These are my socks. Gaf am I cute or nah?
Dear lord. I feel like I "moonlight" as a gamer sometimes cuz I'd probably be super embarassed if they saw how I not only like games, but thoroughly and deeply 'talk games'.
How are pic threads real if we aren't real?
I have mixed feelings on it. I'm really social, and love meeting people. But I'm always kind of sketch on meeting people on forums (due to past experiences). I was an admin for this very big board (I won't name). We had this one member that was messed up, and would go off the deep end with depression. Anyways, he fell in love with another member. And bought a plane ticket to their town, and drove around hoping to meet them. Was totally creepy. We had to contact the police, and he got taken in for psych help.
After that, I was turned off on the idea of sharing personal info on places like forums. I feel a bit more comfortable on GAF, as I do think most of the people here are really great people (so many of them supported me through my cancer). They are like my family. So I would love to sit and talk games with people in real life. To be honest, I don't know a lot of people that are actually into games (even though I'm out in LA lol). But not sure if I would want people recognizing me randomly lol
That happens a lot, haha. It's just my normal face.You look unimpressed.
Yikes, I'm sorry you had to be around such an experience. I feel bad for the one being followed. A shame too since there are the opposite sort of stories of people coming together for it as well. I could say a lot more, but for the most part I get that "Gaf Family" mentality since it's very a very wide and encompassing circle of many varieties of people (certainly the eclectic rainbow of individuals and perspectives) and discussion (well divided by gaming and general).
GAF pretty much saved me from my cancer.
Yay, another cancer survivor. I feel the same way, have gotten so much support from GAF and people I've met on GAF that have become close friends.
Weird... :^)
Not so recent, like 3 weeks old:
You have a nirvana shirt so we are now best friendspeople say I should smile more often.
people say I should smile more often.
You have a nirvana shirt so we are now best friends
GAF pretty much saved me from my cancer. I had no family, and no support. Was ready to throw in the towel several times. If it wasn't for people on here supporting me, I wouldn't have gotten through the day. Sometimes just reading other peoples posts, brought me enough joy that I could hold on to that, and get out of bed. And then actual people on here came together and supported me (even off board). So I totally get what you mean about forums coming together and doing GOOD. I experienced it.
I think that is why I'm more open to sharing info on here. Hopefully I can do E3 or something else in the future since i'm in LA. Anyways, I'll probably share some pics soon. Just need to get some courage. I kind of hate how I look because of the cancer. sigh.
Oh my god, I almost forgot. Yes, that 'Azula'! I remember about that! I know this sounds sort of rash or silly since I don't really know you, but I remember my jaw slowly dropping with that one post about not pursuing treatment. I wish I said something to you too then, honestly. But I'm so glad that others were able to influence you. Death is inevitable at some point for everything, why rush it on!! Think of all the good games, movies, and posts here! Plus, food is delicious and a great treat to anything in general for any ailment...or to make good times better.
Appearance is the last thing to worry about; get well then focus on the rest. I know it's not that same level but anytime you need I'll make a bad picture to compare. Or better/scarier: Me without MAKEUP. O___O
Or this for now
I still love this pic so muchRecent awards dinner:
Me visiting a friend in hospital who had mono
nurses insisted we put all the garb on
Me visiting a friend in hospital who had mono
nurses insisted we put all the garb on
I still love this pic so much
Joining in the fun
Super excited by the gastro outbreak at my work earlier this year
Hey, there's an age limit of 13 to register on GAF.These are my socks. Gaf am I cute or nah?
Why does everyone own so much latex
I have nothing to contribute
Don't report me. Please.Hey, there's an age limit of 13 to register on GAF.
Don't report me. Please.