted rather than 7 like I thought. At 7:40 now.

I love that graveyard. It's a really fun game, I'll never forget it and obviously it's totally undeserving of the GAF hate. That said, I had little desire to replay it. It's a big game in a too small package which might seem like an ambigious statement now but you might feel the same at the end.


From the little I played... it seems to me like it's a small world with alot of nice gimmicks wrapped around an only ok combat system. Almost like the idea of a small detailed free roaming world in between small brief and somewhat fun fighting missions.
Fable rocks. I started about 9pm-ish, and it's about 1:30am now. I didn't stop one second. That game is like crack. I love it.
I am also aboard the Fable gravy train. I didn't read any of the hype or check any previews so I never went in with any expectations, and I think it's great. I just completed the Arena as well, so about the same place.

(When I was playing through the Arena, I completed it but I was working at the time and loads of people started talking around me so I missed a wee bit about what was going down - if anyone could spolier tag a brief summary or PM me the goods, that would be great)
Yeah, Fable's a great game. Besides the constant loading (which really wasn't that bad), there aren't any real faults to be found in the game, IMO. Just a lot of disappointment because it wasn't the quite the game that PM had said it would be two years ago. Still, they delivered a lot and I enjoyed it quite a bit.
Fable had some big problems, imo. It was moderately enjoyable as a hack and slash action-rpg with some nifty gimmicks. But the game had ballance issues too. The environments had invisible barriers, and were not much ijnteractive. The combat was cool when fighting most creatures, but the larger boss creatures just felt broken especially when you figure outtheir simple patterns but had to just keep repeating the same tedious moves until all their energy bars drained...not cool. The story didn't do much for me, either.
They were smart enough to give us some Hack and Slash while roaming the countryside gameplay, though, and I guess that's all people wanted.


Just beat it with doing all but like maybe 3 of the side quests. Only 12 hours which is disappointing but also at that length I dont mind playing through again as evil. I got to bone Lady Grey a bunch of times too, woo! I rule.

Oh and...

It was fucking tough giving up that pimpass sword at the end though! The sister just walking off was retarded as fuck too -- clearly a set up for a sequel.

Final experience tally was 467,543. Multi Strike rules!


not an idiot
I'm also playing Fable right now and completely in love with it. Just an awesome game. Also just finised the big battle in the Arena. I've been playing for over 2 weeks now heh. I'm slow!
For some reason I can't stop playing Fable . Probably because there's so much to do in it.
It's like Enclave but with more interaction.


This game is awesome, the only reason people hate on it is because it's an "Only on Xbox" title. :) I mean just look at the flack Halo, Dead Or Alive 3, Ninja Gaiden, Riddick and other games get. Most people talking crap about the game don't even own an Xbox! and are just repeating the crap they heard from somewhere else.


It was fun while it lasted, but not much more than that I'm afraid.

I feel the same about ICO, Zoe, Ape Escape, Pikmin

Fantastic games. Short, but oh so sweet.

I've never played Fable, but if its like that, I should take a look.


not an idiot
Just finished Fable, wow, awesome ride! Loved every minute if it! Watching the Credits roll while listening to the nice music and feeling good about my accomplishment and the experience I had playing this great game. Awesome... I love this feeling. :)
shpankey said:
Just finished Fable, wow, awesome ride! Loved every minute if it! Watching the Credits roll while listening to the nice music and feeling good about my accomplishment and the experience I had playing this great game. Awesome... I love this feeling. :)

You ran through from the prison to the end pretty quickly then. What was your final time? 18-19 hours.


mrklaw said:
I feel the same about ICO, Zoe, Ape Escape, Pikmin

Fantastic games. Short, but oh so sweet.

I've never played Fable, but if its like that, I should take a look.

The primary difference though is this was billed as a hugely epic RPG for the lengthy period of time we've known about it. I really did love the game and am about to start it up again and go through on Evil, but the length was a huge disappointment.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Well Fable 2 is pretty much confirmed... if they do what they did with Fable, expand on it and put in 10x the main quest and side quests.... it would be an incredible game. (hopefully for Xbox 2)


I hated it because it didn't deliver on hardly anything that was promised.For a game thats supposed to be about consequences,WTF do you have to quests over and over until you get them?Whats the fuckin point?

It was like a watered down Zelda minus the dungeons and puzzles with The Sims elements thrown in.Bleh.




Got tats all over my legs too!


Really got into Fable. Loved, loved the soundtrack, especially the opening theme- Danny Elfman nailed did it, correct?

Then it ended- and the clock said 15 hours. It just felt too short. I then played about halfway through as an 'evil' guy but it didn't grab me the same way. Oh well. All they really need to do for the sequel is slow down the pace of character growth and make the game about 25% longer....I know alot of folks hated the constricted environments, but I didn't mind those so much.
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