Autumn Internationals, Millennium Stadium.
I go slightly boss-eyed if I overdo the Guinness.
I go slightly boss-eyed if I overdo the Guinness.
man that hairline are you fucking kidding me
i hope you pray or something
Damn, beard game on 10!!!Just documenting my beard, gonna shave soon.
Turning 30 - new passport photo.
Haha I love that the art matches. Great shots --- both of them!
That's a great look for you Kisaya!
Here's me from a couple weeks ago. Facial hair is gone now.
Sequin dresses bring out my eyes.Hope you bought that because you look totally fab.
It's purple time bitches!
With the lighting, it's kind of hard to tell. It looks like a lighter purple. Still, cool!
It's purple time bitches!
Got married to some alright guy!
Congrats. You make a beautiful bride.
Got married to some alright guy!
2001, 8th grade grad ceremony
'93, my sister and I
'93, my sister and I
'90, my sister and I
My brother has that exact bamboo scroll calendar!
I think it's time to shave again. I think I've hit the equilibrium but it's hard to tell.