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Factor5 Thornado still in production.

I decided to visit there site, and found it has been updated. Thornado, in the games section is listed as, "in production". There also hiring, from whats listed for job requirements, what next gen console their developing for is still a mystery. When you think back to all the hoopla about them ending GC development and their support of MS new all in one API, and the confirmed then rumored end of development of a new Pilotwings for Nintendo 5th console. Whatever console their latest game is attached to wouldn't be a shock to anyone.

The most interesting things in the job requirements list is OpenGL and DirectX, which leads to mystery itself, could they have contracts for more than one console.

They also have a R-Type download on the site and I was considering downloading it and the emulator, but I'm not sure if it works with WinXP. Has anyone tried the emulator, before on WinXP?

Emulator UAE.

I hope Thornado, is a launch title.


Bad Art ™
Thornado has been on their website the last past 5/6 years. And Factor 5 really need to make a "NOT STAR WARS SHOOTER" game.


They never said a thing about Pilotwings though. I also think that people really strecthed the comment about ending current generation support so that it looked more like they were ending GC support.

I do think that they might be working on different systems this time as oppossed to their old strategy of hanging around on platform and pushing it as far as they can.


GameCube, PSP & PS3 (& likely Revolution) will all be based around Open GL standards, while XBox & Xenon are on Direct X.

Thornado would make a nice PSP game though. ;)
ManDudeChild said:
This isn't really news. They re-filed the thornado trademark name months ago

I think what Factor5 had in mine for Thornado, some made its way into RS3:RS. Also I don't think today's console could handle what they were really shooting for technically.


Will start substantiating his hate
I'm positive they're finishing Thornado for PSP. They had some work done for it on GC. Moving it to PSP should be fairly easy.


They are working on Pilotwings for the Revolution, Bergsala had it a short time in their GCN release list.

Thornado, that's a mistery, but I think it will be for a Next-Generation-console.


cybamerc said:
I'm positive they're finishing Thornado for PSP. They had some work done for it on GC. Moving it to PSP should be fairly easy.

Could be. Although it may never actualy come out :p


Will start substantiating his hate

> Bergsala had it a short time in their GCN release list.

Bergsala gets it information from websites like IGN, Gamespot etc.
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