In terms of trends, anime's locked into a 15-year and 30-year cycle now; that's about how long it takes to go from impressionable little kid to animator, and about how many years in the industry it takes before animators get enough seniority to be put in charge of original projects.
This isn't a hard and fast rule, but it can definitely be applied to Gundam kids/Eva teens making Madoka, and to Go Nagai kids/Gundam teens making Eva. I fully expect the next huge original hit in 2025ish, and to be some kind of delayed response in that conversation.
Well, I mean that we're in the Haremshit Generation now. But we just don't understand it because we're living in it. The guy who makes something awesome in 2025 will be the one who takes Haremshit tropes and thinks of a new way to pander to creepy otaku that doesn't involve making the girl
wet her panties blush in a close up. I genuinely look forward to how they'll visually pander to the next generation of nerds - especially since as we go on, our standards about sex and pornography go through radical shifts.
Heck, if tweens are having sex now, maybe sex will be totally naturalized by the time we get to 2025-2030 and all the shame bullshit connected to sexuality that arises out of (religious) socialization will be a thing of the past. At that point, the idea of the "virgin blush" might actually have no meaning any more.
(Or I suppose we could go in the opposite direction and become more puritan and even the concept of finger-sex is going to be seen as too risque for television).
Um, I probably shouldn't ask this for my own sake, but... for those of you who've enjoyed reading my School Days impressions, what other shows do you think you'd enjoy reading my impressions for?
Why would you do this to yourself?
I was just going to ask the same thing. lol
Don't watch shit because people tell you to do it!
I'm not saying it's good writing, but in the context of anime writing it's not as vomit inducing as it would be in, say, literature.
Ah, anime standards. Go figure.