You Know Nothing

I know what book I'm reading next. And y'all need to get into the original trilogy. It's kind of A Song of Ice and Fire-esque, but it actually has an ending!
Chiragchirag78's drop to just 8 followers has me rolling.
Whoever or whatever that was.
What's YA?After going through Goodreads best of 2014 lists, I now have like 33 books on my to read list.
Mostly fantasy, sci fi, YA, and/or a combination thereof. RIP.
Goddamn, Person of Interest is ON FIRE.
The final three episodes of the season are going to end lives.
Well, I'd lose all my subscribers, even though I've never uploaded a single video on my account.Are spam accounts on Youtube still a thing? I wonder what would happen if Google removed those...![]()
Party hour is so far away =(
Should I buy it? i bought it as a present for a friend back on black friday, but I also know that she wants AC Unity, but I don't know if she bought it already. Should I just take a chance and buy AC Unity for her and keep Shadows of Mordor and hope that she hasn't bought AC Unity for herself? Or should I buy a 2nd copy of Shadows of Mordor and keep one?
A war might start
Because of a fucking Seth Rogen film
What the fuck
A war might start
Because of a fucking Seth Rogen film
What the fuck
If that would happen, I would love to read the history books in fifty years.
But nothing that major will happen. It's all just North Korea blustering like petulant children like they always do. The best thing to do is not pay attention to them.
North Korea denied long ago being involved.
The hackers also stated they wouldn't be releasing any more stolen info now that the movie's release has been scrapped.
Boo, I wanted to see more Hollywood execs being absolutely horrendous people.
Why don't you ask her if she bought Unity?
Also how does talking to new people work I don't get it :c
Clooney's a fucking dood
Also how does talking to new people work I don't get it :c
No wonder I felt all awkward, I only cut my left hands finger nails!!!!
Shame you caught it. If only you'd gone out like that. People would probably think you were trying to be "unique."
In my days, we used to call it getting "wasted" but rekt? Kids these days... >.>
You're late. I'm already drunk on some Californian brew today. (Fetzer)Okay, I lied about being sober this weekend. I'm totally getting #rekt on wine tomorrow night.
If this is what you want, I'll be happy for you.If this actually goes through I leave on the 29th
Send me post cards y'all
If this is what you want, I'll be happy for you.
What will you do there though, I know that you will not fly, so what else is there to do?
I really like the character / world design in Shadow of Mordor. Still have to play it though. I wonder if a friend of mine already has bought it.
Apropos Tolkien, the third Hobbit movie is already here and I have passed watching every single one of them. After starting my binge sesssion of Sherlock two days ago and being really impressed with Martin Freeman in the role of Watson I might give it a try. He was also decent in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy but that wasn't enough to convince me of his worth as the main character of such a huge series of films. Sherlock did though.
Intelligence, so what's that? FBI kinda stuff? I cannot really imagine it so please apologize my ignorance that I had towards anything military / navy / whatever.I want to do intelligence
dont actually send me postcards that would be creepy
The TV series you mean? Okay, will do!Check out Fargo. Freeman does a great job in that one and plays a VERY different character from the one you're used to him doing.