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Fahrenheit 911 receives R rating, Moore appeals.

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talking head said:
A press release said Michael Moore and the film distributors are donating ALL proceeds generated from this movie to charity.
Err, why would a film studio pick up a movie if they're guaranteed to lose millions of dollars? Perhaps Moore is donating his personal income, but I can't see all of the income going to charity.


Hollywood Square
Mike Works said:
Err, why would a film studio pick up a movie if they're guaranteed to lose millions of dollars? Perhaps Moore is donating his personal income, but I can't see all of the income going to charity.

You forgot the fine print, Mike. They're donating all proceeds after the film makes $50 million to charity. And half a cent from every DVD sold goes to Burger King.


Setec Astronomer
To reitterate, there are many details beyond the basic and oversimplified classification of "going to war". These are not trivial either, just as the difference between slapping a sibling with your palm or a baseball bat is not trivial. This kind of simplistic thinking is exactly what I was speaking against earlier.


Hollywood Square
Hitokage said:
To reitterate, there are many details beyond the basic and oversimplified classification of "going to war". These are not trivial either, just as the difference between slapping a sibling with your palm or a baseball bat is not trivial. This kind of simplistic thinking is exactly what I was speaking against earlier.

You're such a terrorist.


Smegging smeg of a smeg!
I got my tickets pre-booked for June 25. :p
I just hope he doesn't resort to hacking up Bush speeches to make him seem like an idiot.


Malakhov said:
Who cares, this movie is nothing more than another nice editing job so Moore can try to shove down his opinions on people too naive to believe eveything they hear and see.

Bowling for Colombine was an edited joke and people gulped it up.

Ah, the great thinker. Tell us, what was BfC about?


Unconfirmed Member
talking head said:
A press release said Michael Moore and the film distributors are donating ALL proceeds generated from this movie to charity.
You do know that I didn't say that. I was quoting the link, which accused MMoore of profiting from the film, then had a fat donate .gif on the front. I thought it was funny.
Okay, so after following the conversation within the preceding 10 posts or so, I've come to the conclusion that thye should dedicate this movie to the loving memory of Trinity.


Hollywood Square
Mike Works said:
Okay, so after following the conversation within the preceding 10 posts or so, I've come to the conclusion that thye should dedicate this movie to the loving memory of Trinity.



Smegging smeg of a smeg!
Geez, that Hardylaw stuff was mostly discredited over a year ago. It's sad watching people floundering in the hatred for someone who isn't even affecting their lives. If Michael Moore sucks so much, stop giving him attention.


Malakhov said:
Who cares, this movie is nothing more than another nice editing job so Moore can try to shove down his opinions on people too naive to believe eveything they hear and see.

Bowling for Colombine was an edited joke and people gulped it up.

Most things are like that dude


every movie is a fucking "nice editing job"*

that's what movies are SUPPOSED TO BE


* except the blair witch project or something, i guess.


Hollywood Square
GG-Duo said:
every movie is a fucking "nice editing job"*

that's what movies are SUPPOSED TO BE


* except the blair witch project or something, i guess.



Ugh. How long, O Lord, how long will this go on? Through November? Afterwards?

These threads always end up reading the same. I suppose it's a testament to the "steadfastness" of the GA OT posters, who square off on opposing sides of issues like mountain goats who have no recourse but to pointlessly slam heads over and over again.

Now I know some of you are joking, but it seems to me that Neocons and we "Durty Libruls" are talking about two different things when we say we "Love America". For the Neocon crowd, it's like they're talking about loving Mommy. Everything Mommy says or does is PERFECT. There is no room for argument! How dare you disparage Mommy's cookies! You Terrorist! For us "Godless Liberals", I'd like to think that when we say we "Love America", we love it sort of like you might love your parents after you've grown up and can gain some perspective on them. I mean, I will always have love for my father, but I can certainly want him to change his views on some things, right? I can wish that he might not be so prejuidiced, that he might learn and become a better person, right?

So which kind of love seems more healthy when applied to a country?


I find it rather interesting that right at the beginning of the trailer, it shows that the movie is going to also carry along the same theme from BfC into Fahrenheit, with the whole keeping Americans afraid idea.

Which is probably why it's fairly easy to discount most people who complain about BfC. Lots of pointing out how it was edited to make certain people look bad, but never seem to comment on the actual theme of the film.


Raoul Duke said:
"Durty Libruls"


Sorry, good post all around. That just made me chuckle.

I really like what this country stands for, I just don't agree with the most of the things it is doing right now... and it's beginning to redefine everything this country is about. I mean, just look at what is happening with this film! Some theatre owners are getting death threats for carring it! Good or bad, this movie represents America's ability to say whatever we believe in, whenever the fuck we want to.


Hitokage said:
Raoul Duke: Somebody's read a certain book, I see. Too bad you misquoted the second half. ;)
Eh, what do you want? I'm drunk as usual and it's late. At least I can still read, though. Soon I will be so drunk God will strike me blind for my shiftlessness and profanity, I am sure. Oh the horror!
Political banter is so amusing.

Though, I do like what Moore is doing, only because I like seeing people "well off" cracking under pressure or doing the ever so famous "Slip away without a word".


Unconfirmed Member
Malakhov said:
I disagree and I point the Alliance in WWII.
Going to war and not going to war and ignore Europe's demise was the only two options available.
As a history major, I'm not going to give you some lengthy explanation or argument. I am simply going to state that you are very, very wrong.

Well, that and the fact that the Allies had just as big a role, if not moreso, in starting that war as the Germans did.
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