How odd, Sword of the Stranger is on Hulu even though Bandai isn't a thing anymore. I might watch it now, is it any good?
One of the best of all time.
How odd, Sword of the Stranger is on Hulu even though Bandai isn't a thing anymore. I might watch it now, is it any good?
Bandai Visual is placing titles on Hulu through their US division people still around.How odd, Sword of the Stranger is on Hulu even though Bandai isn't a thing anymore. I might watch it now, is it any good?
Thanks for being the one instantly questioning the motivations and the source itself. It's highly improbable this source is correct as there's little reasoning for a fax to say that this far out for advertising. Secondly, this is from a publisher that's not had an anime before, so it's unlikely the connections are there in Tokyo for them to partner with KyoAni. Thirdly, the post says that it would begin airing in April, which is when the second (all new footage) Kyoukai movie would begin releasing. There's little reason to think their scheduling would be that bad for something they have little financial interest in.Think about it for a second. Why would KyoAni adapt a novel that nobody has heard of when they have much more lucrative options. At least with Amagi, Takemoto and Gatoh are friends.
It makes zero sense for them to do this.
How odd, Sword of the Stranger is on Hulu even though Bandai isn't a thing anymore. I might watch it now, is it any good?
Fractale 1-4
well... that escalated quickly...
It's highly improbable this source is correct as there's little reasoning for a fax to say that this far out for advertising. Secondly, this is from a publisher that's not had an anime before, so it's unlikely the connections are there in Tokyo for them to partner with KyoAni. Thirdly, the post says that it would begin airing in April, which is when the second (all new footage) Kyoukai movie would begin releasing. There's little reason to think their scheduling would be that bad for something they have little financial interest in.
Shin Sekai Yori 18
Oh look it's a "shit gets real and goes down" episode. And a great one at that.
I'm sure that Yokomaru, being the sleazy weasel that he is, has more aces up his sleeve than he showed here but even taking that into account, it's hard to imagine him going up against the power that was at display in this episode.
I'm actually kind of happy that Maria and the guy no one gives a shit about seem to have bit the bullet. That would save me from the tear inducing Saki&Maria reunion. Though with Squealer having a Cantus user among his ranks, that option seem to not be out of the table yet. (Especially given the large amount of time they spend on Maria.)
Also, no idea what the hell is the deal with the naked magic lady popping up out of nowhere again. So much stuff happened since the 4th episode that I thought they dropped that particular plot point.
Some 'friends' let me watch Fractale. We don't talk much anymore.Get out while you still can.
Friends don't let friends watch Fractale.
Chaika AB - 10 [End]
It finally happened!
I liked most of the episode, but man was this an anti climatic [ending]
Chaika AB - 10 [Final]
On itself the episode was pretty good in some aspects. It certainly had some really nice combat sequences, although the pace was too fast, as expected since there was only one episode left. In the grand scheme of things though, this second season seriously disappointed and Gaz being defeated this anti-climatically, eh. I mean...Niva goes "Nah bitch, got all dem personality, Bye!" There's our reason for having a semi-human Gundo I suppose.
She had a personality, so lock her up in storage.Chaika AB - 10 [Final]
On itself the episode was pretty good in some aspects. It certainly had some really nice combat sequences, although the pace was too fast, as expected since there was only one episode left. In the grand scheme of things though, this second season seriously disappointed and Gaz being defeated this anti-climatically, eh. I mean...Niva goes "Nah bitch, got all dem personality, Bye!" There's our reason for having a semi-human Gundo I suppose.
The story is not something to write home about but the action scenes are great.
I really enjoy reading your writeups btw. I just don't really reply to any of them because I don't wanna spoil anything or provide hints. Dat second paragraph is making it hard to hold back though!
LOLOLOL. Also damn NInja Phaze.
Ain't that the truth.
Parasyte - 11
That dream sequence, I lost it at the horse face. Yakuza takedown was pretty good. Besides that this wasn't that exciting, but I'm interested to see what will happen with the political parasytes.
Remind me again why Shinichi can't tell Murano that his mother has passed away?
Wasn't she officially just missing by the time he got back? I mean his father told him the truth later on but maybe that's still just between them (and the authorities) and Murano would find it suspicious that he lied about that in the first place?
No, its Saber's character. It makes her basically an idiot - why doesn't she just wish that shit went better rather than finding a different king? We're never given any information whereby we can determine she selfishly wanted to not be the king just so it wouldn't be her problem. Instead, she just straight up wants to save everyone, but she has a stupid poorly-thought out wish that doesn't make any sense.She thinks she was unfit to be king, and thus by redoing the selection, someone who actually was fit to be king would pull it out after she passed
I don't see what the big deal is with her motives really. She was the king of her country. Ultimately she failed, and her country perished. She feels responsible and wants to fix it. It doesn't really matter that the 'territory' was conquered numerous times over the course of history, or whatever. We are talking about her country, her people. To her, one second she was laying wounded after the last battle, and the next second she is in Japan fighting in a holy grail war.
The history of her physical land after her passing, is I'm sure, irrelevant to her.
In any case I don't see what is so stupid about her goal. If another king is selected, and he also fails, well then, it's not any worse than the situation Saber already ended with is it? But if there is a chance a better king is selected, he isn't betrayed by his comrades and kin, and he manages to lead his people to victory against the Saxons, then what is weird about her wishing for that chance to come true?
You can argue that Shirou should/could have made better arguments against her wish, but really that is the fault of the writing, not a fault with Saber's character. I just disagree that her motivation is terrible. Her motivation is to save her kingdom.
I just thought the original point of 'Well England is doing great now she should be happy!' was kind of dumb. I've seen it said by a lot of people over the years. It would be like if I was the ruler of Japan today, fighting off an American invasion, ultimately fail and be betrayed by my own people like Saber. I travel to the future, and hey now Japan is filled with Americans and everybody speaks English and eats cheeseburgers and there are no Japanese people to be found and Japanese culture is gone. Just because the people inhabiting the current land are prospering doesn't mean I would be satisfied with the result.
Right, thanks. I was hoping he would play dead mom card to get her to shut up about him being changed.
To be fair, the writing in regards to Shinichi's mom's disappearance is kinda shaky. Have we actually gotten a single dialogue between him and Murano discussing all this? It's kinda just never mentioned.
Now that I think about...there may have been an attempt by Murano or some remark regarding that topic but nothing comes of it. Can't quite recall.
He had a mini heart attack this episode about another mom so I don't think he'd like to talk about it.To be fair, the writing in regards to Shinichi's mom's disappearance is kinda shaky. Have we actually gotten a single dialogue between him and Murano discussing all this? It's kinda just never mentioned.
Now that I think about...there may have been an attempt by Murano or some remark regarding that topic but nothing comes of it. Can't quite recall.
Dunno if it is my internet or Crunchyroll, but the videos on that site never seem to play properly. Can't get through a single episode without insane freezing and stuttering.
Ef - A Tale of Memories 10
And now he has to make a choice...
Or... maybe not... Oh well... Once again the music gets pushed slightly too much, this time during the scene with Kei.
I'm sorryChaika AB - 10
Absolute clusterfuck of an ending.There's no a single thing about this ending that I can say I enjoyed and I regret watching this second season.Toru got wrecked by Gaz and then Gaz got one-shotted by Chaika.
Tried it with another browser ? I used to traverse the net with old Opera and that goddamn thing couldn't play 10 seconds of Crunchyroll without freezing. But it works pretty well since I jumped to Firefox.
I'm sorry