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Fall 2013 Anime |OT| When is Crunchyroll coming to GTA Online?

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For what it's worth, Wolf Children was by and far my favorite film of 2012. Bought the BD the day it came out even though I haven't even popped it in.

Also to answer the other question: no, my life has not yet been adapted into a shoujo manga.

Give it time.


Wolf Children is like a lot of Oscar-bait movies for me: I recognize the craftsmanship, appreciate the talent and I would say that it is a good movie. However, there are still plenty of other works of fiction I enjoyed more and if I was going to vote on some arbitrary online poll that in the grand scheme of things doesn't really mean anything, it would get few to no votes.

Mom was the best character in that movie by far. <3<3 the Mom. Ame grew up to be a little shit though and Yuki kind of got "defanged" half way through the movie :/


Revolutionary Girl Utena 01

Man, this show is such a rip-off of Kill La Kill, but without all the cool action and fanservice.
How many people got aneurysms from that sentence? :p

Okay for serious, this was a very good first episode. I already like Utena and man is Saionji an asshole. Also some really nice composition here, I love the use of silhouettes and shadows in a lot of the shots, as well as the general surreal atmosphere. I'm not normally a fan of the typical shojo art style, but I don't particularly mind it here, even if the men are a bit silly looking with their colorful flowing hair. I like Utena's design, bright pink hair and all.


Valvrave the Liberator S2 4

So I think my theory of
death in a body-jacked body
will probably end up being used if
she woke up in that body

Wow, okay, Valvrave. I wasn't expecting that. Good game.

Another poster with CorvoSol episode titling disease :(

We must stop it before it spreads.


FINALLY some updates on the Witch Craft Works anime that was announced almost a year ago... and it seems it'll be airing in January 2014 as well!


Director and Series Composition: Tsutomu Mizushima
Screenplay: Tsutomu Mizushima and Michiko Yokote
Character Design: Yukie Hiyamizu
Animation Production: J.C.Staff

The director is the only reason I have interest in this.

Also people think the manga is good? On what planet? It's crappy wish fulfillment at best.


Setec Astronomer
Revolutionary Girl Utena 01

Man, this show is such a rip-off of Kill La Kill, but without all the cool action and fanservice.
How many people got aneurysms from that sentence? :p

Okay for serious, this was a very good first episode. I already like Utena and man is Saionji an asshole. Also some really nice composition here, I love the use of silhouettes and shadows in a lot of the shots, as well as the general surreal atmosphere. I'm not normally a fan of the typical shojo art style, but I don't particularly mind it here, even if the men are a bit silly looking with their colorful flowing hair. I like Utena's design, bright pink hair and all.
Oh, Utena doesn't lack for fanservice.
Zetsubo Sensei, what the fuck is going on. I can't stop watching, but this abstract humor. Jesus. It's killing me. It's like if Picasso did Nichijou.

I still need to finish up Zan, but, as I said before, it's kind of weak in terms of direction and animation, as Shaft and Shinbo were doing Bakemonogatari at the time. Plus, Hiroshi Kamiya was in the starring role of both.

Be sure to watch Goku after Zoku (unless you already are). Goku has OP sequences done by the same team who designed the witches and the witches' lairs in Madoka, Gekidan Inu Curry. Plus, it's just nuts (although I'm pretty sure my favorite bit in the entire franchise is the one with "Commodore Perry" in the first episode of Zoku).

There's actually part of an episode of Zan that was animated by Gekidan Inu Curry, and that was possibly the best part of Zan so far. Not that that's hard to do or anything. The material's still good, but everything else is kinda phoned in.


Also people think the manga is good? On what planet?

Good question!

It's crappy wish fulfillment at best.

wish fulfillment

Oh. This planet. :(





Wolf Children would have been a pretty alright movie had it not been for Ame being a total fuckhat (yes, I'm still mad about that ending).

Freals, though, Ame was an asshat and I hate him.

For what it's worth, Wolf Children was by and far my favorite film of 2012. Bought the BD the day it came out even though I haven't even popped it in.

Also to answer the other question: no, my life has not yet been adapted into a shoujo manga.

Give it time.

Ten years till it gets localized.

Another poster with CorvoSol episode titling disease :(

We must stop it before it spreads.

My contribution to science at last.
Okay, good, somebody finally freed the first Witch Craft Works PV from its region-locked Bandai Channel shackles. The original source video was fairly low-quality anyway, though.


edit: also, the website seems to have some voice sample conversations between Takamiya (newbie seiyuu Yuusuke Kobayashi), Kagari (Asami Seto), and Kasumi (Ai Kayano).

I expected more from JC Saff.

This looks pretty skippable to me.
Revolutionary Girl Utena 01

Man, this show is such a rip-off of Kill La Kill, but without all the cool action and fanservice.
How many people got aneurysms from that sentence? :p

Okay for serious, this was a very good first episode. I already like Utena and man is Saionji an asshole. Also some really nice composition here, I love the use of silhouettes and shadows in a lot of the shots, as well as the general surreal atmosphere. I'm not normally a fan of the typical shojo art style, but I don't particularly mind it here, even if the men are a bit silly looking with their colorful flowing hair. I like Utena's design, bright pink hair and all.

Love seeing impressions on Older series.

Utena is very enjoyable. The animation was great for back then, and it's Ikuhara being Ikuhara. Enjoy the ride!
In the end, only Novid can save you all.

I only got to see the tail end of Novid. All I remember is some weird Crunchyroll conspiracy stuff and occasionally namedropping, of all people, Slavoj Zizek (although I'm a fan, I was very surprised to see his name mentioned in an anime thread).

Was he always like that?


I just read the premise. It sound really bad.

It sound even worse than High School DxD, if that's even possible.

Nah it's not worse than DxD. It's just painfully boring and utterly drab in all manners of execution and interest. You get the usual shit like the sister romance interest along with other crap that is generic as fuck.


Setec Astronomer
I only got to see the tail end of Novid. All I remember is some weird Crunchyroll conspiracy stuff and occasionally namedropping, of all people, Slavoj Zizek (although I'm a fan, I was very surprised to see his name mentioned in an anime thread).

Was he always like that?
Haha, he would concoct theories about much more.


You know, I just realised that two of the anime episodes I watched this evening made references to the "Yaranaika" manga. NouCome used the "Yaranaika" quote itself, while Outbreak Company referenced the "guy who will even eat up straight men" line.

Truly Kusomiso Technique is one of the great influential literary works of our time.


Key character visuals for the Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha. anime that starts in January:


More at the link, including character expressions.

Niiice. Thanks for the info. WIll keep an eye on it.

So looking at all these Samumenco reviews... Am I the only person who didn't really like Mari? I think it's mainly a lack of development (they should've had her have a few bits in the last few episodes so her showing up as a heroine felt a little less contrived and her personality was a bit less grating), but as it is I have the same issue I do with Jijo: She doesn't have much development and her personality as it is kind of grating. I assume this'll be addressed in future episodes, but she didn't do much for me in this one.

Also might be nice to have a female character who's not domineering and constantly pushing Masayoshi around sometime? Just a suggestion.

Man. I love Mari. Shes so adorable being
Flamenco girl
Shes so happy and optimistic and stuff. I love genkis.

FINALLY some updates on the Witch Craft Works anime that was announced almost a year ago... and it seems it'll be airing in January 2014 as well!


Director and Series Composition: Tsutomu Mizushima
Screenplay: Tsutomu Mizushima and Michiko Yokote
Character Design: Yukie Hiyamizu
Animation Production: J.C.Staff

Oh my this is even more promising. I love cute witches.

Rakugo isn't stand-up, because they don't stand up! xp

Hmm. Great point there. Though sometimes they did lol.


When it comes to Wolf Children, it should be pretty clear where I stand. It's still the anime to beat on my list.

The Up and Wall-E opening montages got a ton of praise but I think the initial montage and the growing up montage in Wolf Children has them beat.

I wouldn't go this far, though. That Up montage is really impressive. Too bad the rest of the movie doesn't come close to matching it.

Yeah, at least in Gurren Lagann all the dumb fanservicy bits were really kept in the earlier episodes of the show and really didn't have any real bearing on the storyline and the feel of the show.

Here in KLK and back in P&S that stuff became the crux of the show. I'm not really a fan of that.

But... we're in the early episodes of KLK. We're barely 20% through the entire series. There are a lot of different directions it can go from here.

It's kind of funny how people were lamenting a return to "club of the week" after episode 3's fight, when episode 4 and 5 have been nothing like "club of the week" episodes 1 and 2. Disliking the direction is fine, but it's way too early to make calls on the pacing.


Revolutionary Girl Utena 02


What is this song about

Sooo what was the deal with
the giant roses censoring some bits in the battle? Also the part where the prince came out of the phantom castle to lend a hand. That too.

Mascot character acquired! Also the shadow Greek chorus people are creepy. I like how they foreshadowed the ending of the episode.

This episode was slightly repetative with green-haired asshole again, but it was still enjoyable.

Also, people saying there was only fanservice in the beginning of Gurren Lagann must not have been paying attention to Yoko's space suit. They dialed up the fanservice a bit ridiculously in that last arc, maybe they realized it was missing since
Yoko wasn't around


When it comes to Wolf Children, it should be pretty clear where I stand. It's still the anime to beat on my list.

I wouldn't go this far, though. That Up montage is really impressive. Too bad the rest of the movie doesn't come close to matching it.

The classroom montage is really creative and impressed me quite a bit. It achieved in a minute or so what some lesser movies would take half the movie to explain. And yeah, as you said, the Up montage is bogged down by the hour and a half of fluff that came after it.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I thought Up was one of Pixars best animated shorts.


What if that's actually Koko's less crazy (evil?) twin Coco?

I would be perfectly ok with two Kokos :D

Kill la Kill


Galilei Donna

White Album 2

Yozakura Quartet

Kyoukai no Kanata


Golden Time

These are amazing. Keep it up!

I hope she dies soon.


IS 2 5


prez is the best as always though.

Oh my god yes. and so much more!
I was saying to myself I'd probably die if Tatenashi wore cat ears. and then...

Its on Hulu

Its also on bluray from, NISA.

IS S2 5


1. Maid
2. Cat
3. Fox
4. Poodle
5. Black Bunny
6. Eng Bunny

I didn't see that ending coming though.

I still rank them:

1. Poodle
2. Cat
3. Bunny Black
4. Fox
5. Maid
6, English Bunny

Charles still da best. Tatenashi is gunning for a serious second.
Well, I actually got around to watching KLK 3-5 and yeah I'm sorry for making early judgments.

This show is progressing excellently. I wouldn't do it any other way.

  • Kill la Kill 03-05
I didn't think it was possible for them to make me like Mako even more.

Episode 3 was the kind of blood pumping action that I have been dying for since watching Gurren Lagann. I just can't even imagine how insane epic the final fights are going to be, just going off how amazing the ones in these early episodes have been.

I think my fear of unwarranted raunchyness in KLK has subsided thanks to episode 3. I feel a lot more comfortable watching Ryuko (and other characters) get in their birthday suits; because THEY are comfortable in the buff. I like that.

Episode 4 clearly had some lower animation going on, but I really think it worked to the episode's benefit here. Was Gurren Lagann Ep. 4 the same one with different animation that everyone hated? lol that would be an interesting coincidence.

Episode 5 introducing characters and third parties left and right! That's how worldbuilding is done.
Mako mentioning she never had friends besides the ones in her head make me think if that's some kind of foreshadowing. Eh, I have no idea.


I was thinking of watching Hyouka but I forgot nobody is streaming it. Oh well, probably would have dropped it anyway.

Probably so.

No prob, and thanks.

I know, it still hurts everytime I look up sales numbers on it.

I know. I wish they would at least license it and release it stateside. Hopefully eventually...

Correct. Its the adorable Amano Touko from Bungaku Shoujo. It has a movie and some OVA out but its mostly a LN only series. The LN art is excellent but doesn't make for a good avatar.

I figured it was her. She is a cutie.

"movie that nobody knows about" vs "loli pedoshit" vs "fanservice garbage". NONE of them will win AotY.

You're probably right lol.

And here I was hanging out with friends, it'll be the last time!

Tall dominant girls, UNF UNF etc.

Let that be a lesson to you. No socializing on anime day!
You might miss the fuwafuwa of the week/month/year
The Curse of Kazuo Umezu
While I commend it for putting a lot of focus on the build up of each story, I didn't particularly find either story that interesting or tense. The first story was a bit better in this case since I like looking at it as
the lead girl having some inner monster that tries to take control of her body after she gets a glimpse of the beautiful new transfer student, which could also be interpreted as her jealousy of a new, good looking girl that's getting all of the attention
. The climax of each story was where this OVA shined. Both delved into some body horror with plenty of creepy imagery that was lacking to a degree for me in the earlier scenes. These finales were what made up for the rather boringly directed setups of each story. Not a bad way to spend 40 minutes, but it made me long for more body horror anime. RIP Pupa :(

Le Portrait De Petite Cossette
I'm hardly experienced with Shinbo's work, but going by clips and screenshots of the Monogatari series, his hands are all over this when looking at the color work and layouts. If there's one thing this OVA series has going forward it, it's never boring to look at. There's a lot of odd placing of the characters in a frame (some more deliberate in its symbolism and some not), which I actually did like as the wide shots here present a nice sense of space for the few recurring locations. Plus, some shots like that gave off an eerie vibe as
the metal chains became more prevalent as the story progressed and were placed in the foreground of a frame frequently
. There were a few instances in each episode where a closeup of a character would cut off a portion of their head in awkward ways, though. But those instances were few and far between. Also, Shinbo seems to really love stained glass windows and focusing on certain colors like yellow and red.

The actual story of the OVAs became a bit incomprehensible for me at times, though I think I understood the gist of it and found it to be pretty compelling. I was far more intrigued by Eiri's doomed love for Cossette and it causing him to lose his grip on reality rather than him hunting down these cursed items for her. The latter seemed like it was more haphazardly placed in the story. And I'm sure some symbolism and themes went over my head, which I'm okay with; although, the final act did feel muddled to me. I like tackling challenging works like this so I did find some enjoyment out of Le Portrait De Petite Cossette even if it didn't all come together for me as much as I would have liked. I just wish I didn't get stuck seeing the dub for this.


Kill La Kill 5

Every week I think there's no way I'll enjoy KLK more than GBF but every week KLK is so awesome.

Look who we have here out of those twitter realms! Welcome back. :)

It's only because I missed you /XX/ and you never post on twitter!


Samurai Flamenco - 05

This episode are so silly LOL. Not sure what to think about Mari yet, on one side her cartoonish trait are entertaining, but also quite annoying lol

Anyway, fun episode.. although I'm not quite sure too with how the story developed.


I posted about this in more detail elsewhere but basically I think Imaishi's sense of humor is puerile, the writing is dumb and it's not what I'm looking for in anime. He directs his shows as if his audience is 13-year-old boys with short attention spans who just entered puberty.

Its nothing new in terms of the style that Gainax has successfully used countless times. This style of over the top craziness has its place and several fun classic shows have been done this way. The way you are describing the show and its audience might actually be a bit offensive.

Date A Live wins for me


Date a Live is stupid and fun. Im happy now the figurines are starting to get made.

Samurai Flamenco 4

Wow, Mari is one crazy-ass girl. Nice staff she's got there though. Still, gotta feel sorry for Masayoshi. Keep trying Masayoshi! Don't let her steal all your thunder! You're still cool when you parry punches like a boss!

...lol uniform.

Yes she is! I love Mari so much.

As much as I like Valvrave, no part of it has brought the same level of joy as the snow scene in Wolf Children. Now that is a perfect marriage of music and visuals.

That really is an impressive scene. I cant wait to watch this movie.


Kill La Kill 5

Every week I think there's no way I'll enjoy KLK more than GBF but every week KLK is so awesome.

It's only because I missed you /XX/ and you never post on twitter!

yet, GBF will still be the better series because KLK didn't have GYAN in its first episode.


Its nothing new in terms of the style that Gainax has successfully used countless times. This style of over the top craziness has its place and several fun classic shows have been done this way. The way you are describing the show and its audience might actually be a bit offensive.

Gainax =/ Imaishi

Even then, there are vastly different levels of Imaishi. FLCL and TTGL are much different on a lot of levels compared to PS&G or KLK.

The later two are somewhat childish compared to the former two. It's not the end of the world and for me it's not that big of a deal.


I posted about this in more detail elsewhere but basically I think Imaishi's sense of humor is puerile, the writing is dumb and it's not what I'm looking for in anime. He directs his shows as if his audience is 13-year-old boys with short attention spans who just entered puberty.

Thought you were talking about every LN adaptation ever. Took me a while to figure it was about KlK.
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