If you don't know what :kayos is you understand what :kayos is.
Wait. What?
If you don't know what :kayos is you understand what :kayos is.
I don't think I want to see the kind of doujins that some of you guys read.We should show GAF what anime is really all about by spamming the rest of this thread with doujins and moe.
Wait. What?
I don't think I want to see the kind of doujins that some of you guys read.
If you don't know what :kayos is you understand what :kayos is.
Don't worry the second is so well hidden you won't know untill it's too lateFuuuuuu-
We should show GAF what anime is really all about by spamming the rest of this thread with doujins and moe.
Let's have an 80s night and post lolicon.We should show GAF what anime is really all about by spamming the rest of this thread with doujins and moe.
We should show GAF what anime is really all about by spamming the rest of this thread with doujins and moe.
pretty sure its 4:3, its the only problem im having with the show.
in close ups so much of the faces are off screen.
never had this problem before.
Also took photoshopping in the eyepatch.
Wait. What?
wait ..what ???
now you've confused me
The war isn't over yet.I think that the rest of GAF has already made up its mind on what anime is really all about.
What's an anthro?
Who's Kayos?
I don't get it.
This is confusing...
Truly the most sensible course of action.
er... I mean, wait what?
Why are you all writing kayos?
The war isn't over yet.
I don't think I want to see the kind of doujins that some of you guys read.
Don't judge me man. I'm pretty damn pure compared to some of the IRC.
I think AnimeGAF's favorite doujin is Atsui Hi Daradara.
Don't judge me man. I'm pretty damn pure compared to some of the IRC.
So does SAO know the players exact dick size?
I'm not sure if I'd want my video games knowing that.
I bet there are hackers in SAO who put 99999 for their dick size stat.
I wonder if SAO cut down on teen pregnancies in the future.
If the SAO game can kill you, why can't you get other players pregnant too?
I think AnimeGAF's favorite doujin is Atsui Hi Daradara.
The evidence refutes that!
Don't deny you don't like it.
This episode was adapted well .. what was that transformation scene, yui ? Well no matter ...![]()
Ah ah ah ah A beginner with mastered skills and random Upped stats this can only end well ..
Maybe that's your shtick!Don't give anyone any ideas! I like not having an identifiable shtick![]()
Haha, of course it is!SONO YUME DAKE WA
(hey, I'm sure it's SOMEONE'S fantasy...)
I'm good at asking obnoxious questions, and kayos wanted the rest of the thread to be about SAO.
I was only trying to help.
I know Dulce Report is pretty popular around these parts.
Well then.Tadashi Momose is the 13th resource for the antagonists, and his symbiosis is six thousand years in the making. Now known as "Momoe," he has been transformed by aliens and an unknown organization against his will. He merged with an alien life form having changing him into a hermaphrodite with both sexual organs. His semen is capable of infiltrating the human consciousness and turn them into worker bees that serve their master. If desired, a parasite can be sent into a host to recruit help, such as Midori and Yuki and even the class president.
You are so moe when you're being paranoid about GAF's perception of anime posters.We're not all permabanned on the pretense of being pedophilia apologists yet, so I suppose that much is true for now.
I admit to nothing.
Hard to call it paranoia at this point.You are so moe when you're being paranoid about GAF's perception of anime posters.
I should get back into making gifs again.
Sure, we believe you.
Wait a sec.
Silica and imouto are like the complete opposites.
One got boobs and is a master kendo thingy, and while another is just pedo bait.
But I guess kirito also freaking having a flashback about last eps and still decided to pick his goddamn handle from before leads me to believe kirito logic... is not human logic.
what the heck is this gif ? ( where does it comes from ? )
I should get back into making gifs again.
Hard to call it paranoia at this point.
What in the actual FUCK is going on in this thread.
Madoka movie 1 was good. Waiting during the intermission for part 2 now.
It's a classic tale of finding love by removing girls from their humanity.I know Dulce Report is pretty popular around these parts.
Baseless fear?
Photoshop and Jasc animation shop 3 is your friend.
Teach me your ways!
Madoka spoilers~We read doujins with explicit golf club action.
I don't think those people are in the majority, and even so, they probably don't feel as strongly as their posts suggest. Internet hyperbole and whatnots.Need I point you back to the Zel thread or the Parish thread?
Loool .it's popular near there ?I know Dulce Report is pretty popular around these parts.
It's a classic tale of finding love by removing them from their humanity.
Jesus christ, Billie. What in the nine hells happened to your avatar?
Also, lay off on Billiechu. I made the av as a bit of a joke and she's having fun with it. It's like you guys have never seen an anthro av in this thread before.
Don't worry the second is so well hidden you won't know untill it's too late
If the SAO game can kill you, why can't you get other players pregnant too?
Sounds expensive.
The movie is good, but it would help if the audience would stop breaking into stupid bouts of laughter at every single little joke.
School Days 12