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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 090

Alliance territory back then, but this is not the first time a peaceful demonstration has turned into bloodshed. Reuenthal should be more conscientious of what happens when you bring military forces into such movements. At the very least he should have forbid them from carrying any kind of firearm so that "accidents" like this one do not occur anymore. Neue Land has become a time bomb.

The rest of the episode deals with the luvs and giggles of Julian and Katerose, in a rather desperate attempt to give the latter some characterisation. And speaking of things I don't buy, the Terraists' depiction of a shady underground organisation with universal domination ambitions is the one element of LotGH that I cannot give any excuse for. It's comically cliché and goes against the message of the show that wars are rarely fought between good and evil. It might not have bothered me in a lesser cartoon, but here their inclusion is forced and out of place with the semblance of realism the rest of the narrative imprints on Galactic history (in before the Illuminati conspiracy nutheads).
It's not like Shaft is completely devoid of integrity
How about:







And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Damn i enjoy the manga and i need to watch the anime ..the more i wait the more episodes it'll be .... what is the current arc on the fairy tail anime ?
are teh fairy tail anime fillers , good ?

Ixion Saga DT - 02


Now I see Kintama in this show.

Much improved from the first episode, I was a lot more entertained with this episode than the first, more like this please.

The ED was very :DTL.
i wonder what's going on with this show ...first the army uniforms, then the maid identity , and now the ep2 running joke and finally the ED.... Are the creators of this anime trying to tell me something ?
My little Monster 1-3

I really recommend watching this, but as I am probably the last person in this thread who watched it.
Although Haru's behaviour really bothered me at first.
It's not like Shaft is completely devoid of integrity or creativity or something.

They may not be completely devoid of creativity, but one thing they certainly are devoid of is sensible production scheduling.

I mean, Madoka exists in the first place after all. I just wonder if someone decided they wanted to make a sequel movie and suddenly it became a damn trilogy... because that's what people do nowdays.

I can tell you the exact thought process that went into making this.

Aniplex: "Dang, we've got ourselves a hot, hot property on our hands. We've got to do everything we can to keep this cash train rolling as long as possible. What can you whip us up real quick, Shaft?"

Shaft: "I guess we can slap together a recap movie."

Aniplex: "Sold! Better make it two recap movies so we can take advantage of every bit of TV footage. Now what extra incentive can we throw in to sweeten the pot and get more people into the seats?"

Shaft: "Well, why don't we promise a third movie down the road with some sequel stuff? We'll make some changes to the TV events to set that up and everyone will want to come to see that."

Aniplex: "Excellent. Get to work."

(Several months later.)

Shaft: "Shit, these movies is supposed to come out next month and we haven't done jack squat. Better slap together some new backgrounds and get that thing out there. Oh, I guess we were supposed to make some changes or something. Well, can't bother with that now."

"Third movie? Ha ha ha, if we can't manage to get Kizu out, we're not going to be getting another movie out in any of your lifetimes."

It wasn't the dialog, just the politics and macro-nature of the battles. Even if you take out all the boring Reinhart and... blonde guy political stuff, the battles themselves were just dry because a) everything exists on a 2d plane or ships fire from the front and b) everyone has a billion ships, so you're pretty much seeing guys playing Starcraft 2 instead of seeing people captaining their ships.

I'm sure it's fine, but I just wanted to see something that was... well, like some of the things I listed in a reply to Jex (I believe) earlier. Beggars can't be choosers when it comes to syfy, especially stuff set in space, but even so.

There's a lot of anachronism in the society and combat of LoGH, so I can see how that would be offputting if you're looking for more "hard" sci-fi.

Thinking about your statements in the past, would it be fair to say that you're looking for "A crew of a spaceship does badass things"?


Madoka, and Studio SHAFT by proxy, seems to be a "love it or hate it" kind of deal. It/they either saved anime or ruined it forever. No middle ground.


A Good Citizen
Madoka, and Studio SHAFT by proxy, seems to be a "love it or hate it" kind of deal. It/they either saved anime or ruined it forever. No middle ground.
Well, that's easy to explain.

You can either tolerate questionably directed shows with nearly entirely poor animation and downright missing pieces at times or you can't.
pizzaroll don't make me feel sad about Madoka right now, I'm going to see the movie tonight.
You'll feel sadder when you see it.
If there's anything AnimeGAF likes, it's pounding the SHAFT all afternoon until things reach a climax, then feeling vaguely embarassed, stopping, and not doing it again for a few days.

prime example of circle-jerking.

not saying you can't criticise Madoka but that's kind of weak.
Deadman Wonderland 2-12 (end)

At the end of the day DW was good for action but a bit lacking in the plot and characters department. The action was really nice and flashy once things got moving. I think some moments just always looked odd though
whenever Ganta bit his finger, it just always looked weird everytime
. Really bloody and gorey that I could have done without but it was a part of the concept so it just had to be done. Best moments for it was always with Crow and whenever
Ganta Bullet mach 2 or whatever was used

Where the plot faltered for me was just lots of unresolved points in the end, an unsatisfying conclusion, if one can even call it that, and tons of characters being tossed aside. I would have liked to know more on my favorite character, the good brother Yoh, as well as more on Toto, who could have got an action scene, which I assume comes later in the source material?

Unfortunately, it didnt leave me in a mood to even want to consider the manga so I guess Im just left wondering about some points and if they were addressed. Specifically I guess I just want to know what the ending comment was in reference to
Ganta said the Red Man also knew the song that Shiro was singing, I guess she is Red Man? Furthermore even if they were to escape from their plan, they never once addressed how they'd pop their collars, so I always felt their plan was just broken from the start

I did think it was a enjoyable and suspenseful experience, one that at least kept me watching 11 of the episodes in a row not finishing until around 6 am, so for that it worked, but the plot and characters stuff could have used worked while the action and music was solid. Im left baffled how people could actually have this as their favorite anime (1195) or even say its a 10/10 anime, but it is what it is. Funidub was great and a good stream on their site, but I doubt I will go out and buy this if it is ever actually released on Blu ray here. 5/10


In ep 1 she was inconsolable and it was her crying that saved her.

Know I'm late to this (went to bed), but wasn't there one time where some
dentist monster who was about to go all Marathon Man on Usagi's and Chibi-Usa's mouths, and it was their screaming at the prospect of it that broke the windows and got them out of it somehow?
It was in SuperS, can't remember the number.

Edit: Nothing to do with my post, but apparently From the New World 4 is rad. Can't wait!


Know I'm late to this (went to bed), but wasn't there one time where some
dentist monster who was about to go all Marathon Man on Usagi's and Chibi-Usa's mouths, and it was their screaming at the prospect of it that broke the windows and got them out of it somehow?
It was in SuperS, can't remember the number.

Edit: Nothing to do with my post, but apparently From the New World 4 is rad. Can't wait!

That's correct, that happened in Episode 26 of SuperS or Episode 153 total. Actually
Usagi and Chibiusa not only cracked the aquarium glass but caused the whole building to shake and crack. This is an actual attack as well but rarely used as it's more involuntary. In the very first episode and in this one you'll notice the jewel pieces on the girls odango will actually start to glow and flash, I think amplifying their screams.


That's correct, that happened in Episode 26 of SuperS or Episode 153 total. Actually
Usagi and Chibiusa not only cracked the aquarium glass but caused the whole building to shake and crack. This is an actual attack as well but rarely used as it's more involuntary. In the very first episode and in this one you'll notice the jewel pieces on the girls odango will actually start to glow and flash, I think amplifying their screams.

Oh right, I forgot
there was an aquarium there. Didn't realize that was an actual attack though.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 090

And speaking of things I don't buy, the Terraists' depiction of a shady underground organisation with universal domination ambitions is the one element of LotGH that I cannot give any excuse for. It's comically cliché and goes against the message of the show that wars are rarely fought between good and evil. It might not have bothered me in a lesser cartoon, but here their inclusion is forced and out of place with the semblance of realism the rest of the narratives imprints on Galactic history (in before the Illuminati conspiracy nutheads).

I agree with this. The treatment of the Earth Cult, and by proxy religion in general, is sadly shallow and caricatured. It's the main problem that keeps me from agreeing with the people who call this the "best anime ever".
Madoka, and Studio SHAFT by proxy, seems to be a "love it or hate it" kind of deal. It/they either saved anime or ruined it forever. No middle ground.

Only if you're not a sensible person, which unfortunately applies to far too many people on the Internet. The proper position is to understand that Shaft has really problematic production methods and a studio style which is easy to be abused by those who lack skill, but at the same time they have a few really talented people working there. Sometimes they end up making a great product (e.g., Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru), sometimes they don't. No need to polarize the issue.
Aoi Sekai no Chuushin de 1

Gotta go fast!? I wish Gear would have stated the line however, I really liked his role and just everything about him, even his devotion to Til. I think its a kind of enjoyable start however all the kind of pervy moments just always feel out of place and one was just plain awkward
After Gear and Opal have their match she suddenly has that weird thought of him touching all over her...Gear doesnt even seem like the type of character into that. And then all those "
. Then theres all those "stick it in" lines.

Though imagine a world in which Ninteldo does have like 90% of the Consume...Poor Segua Kingdom. Good luck.


Psycho Pass 2

I find myself pausing a bunch just to take in how fuckin awesome the future is. When you get friggin augmented reality clothes and living areas, you know you're living in an awesome time.

While that technology is theoretically pretty cool the way it's implemented in the world of Psycho Pass suggests that it's basically being used to cover up the reality of the world that the characters live in. Akane may have the illusion of living in a nice apartment, but her room is actually cold, sterile and unpleasant. It's a thin veneer on the top of a society whose order is maintained by literal thought police which certainly isn't a very attractive world to live in. It's not meant to be a future you'd want to inhabit.


Request: Can we avoid using gifs which could give people headaches please? I'm getting somewhat nauseous just looking at that gif on loop. :(


[Blast of Tempest] - 2

OkadaXShakespeare may the greatest writing combination in the history of anime.

Also, this episode still looks really despite the material being utter garbage. I wish BONES was making JoJo's but sadly that's not the world we live in.


LotGH is less a military show (even if it has incredible space battles) and more a pseudo-historical recount of the greatest (fictional) autocracy ever.

See, firehawk was warned a day ago about the real truth and yet still he laboured under a false impression of the show, somehow.


Since people are talking about LoGH: would one watch Overture and then start with episode 1? Or skip ahead? Because I heard the movie contains the first few episodes but expanded, or something.


Also, if I have to live in a hologram filled future let it be the Macross one:


Since people are talking about LoGH: would one watch Overture and then start with episode 1? Or skip ahead? Because I heard the movie contains the first few episodes but expanded, or something.

Watch Oveture then go straight to the third episode. There's no need to watch the original two episodes.


Waiting for NeraGaku to start. Was sat with BluWacky until some really tall gent came and sat right infront of me. Relocation seemed rather sensible. In the mean time...

Berserk Movie 2 - better than the first movie in terms of content, though no less CG-tastic. For those who're familiar with the material, it goes up to
Griffith being imprisioned for treason

It's a Berserk-ass Berserk movie, though.
Why do people suggest skipping My Conquest Is the Sea of Stars? I started with that, and seeing as it was the first thing animated and it comes first chronologically, it seems like the best place to start.
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