What we got
What we could've got
Maybe the formula for a good show is hidden in MC's fluffy hair.
I was approaching that from the opposite angle. The question I wanted to ask was "If a series has a largely/mostly female cast, why does the Western fandom automatically write it off?" (Like K-ON! becoming a scapegoat for the menace of "moe", even though there's one or two series like that per season, at best, when there's 20-40 shows every season. It's such a small number.) I know there are some series that are well-liked, but things like Madoka (violence/darkness) and Sabagebu (equally violent) come to mind - things that take on the values they're looking for, instead of being looked at on their own merits.
Yeah see, that's my problem. Why do the "nice, happy-go-lucky, slice-of-life" anime always have the main group involve girls only? Is there some kind of law in Japan where if you have an anime where one boy enters a group of four or more girls it immediately has to engorge itself with harem antics, love triangles, and melodrama?
Seriously, is there no show out there where one guy interacts with a group of girls and they just do nice things a la K-ON! or Non Non Biyori with no real story or drama whatsoever?
Shin Sekai Yori 18
Oh look it's a "shit gets real and goes down" episode. And a great one at that.
I'm sure that Yokomaru, being the sleazy weasel that he is, has more aces up his sleeve than he showed here but even taking that into account, it's hard to imagine him going up against the power that was at display in this episode.
I'm actually kind of happy that Maria and the guy no one gives a shit about seem to have bit the bullet. That would save me from the tear inducing Saki&Maria reunion. Though with Squealer having a Cantus user among his ranks, that option seem to not be out of the table yet. (Especially given the large amount of time they spend on Maria.)
Also, no idea what the hell is the deal with the naked magic lady popping up out of nowhere again. So much stuff happened since the 4th episode that I thought they dropped that particular plot point.
Chaika AB - 10 [End]
It finally happened!
I liked most of the episode, but man was this an anti climatic way to beat Gaz. It all happened so fast in the end, this should have started 2 episodes ago, and give the ending more time.
Gaz just kinda went down like a bitch without much of a climax for this villain that's had 2 seasons to hype up as the greatest wizard ever. The scene before with him fucking up Toru and Fredrika was awesome though. The weapon then deciding to fuck off and join Chaika, I didn't like that one bit.
I think S2 started strong, and had one too many filler of not much progress, into an ending that was not given enough time. I enjoyed Chaika very much despite it's shortcomings, and I look forward to the OVA.
Chaika overall:
7/10 Chaikas
hnnng Red Chaika
Read or Die The TV 12-14
The "Twilight of the Papers" two-parter was very good. Felt like a nice culmination of the first half of the show, and Anita confirmed that maybe books and Nenene aren't so bad after all. When the episode ends withyou know the stakes have been raised. Nenene's pretty tough herself - she was resisting the brainwashing even without the Paper Sisters intervening. I'm somewhat more mixed on episode 14. Half lengthy exposition (though it does tie nicely into the OVA), half quasi-recap. At least it was a chance to disengage my brain for a little bit, at least when the recap started. Looking forward to seeing what the second half of the show brings. That answering machine message sounded awfully familiar.a building sinking,
Dunno if it is my internet or Crunchyroll, but the videos on that site never seem to play properly. Can't get through a single episode without insane freezing and stuttering.
Noragami - 04
Pls stop bully the Yato. Well he does take advantage of Kofuku, so fine go on. Her Instrument Daikoku is the real star of the episode though, and handa-sensei voice ~
The whole falling bit was great. Kofuku's reveal was well timed to say the least. There hasn't been much of a directive besides getting more jobs as of yet, which I'm fine with as it keeps on being entertaining.
More seems to be going on though as with this Instrument Yato killed and the fact that he is a god of war with some nasty rumours.
Western world hates giving women positions of power for some reason. Its ridiculous.
There was that metric where shows were criticized for not having a independent female character who doesnt just talk about men with other girls and a lot of western shows failed it, but a lot of anime passed the test. I forget what its called.
The Bechdel Test? Then again just because something passes it doesn't mean it's good portrayal of women/girls, especially in the case of anime where it can often be just a product of an industry that loves to give otaku weird purity displays, minimizing males for that very reason. How is being a fictional character, let alone one in a moe SOL show, even considered a position of power?
Noir Ep 7 Impression
Another mission episode but you have some more detail about the word NOIR and what it mean and a bit more info of Mireille flash back. Nothing much to say really and because this style of format is been done from the previous episode, I can see why it's a slow show from the start. Will keep on trucking a bit.
Noir Ep 8 Impression
Just finish the episode just now. All I can say other than it's another mission episode, it have a decent fight scene with Kirika against two of the assistant which keep your attention a bit. More flashback from Mireille and her childhood. Also, you meet Mireille greatest fear and maybe childhood friend, Lady Silvana Greone. Kinda interested to see some more character development with Mireille as this is maybe the 1st time you can see some fear in her in the show.
Also Fellini won. Good lawd.
A good decision , for sure with many consequences ( good ones , i hope )
can't wait what the blanter willbe like once the harem will be complete.
just a bit more and the flashbacks will change as more is revealed.
Nearly there.
Will stick on it as I do want to watch the show all the way (I am one of those people who will watch the show from beginning to the end). This will be my 1st time watching it so, like to see how the story is develop.
I'd have to sit down and watch it. Guessing it's either a recovered core from episode 9 of S2 or it's a by-product of adaptation where they're taking liberties in the (ultimately unimportant) reason for the Americans to be infiltrating.
Oh right, THAT episode of R.O.D. The TV. I have no idea what they were thinking with that, but it shouldn't have happened, and you're right that it doesn't fit in with the rest of the series at all.Episode 9 is whereisnt it? That episode was kind of strange and didnt fit the tone of the rest of the show IMO. It was brutal too damn.the big boob naked girl dies
That guy just has bad taste in IS girls, clearly. Your choices are much better.I dont see Charles, Laura, or Tatenashi in those pictures. You posted the wrong ones.
I will forgive this mistake.
Ah, that explains a lot! The anime really needed to mention that.I also thought the actual story was confusing and I went to do a quick read of the volume the OVA covers. There appears to be ALOT of stuff missing.
.For the American girl, she loses but then they decide to release her instead of taking her prisoner and then she's all like 'hey maybe you'll need me here's my number'. As for Tabane, she seems to have her own plans.
The bad guys from S2 approach her to make them IS, she refuses but then sees Madoka and becomes all giddy and accepts to make her her own IS
She was in it a fair amount, though... I mean, even more would be nice, but she had a good number of scenes.OVA needed more of best girl, Tatenashi.
I'd probably take it over season 2, sure, but let's not get crazy now, S1 was a masterpiece!Infinite Stratos 2 World Purge
this was simply amazing, 44 minutes better than the 2 seasons.
There are four shows in the "Girls with guns" series of sorts -- in order of release, Noir, Madlax, El Cazador de la Bruja, and as a spinoff I guess (released between Noir and Madlax), Avenger. Noir is my favorite as well, and Madlax my least favorite; the other two are in between. All four are good and worth watching, but yeah, Noir was the best.I think youll really like it.
Ive seen several anime since that have a similar premise but Noir approached it in a way I really enjoyed.
Either of those could be the reason. I have no idea which one it is, though, and I doubt the OVA explains.
Oh right, THAT episode of R.O.D. The TV. I have no idea what they were thinking with that, but it shouldn't have happened, and you're right that it doesn't fit in with the rest of the series at all.
That guy just has bad taste in IS girls, clearly. Your choices are much better.
Ah, that explains a lot! The anime really needed to mention that.
Basically they decided with S2 to be mostly about the fanservice side of things, which means that the plot has so little time that what's left of it makes no sense because of seriously lacking explanations. As I said this OVA might have as much plot as most of S2 does all combined, but still the fanservice and action took up most of the episode, and the story side is very confusing and doesn't have almost any explanations of anything, even though they're needed.Didn't S2 have some kind of meeting between Tabane and the villain group, though? I remember something like that anyway... but that doesn't really explain to me why now she seemed to be doing this coordinated attack with the American commandos. In the anime this whole American commandos / villain group thing has been so ridiculously incompetently done, they show so little of them and even less of their motivations. I can't make much sense out of the plot, even after a full season and OVA with them as the villains. And this OVA didn't show most of the villain group, either, including Madoka. :S
She was in it a fair amount, though... I mean, even more would be nice, but she had a good number of scenes.
I'd probably take it over season 2, sure, but let's not get crazy now, S1 was a masterpiece!
There are four shows in the "Girls with guns" series of sorts -- in order of release, Noir, Madlax, El Cazador de la Bruja, and as a spinoff I guess (released between Noir and Madlax), Avenger. Noir is my favorite as well, and Madlax my least favorite; the other two are in between. All four are good and worth watching, but yeah, Noir was the best.
Parasyte Episode 11:
Right, so this episode seemed about mostly about tying up the shipping options and also that Murano is still dull and boring, but at least the harem has a strong inkling of what is going on around them. The series also answers the question of to make the Parasites a threat given recent events and the answer is rather concerning. All and all kind of a dull episode but the future is promising.
yeah thats the test
For those who don't know, there's an IndieGoGo campaign for one of the Animator Expo shorts. It looks very unique: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/animated-short-film-ochibi#home
I'll admit this show needed thoe moments after so much politicla intrigue 3 eps ago.
Yeah, but you're dodging the silliness of your positions-of-power comment.
The Bechdel Test? Then again just because something passes it doesn't mean it's good portrayal of women/girls, especially in the case of anime where it can often be just a product of an industry that loves to give otaku weird purity displays, minimizing males for that very reason. How is being a fictional character, let alone one in a moe SOL show, even considered a position of power?
Looks unique but how is the rest of Animator Expo funded, and why do they crowdsource the one short that's more personal to the Anno family? To connect with fans of their brand like they sort of say?
Code Geass: Nunnally in Wonderland
Best Powerpoint presentation I ever did see.