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Family home burned. Started a fundraiser

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The #1 listing on there is some sort of “FBI corruption” MAGA conspiracy bullshit. Why would you choose this website for fundraising?

…or is that precisely why you chose it?


What time is it?
Moms Accept Gangbangs Anally??!!


The #1 listing on there is some sort of “FBI corruption” MAGA conspiracy bullshit. Why would you choose this website for fundraising?

…or is that precisely why you chose it?
There’s a gofund me too. Money is green to me and my family. We don’t care where it’s from. 😂


The #1 listing on there is some sort of “FBI corruption” MAGA conspiracy bullshit. Why would you choose this website for fundraising?

…or is that precisely why you chose it?
No matter how you lean politically, gofundme has a history of cancelling users, as well as holding or outright stealing campaign funds, which is why givesendgo started. Same bs with paypal. If you have to worry about using a service as it’s advertised, then why use it?

Sorry about the family house OP. I think mods need to do a check before these kind of threads happen, as it’s been abused before
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