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Far cry 1 and 2 worth playing?


I've played all the newer far crys except for Far Cry 6. This year I played far cry 3 classic edition on my ps5 and was surprised how fun it was.

But far cry 1 and 2 are older by another generation. Are they too dated to enjoy? I can get Far Cry 2 on my PS3 for just €2 and I believe far cry 1 can be bought for €10 on ps3.

What does gaf say?

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Far Cry 2, hands down. Far Cry 1 feels ridiculously unbalanced, especially once the TriGen arrive into the fold. The best parts of 1 are improved and expanded on in Far Cry 2 thanks to the introduction of an open world, plus it being standalone means you won't encounter the TriGen again.

But if you're REALLY curious about Far Cry 1, go for the xbox port, Far Cry Instincts. It's far more balanced and due to changes in the plot between versions, you're far more ready for the TriGen when you encounter them this time round.


Gold Member
Far Cry has a very different vibe all around. Far Cry 2 has some very interesting mechanics, maybe a little overboard with some. Both worth a look.
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The first half of far cry 1 is fun, and far cry 2 has a really interesting vibe but sucks shit to actually play. it's where they pioneered the idea reused in 5 & 6 that the games should be as big of a pain in the ass to move around and progress in as possible.
The first half of far cry 1 is fun, and far cry 2 has a really interesting vibe but sucks shit to actually play. it's where they pioneered the idea reused in 5 & 6 that the games should be as big of a pain in the ass to move around and progress in as possible.
Um.... I don't think we played the same Far Cry 2. Far Cry 2 was difficult to move around in, but progress and gameplay was intense and mostly balanced after the unbalanced shitshow that was Far Cry 1.


Um.... I don't think we played the same Far Cry 2. Far Cry 2 was difficult to move around in, but progress and gameplay was intense and mostly balanced after the unbalanced shitshow that was Far Cry 1.
Why is far cry 1 unbalanced? If I wanted to do a speed run, is there an easy difficulty mode?


Never played the original, and can’t bring myself to drop $2-$3 on it. Just doesn’t look good to me.

Far Cry 2 is better left off in the past. Constant malaria, constant old guns jamming only when you use them, and always two run ins with enemies while traveling to a destination requiring you to turn a bolt to “repair” your vehicle. All in a sea of green and brown that can make enemies difficult to see.
I think people are using rose tinted glasses with that one. I enjoyed it to back when it was new on Xbox 360. It hasn’t aged well. Oh, and you’re in Africa - and there’s hardly any animals lol

If you want more Far Cry then play Far Cry 6.
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Far Cry was amazing in its day for its graphics and scope. But it gets hurt by lame story and mutants. I remember loving the demo (no mutants in that) but then the main game went somewhat downhill when they showed up. Still worth playing back then, but not sure about now.

Far Cry 2 is the best game in the series. Focus on immersion above all else, great african setting, no supernatural BS. Great gameplay systems (with exception of enemy respawn), beautiful graphics even today. I wish they would remaster it, PC version does not even support controller which annoys me.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
The first one is the only game in the entire series that I like, which I guess makes sense given that it's from Crytek as opposed to Ubi's internal studios. I'd argue the game has aged well. It's not a giant open world thing, it's a series of levels that give you several ways to approach getting from point A to point B. Shooting stuff feels good, and while I wasn't big on the Trigens when I first played the game, I actually found them a lot more palatable the second time around.. but they do represent a shift in the way that you'll play the game. Visually, I think the game still looks really good. Obviously, it's missing the modern visual doo-dads, but it's got a clean look and lots of color.

So, I'd highly recommend the first game.


FC2 is one of the most repetitive games I've played.

But then again, I haven't played any of the subsequent games and I don't play too much other Ubisoft stuff (so maybe par for the course).


Gold Member
FC1 was a huge milestone a the time, especially for it's graphics. But today, it's very dated, be it graphics or gameplay.
Unless, you have nostalgia or the game, it might not be worth playing.

I hate FC2. It's brown graphics, the malaria mechanic, the weapon breaking mechanic, etc.
I would say, avoid it like the plague.


FC1 was one of my favorite games on Xbox only for that insane map editor. My friend and I just made dumb maps and played them with randoms. Good times. FC2 is pretty cool. I'd say only 2 is worth looking at now though, as aside from the editor there isn't much in 1 that needs to be played today.

King Dazzar

Far Cry 2 is great as a game and on PC with M&K. But I found with a controller, the aiming isnt as refined as you'd expect from a shooter these days. And will feel off/clunky compared to the likes of Far Cry 3 and onwards. iirc it was released in 2007/8, which is just before many fps's got the greatly refined analogue control you expect these days. At least that's how it played for me on PC with a controller.
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Never played the original, and can’t bring myself to drop $2-$3 on it. Just doesn’t look good to me.

Far Cry 2 is better left off in the past. Constant malaria, constant old guns jamming only when you use them, and always two run ins with enemies while traveling to a destination requiring you to turn a bolt to “repair” your vehicle. All in a sea of green and brown that can make enemies difficult to see.
I think people are using rose tinted glasses with that one. I enjoyed it to back when it was new on Xbox 360. It hasn’t aged well.

If you want more Far Cry then play Far Cry 6.
Translation from FC6 stan: Duuurrr Far Cry 2 hasn't aged well and the game that's specifically aimed at far-left ideologues on Twitter and is more of the same formulaic drivel as the Eden's Gate duology is better, duuurrrr
EDIT: Apologies if I end up triggering people because of this response. I just had to respond because this guy has NEVER played Far Cry 2 at all and is insulting fans of it to prop up his trashier entry. We don't have rose tinted glasses.
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If you just want to experience them, then sure.

If you're actually looking for a fun game to play, then don't bother.

I actually have played through most of the series in the past two years (I only have Primal, New Dawn, and 6 to play now) and you've already played the best of those which is 3.

2 is basically the precursor to the modern open-world game, but because it's basically the originator of the formula, it's missing a lot of Quality of Life improvements that later games made. The story in 2 is DULL. Exploring the map is also pretty boring, though the African setting can at times be very cool (I particularly like it when it's raining), and you can't really do anything or go anywhere without getting into a firefight. Every mission will literally have you drive from one corner of the map to the other, while constantly having to get out of your vehicle and shoot back at spawned enemy attackers then get back in and drive a little more before getting out again to kill more attackers. It's very tedious.

I think people who say it's the best like the idea behind the things that the game does well so much that they ignore all of the things that seriously hold it back.

If you do play 1, I would recommend Far Cry Instincts Predator, on the 360 or Series X via backward compatibility.
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Play both on PC, any shitty laptop made in the last 15 years can run 2 with mods.
1 does not hold up at all but it's fun with a god mode cheat.
2 is awesome. It's really fun when plans go wrong because your weapon explodes or your RPG backblast sets the grass on fire and you end up destroying the whole compound... If you like to adapt and improvise, this is the best Far Cry.


Far Cry 2 is one of my favorite games but it does feel a bit old. The setting is so memorable and it feels so gritty; it’s a game you can’t imagine modern Ubisoft making again.

I believe they swung for the fences with it and while not nailing the landing made something very memorable and special.


Don't listen to haters, both are good games. The only critique I think the first game deserves is that ammo for the sniper rifle is rare and you cant carry much of it. The second game has a lot of systems in place that made the game hard for unskilled/tourist players, then removed for 3.


A Fucking Idiot
NeoGaf. Where people say $3 is too much for Callisto Protocol but then recommend you waste your money to go back and play the worst Far Cry game they have made. 👍 The idea of Far Cry 2 is better than the execution of Far Cry 2. Watch a long play for 15 mins and you'll see it's nothing more than rose tinted nostalgia glasses for many.


Don't listen to haters, both are good games. The only critique I think the first game deserves is that ammo for the sniper rifle is rare and you cant carry much of it. The second game has a lot of systems in place that made the game hard for unskilled/tourist players, then removed for 3.
It's not that 2 is difficult; I actually enjoyed the combat in general and some of the combat scenarios were really fun.

But overall, Far Cry 2 is tedious. The game could use a remake that overhauls a lot of its weaker elements that make the game not just boring, but a chore.


There used to be mods that help with QoL on FC 2. Basically helps with malaria, gun failure, and respawns on outposts.
FC2 is worth a playthrough. It has a really annoying guard post system in place, but everything else about it is pretty cool. FC2 was the last time that Ubi tried to compete with Crysis.


FC2 can be good or bad depending on the player. It’s much more grounded and grittier gameplay experience. Checkpoints insta-respawn baddies the moment you get a certain distance away which can be annoying. I gave it a go a while back with an open mind and it was okay but I ended up stopping because it was getting repetitive. It was fun messing around with the fire system.


You should think about the first Far Cry more like a Crysis predecessor rather than what is the Far Cry series today. No open world and no RPG elements and what comes usually with it. To my dislike Ubisoft created with Far Cry 2 something different and not an actual sequel for the original game. So think about the series that Ubisoft started it with Far Cry 2.

Far Cry trough it's name gave birth to the Far Cry series, but trough it's gameplay we got the Crysis series.

I loved the original Far Cry a lot. For me it was the very first First-Person Shooter that actually I liked. Until then not even Half Life wasn't to my liking: I saw them as - mindless, single hero and boring - corridor shooters. I even got the platinum for the game on PS3 although the stealth was completely broken in this version.

Be aware, unlike other FPS games on PC, Far Cry used a weird check point save system. To my luck, the reviewer from the magazine the I used to read revealed how to activate the console in the game and save manually when you wanted.




The backlog gets bigger!
Oh, don't play the PS3 version! The stealth is broken and the enemy can see you trough the vegetation if you are trying to hide. If I remember well they also can see you from a greater distance too.
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Don't temp me out of the wood work with Far Cry 2 questions.

That game is hands down, without a doubt the greatest FPS open world game. of all time. It's complicated yet so simple and no game ever come close.

It also has some of the best A.I. of all time. Really only matched by Killzone 2 and TLOU: Part II from what I've played. People say F.E.A.R. has insane A.I. too.
Don't temp me out of the wood work with Far Cry 2 questions.

That game is hands down, without a doubt the greatest FPS open world game. of all time. It's complicated yet so simple and no game ever come close.

It also has some of the best A.I. of all time. Really only matched by Killzone 2 and TLOU: Part II from what I've played. People say F.E.A.R. has insane A.I. too.
Are there any mods that can bring it up to modern standards? I really liked my time with FC2, the fire propagation system was so fun and very chaotic in the best ways, but damn if it didn't get really annoying in some major buzzkilling ways. I didn't even really mind the malaria and gun jamming system, I actually thought they were mostly done well, but that damn guard outpost system was so bad, that I just couldn't stick with it.
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What time is it?
The first one is awful unless you enjoy arenas full of mutants shooting rocket launchers at you.
Are there any mods that can bring it up to modern standards? I really liked my time with FC2, the fire propagation system was so fun and very chaotic in the best ways, but damn if it didn't get really annoying in some major buzzkilling ways. I didn't even really mind the malaria and gun jamming system, I actually thought they were mostly done well, but that damn guard outpost system was so bad, that I just couldn't stick with it.
There aren't any guard post mods that I know of.

Have you tried New Dunia? That mod makes the game even more immersive and add cross faction fighting.

Would you rather just clear out all the outposts and never have anyone to fight while navigating to and from your objective? Because I did that in Far Cry 4 and the game became very boring with friendly forces everywhere.

You don't have to fight any of these people. If you travel on foot and hug the edges of the map while staying off the roads you can usually avoid 99% of the enemies.
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Translation from FC6 stan: Duuurrr Far Cry 2 hasn't aged well and the game that's specifically aimed at far-left ideologues on Twitter and is more of the same formulaic drivel as the Eden's Gate duology is better, duuurrrr
EDIT: Apologies if I end up triggering people because of this response. I just had to respond because this guy has NEVER played Far Cry 2 at all and is insulting fans of it to prop up his trashier entry. We don't have rose tinted glasses.

Fuck off with this guy never played Far Cry 2 crap. Your sacred cow isn’t good anymore, deal with it.

Don’t give a shit about politics either, I’m talking about the Far Cry 6 game itself. It’s not the best Far Cry, but it’s more enjoyable than Far Cry 2.
There aren't any guard post mods that I know of.

Have you tried New Dunia? That mod makes the game even more immersive and add cross faction fighting.

Would you rather just clear out all the outposts and never have anyone to fight while navigating to and from your objective? Because I did that in Far Cry 4 and the game became very boring with friendly forces everywhere.

You don't have to fight any of these people. If you travel on foot and hug the edges of the map while staying off the roads you can usually avoid 99% of the enemies.
I'll have to check out New Dunia.

as far as outposts. I dunno, I'd think a timer of like....20 mins. or so after clearing an outpost would at least be a better choice than what they went with. I remember being flabbergasted that I had just cleared an outpost walked down a dirt road to come back to the outpost literally maybe 30 secs. later and all the guards were back. It's....just too much, made me really not want to cruise around in the vehicles. I should give it a shot again though, it's been so damn long since I played it. It's funny that I have fond memories of the game, but the thing that stands out the most to me is the outposts.
Far Cry 2 is one of my favorite games but it does feel a bit old. The setting is so memorable and it feels so gritty; it’s a game you can’t imagine modern Ubisoft making again.

I believe they swung for the fences with it and while not nailing the landing made something very memorable and special.
They would never make something like this again. It's a miracle that we got AC Mirage.

FC2 is so serious and nothing is funny. The game is grim and scary and can make you question reality in certain instances.
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