Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.

Weekend beer festival.
Weekend beer festival.
First pic I've taken since my RPLND surgery almost 4 weeks ago. Lost quite a bit of weight, almost 17 pounds, but feeling so much better.
Weekend beer festival.
Your room is lacking some necessary Miku gear. I'll fix that for you. ;-D
I unfortunately haven't made any close friends yet. But there are some people on here I feel indebted to. People that I talk to daily on here. I only recently started talking to people on Xbox Live and PSN. I hope that someday, I can actually make friends with these people IRL (hopefully with some meet ups or cons).
Also *hugs* thanks for the kind words.
I don't need any Miku gear, haha!
I've made a lot of IRL friends through GAF, some that live in the same state as me and out of state. My best friend is also a Gaffer and truly someone that has forever changed me for the better. There are some really amazing people here. : D
Weekend beer festival.
That happens a lot, haha. It's just my normal face.
Here's me trying to look less "meh" post-shower:
Awww yeeeeeeeee
Probably not the best face pic, was meant to show off new haircut
me, lance henriksen.. and a blurry photo.
No look.
Your room is lacking some necessary Miku gear. I'll fix that for you. ;-D
And I'll repost the latest picture of me. I expect to have tons more come next year when I live in a developing nation:
I need to learn not to slouch so much. D:
What happened to the last thread?
I need to learn not to slouch so much. D:
I have your avatar imprinted in my head. I was expecting Bob![]()
Look at that pretty hair.
Man, I just want to hug you but we're like 8700 km away.GAF pretty much saved me from my cancer. I had no family, and no support. Was ready to throw in the towel several times. If it wasn't for people on here supporting me, I wouldn't have gotten through the day. Sometimes just reading other peoples posts, brought me enough joy that I could hold on to that, and get out of bed. And then actual people on here came together and supported me (even off board). So I totally get what you mean about forums coming together and doing GOOD. I experienced it.
I think that is why I'm more open to sharing info on here. Hopefully I can do E3 or something else in the future since i'm in LA. Anyways, I'll probably share some pics soon. Just need to get some courage. I kind of hate how I look because of the cancer. sigh.
Gym selfie, a shameless crime.
Went shopping for a wedding back at the start of November and have started to appreciate the slightly more dressed up look on myself.
Cross posting w/ beard gaf.
Thank you. :3 I'm torn between cutting it even shorter or letting it grow long again! I wish hairstyles were easier to I really love this hairstyle on you. very pretty
Turnabout is fair play!
Please don't hate me.
Turnabout is fair play!
Please don't hate me.
Nobody asked for this.Please don't hate me.
That literally looks like your dick is right there.
Is that your penis sticking out?
Nobody asked for this.