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Far cry 1 and 2 worth playing?


The first half of far cry 1 is fun, and far cry 2 has a really interesting vibe but sucks shit to actually play. it's where they pioneered the idea reused in 5 & 6 that the games should be as big of a pain in the ass to move around and progress in as possible.

Not when you can fly in a helicopter with mounted guns and just wipe the floor with enemies (FC5).

Unfortunately it’s more of a pain in the ass in FC6, when there’s anti-aircraft emplacements to take out.


Gold Member
Far Cry 2 is an amazing achievement in so many ways, brought down by a handful of the most baffling design choices you'll ever see.

The setting is amazing and unique, it's dark and gritty tone give the game a very oppressive vibe. The different biomes are super cool and feel very immersive. The gunplay is dope and feels gnarly. Also - almost no menus! Everything is in-game. You pull up a map in game, you pop the hood and repair your car in game. All very immersive.

It just feels dirty, grimy, gritty in a way no other Far Cry has even come close.

However, some bizarre things bring it down: malaria pill popping. Ghost jeeps. eagle-eyed AI that constantly wallhacks, weapon degradation is cool in principle but flawed in execution. The absurd padding between mission location and companion location. And everyone talks at 2x speed. Seriously, look up some gameplay, it's ridiculous.

Perhaps there are mods that fix these issues. If so, then it would be a superior experience to any of the other Far Cry games.

This is peak Ubisoft coolness:

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I'll have to check out New Dunia.

as far as outposts. I dunno, I'd think a timer of like....20 mins. or so after clearing an outpost would at least be a better choice than what they went with. I remember being flabbergasted that I had just cleared an outpost walked down a dirt road to come back to the outpost literally maybe 30 secs. later and all the guards were back. It's....just too much, made me really not want to cruise around in the vehicles. I should give it a shot again though, it's been so damn long since I played it. It's funny that I have fond memories of the game, but the thing that stands out the most to me is the outposts.
I don't think it's as bad as you're describing most of the time. You usually have to travel a reasonable distance away. But it can certainly feel like your saying. Like if you go around a mountain or something and come back there will probably be guards back on duty.

Basically just once you clear an outpost, spend as much time as you want exploring it for supplies or whatever, make sure you check it off your total guard post list too too by finding either medical supplies, ammo or explosives. Each guard post will have a symbol for what type of supplies is holds.

As for vehicles, literally just drive straight through the outpost and run people over, it's hilarious. I recommend the jeep wrangler SUV or dune buggy as they are the fastest cars in the game. The ground troops will only pursue you so far but you have a 50/50 shot if a vehicles will chase you. You might take some damage but usually you'll come out unscathed.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
They would never make something like this again. It's a miracle that we got AC Mirage.

FC2 is so serious and nothing is funny. The game is grim and scary and can make you question reality in certain instances.

Searching for those last couple blood diamonds so I can finally get a decent 12 gauge that wont break and the camo gear, when out of nowhere a jeep just pulls off the road and starts tossing grenades my way causing the field Im in to catch on fire and trap me within a circle of flame. The only thing I can do is climb onto a small rock, say a few Our Fathers and crouch down behind a tree (that'll most likely soon catch fire as well) to avoid gunfire and then take a few pot shots hopefully nailing a head or two while I scramble to find a way to GTFO.

What a game. Just an insane adrenaline fueled experience at times.

And Im no Idle Thumbs diehard but what got me to notice them was Chris's take on it way back when it first released. The show then became known for being the bonafide FC2 defense force and they would continue to bring it up in future episodes, going so far as to making legit comparisons between it and Breath of the Wild for example.

Far Cry 2 talk at 31:18

The following episode at 15:13

And then it would continue to get brought up randomly until the show ran its course
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Searching for those last couple blood diamonds so I can finally get a decent 12 gauge that wont break and the camo gear, when out of nowhere a jeep just pulls off the road and starts tossing grenades my way causing the field Im in to catch on fire and trap me within a circle of flame. The only thing I can do is climb onto a small rock, say a few Our Fathers and crouch down behind a tree (that'll most likely soon catch fire as well) to avoid gunfire and then take a few pot shots hopefully nailing a head or two while I scramble to find a way to GTFO.

What a game. Just an insane adrenaline fueled experience at times.

And Im no Idle Thumbs diehard but what got me to notice them was Chris's take on it way back when it first released. The show then became known for being the bonafide FC2 defense force and they would continue to bring it up in future episodes, going so far as to making legit comparisons between it and Breath of the Wild for example.

Far Cry 2 talk at 31:18

The following episode at 15:13

I'm going to take a look at these.

And see, what you're saying simply cannot happen in any of the other games and if my some chance it does, it feels nothing like FC2. Because in the this game, the enemies are out to fuck you up and snuff you out. In FC3 and so on, they are just red colored enemies that shoot at you.

One of the more recent times I was playing, I was skulking around the airstrip with the M1903 Springfield, I killed a VIP for an assassination mission there which caused the other soldiers to freak-out and hide. One of them somehow, at some point, must have fired back at me? But in doing so had shot a propane tank which caused it to fly through the air out of control, light the grass on fired and blow up a technical. Subsequently killing themselves and ay others in the process.

This, I know for a fact CANNOT happen in any of the newer Far Cry games. The new games barely have any physics and the A.I. is on the level of basic PS2 games.

I will defend FC2 to the grave.

Here is a video of the incident. You can hear me laughing. So fumy.

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Chuck Berry

Gold Member
I'm going to take a look at these.

And see, what you're saying simply cannot happen in any of the other games and if my some chance it does, it feels nothing like FC2. Because in the this game, the enemies are out to fuck you up and snuff you out. In FC3 and so on, they are just red colored enemies that shoot at you.

One of the more recent times I was playing, I was skulking around the airstrip with the M1903 Springfield, I killed a VIP for an assassination mission there which caused the other soldiers to freak-out and hide. One of them somehow, at some point, must have fired back at me? But in doing so had shot a propane tank which caused it to fly through the air out of control, light the grass on fired and blow up a technical. Subsequently killing themselves and ay others in the process.

This, I know for a fact CANNOT happen in any of the newer Far Cry games. The new games barely have any physics and the A.I. is on the level of basic PS2 games.

I will defend FC2 to the grave.

Here is a video of the incident. You can hear me laughing. So fumy.

It's like the games MO itself is simply out to fuck you up at all costs. Like it was truly designed that way for you to be constantly on edge, watching your back, being fully aware of your surroundings at all times. There's a very specific oppressiveness to this game that I just dont see anymore. I mean, you see the reactions in the thread by people that cant stand it for whatever reasons. And it's why we've gotten the Mickey Mouse bullshit power fantasy sequels ever since.

Like no one today would EVER approve the design decision to have your guns rust, jam and backfire on you for the first 8-10 hours. No way. You'd probably get fired for suggesting it or demoted to fax guy.
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It's like the games MO itself is simply out to fuck you up at all costs. Like it was truly designed that way for you to be constantly on edge, watching your back, being fully aware of your surroundings at all times. There's a very specific oppressiveness to this game that I just dont see anymore. I mean, you see the reactions in the thread by people that cant stand it for whatever reasons. And it's why we've gotten the Mickey Mouse bullshit power fantasy sequels ever since.

Like no one today would EVER approve the design decision to have your guns rust, jam and backfire on you for the first 8-10 hours. No way. You'd probably get fired for suggesting it or demoted to fax guy.
Eaxactly, not to mention the fact that game just slams you with Malaria in the opneing cutescene and you're eternally fucked for for the rest of your experience.

All I hear is people complaining about this. But why is this such a bad thing for gameplay? I think if this was removed a lot of the atmosphere of the game would be removed along with it.

Like you said there is an oppressiveness looming over you.

This place isn't really pretty looking, especially in the cities. They are only made of concrete, metal and dirt. The cars aren't painted nice colors. Outside of sunrise and sunset most of the world's colors are muted. The inhabitants aren't friendly. They all shoot on site and your only relief is a cease fire zone, a bar or a mission where you visit the priest. And even in the cease fire zones the people will tell you to fuck off if you stare at them for too long.

All while there is this constant ticking thought in the back of your head. When will I run out of medicine. "I'll just do this one last thing before I run out."

And next thing you know you're health is down in the red, you have a malaria attack right in the middle of it, you reach for a pill and none come out, you get shot and black out, you pray this isn't a game over, you wake up! Your buddy from a few missions ago is carrying thing through the bushes shooting screaming Africans in the face, they place you behind a rock and you live to fight on, you begin to fire, "click" what the fuck your gun is jammed now! You sprint out from cover and pick up a rust bucket rifle off a dead man and finish the last few enemies with it. "Christ I'm hit!" you hear from behind you as you spin around to see your buddy rolling on the ground in pain. You kneel down to help them but you already ran out of morphine for yourself. You have no choice but to shoot them in the mouth with the desert Eagle. Damn, I grew to like this buddy...

YOU DO NOT and WILL NOT GET GAMEPLAY LIKE THIS EVER AGAIN. I hope one day to be proven incorrect.
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Dr. Suchong

Gold Member
FC2 on Ps3 had game breaking glitches that happened at several percentages of game completion (iirc) and as far as I'm aware was never fixed.
It happened to me twice with an npc character spawning incorrectly on a barge mission.
I was really enjoying it up until then.


Far Cry 2 was really interesting back in the day. It looked amazing, the interactions were really great, the open world was very impressive and original for its time, it was really something.
The biggest problem however was the ennemies constantly respawning, it ruined the exploration, constantly harassed by ennemies.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Far Cry 1 is such a different vibe that it might as well be a different IP. For a start it's more sci-fi horror than the balls deep action of current FC.

You're probably thinking that sounds fantastic. You'd be very wrong. You had to fight these stupid looking monsters called 'Trigens' that were some of the most ridiculous looking enemies put into a video game. Most of them just looked they had been designed by a 12 year old.

I couldn't find a decent image of them, but search 'trigens'. As soon as you see what they look like you'll ignore FC1 completely.
Far Cry 1 is such a different vibe that it might as well be a different IP. For a start it's more sci-fi horror than the balls deep action of current FC.

You're probably thinking that sounds fantastic. You'd be very wrong. You had to fight these stupid looking monsters called 'Trigens' that were some of the most ridiculous looking enemies put into a video game. Most of them just looked they had been designed by a 12 year old.

I couldn't find a decent image of them, but search 'trigens'. As soon as you see what they look like you'll ignore FC1 completely.
They should have just used actual humans morphed with animals like the actual story of "The Island of Dr. Moreau".


Back in the day I upgraded my PC to get ready for Doom 3 and Half Life 2, but they were both still many months away, so I needed something else to put it through its paces. That ended up being Far Cry 1. It was fucking great in 2004, very cutting edge wide-open FPS design. I haven't really played it since then, I imagine it must be pretty old hat by now. I had no idea they ever did a console version of the first game, I can't imagine it being very good. I tried FC2 and 3 at some point, I couldn't get into them. Never tried any of them after that.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
They should have just used actual humans morphed with animals like the actual story of "The Island of Dr. Moreau".

loool. That would have been amazing.

Instead of those lame ass monsters we could have had:




I remember FC2 being a stuttering mess on PS3. FarCry 1 on PC was an amazing achievement for its time and even had a movie adaption (avoid it at all costs). But FC3 was the first time FarCry became fun.


This is a perfect
Eaxactly, not to mention the fact that game just slams you with Malaria in the opneing cutescene and you're eternally fucked for for the rest of your experience.

All I hear is people complaining about this. But why is this such a bad thing for gameplay? I think if this was removed a lot of the atmosphere of the game would be removed along with it.

Like you said there is an oppressiveness looming over you.

This place isn't really pretty looking, especially in the cities. They are only made of concrete, metal and dirt. The cars aren't painted nice colors. Outside of sunrise and sunset most of the world's colors are muted. The inhabitants aren't friendly. They all shoot on site and your only relief is a cease fire zone, a bar or a mission where you visit the priest. And even in the cease fire zones the people will tell you to fuck off if you stare at them for too long.

All while there is this constant ticking thought in the back of your head. When will I run out of medicine. "I'll just do this one last thing before I run out."

And next thing you know you're health is down in the red, you have a malaria attack right in the middle of it, you reach for a pill and none come out, you get shot and black out, you pray this isn't a game over, you wake up! Your buddy from a few missions ago is carrying thing through the bushes shooting screaming Africans in the face, they place you behind a rock and you live to fight on, you begin to fire, "click" what the fuck your gun is jammed now! You sprint out from cover and pick up a rust bucket rifle off a dead man and finish the last few enemies with it. "Christ I'm hit!" you hear from behind you as you spin around to see your buddy rolling on the ground in pain. You kneel down to help them but you already ran out of morphine for yourself. You have no choice but to shoot them in the mouth with the desert Eagle. Damn, I grew to like this buddy...

YOU DO NOT and WILL NOT GET GAMEPLAY LIKE THIS EVER AGAIN. I hope one day to be proven incorrect.
This is a perfect example of the over-romanticization of this game.

Everything you just described is absolutely very cool and unique to this game... The first time.

Then it happens over and over and over again. That sentence applies to everything about this game. It is highly repetitive, despite the AI, and quickly becomes tedious. If the game were maybe five missions long, this would be the most interesting tech demo in the world. But as a full-fledged, 15-20 hour game, it's sorely lacking and its problems become evident (for only certain people, apparently)

Don't get me wrong; I would love it if we could get a remake that retains the sheer atmosphere and apathetic attitude toward the player, if there were more variety in the mission design, a better story (in just about every single aspect, including voice-over), a true open world complete with modern movement options (combat slide, free-climbing, etc...) and a better-implemented focus on survival. But this game, as it is, just doesn't hold up to actual good gameplay design.

El Muerto

Gold Member
Far Cry 2 is the GOAT. The only one i played before FC2 as FC Instincts and it was fun at the time. It was pretty awesome crawling under huts on your back and shooting people through cracks in the floor.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Eaxactly, not to mention the fact that game just slams you with Malaria in the opneing cutescene and you're eternally fucked for for the rest of your experience.

All I hear is people complaining about this. But why is this such a bad thing for gameplay? I think if this was removed a lot of the atmosphere of the game would be removed along with it.

Like you said there is an oppressiveness looming over you.

This place isn't really pretty looking, especially in the cities. They are only made of concrete, metal and dirt. The cars aren't painted nice colors. Outside of sunrise and sunset most of the world's colors are muted. The inhabitants aren't friendly. They all shoot on site and your only relief is a cease fire zone, a bar or a mission where you visit the priest. And even in the cease fire zones the people will tell you to fuck off if you stare at them for too long.

All while there is this constant ticking thought in the back of your head. When will I run out of medicine. "I'll just do this one last thing before I run out."

And next thing you know you're health is down in the red, you have a malaria attack right in the middle of it, you reach for a pill and none come out, you get shot and black out, you pray this isn't a game over, you wake up! Your buddy from a few missions ago is carrying thing through the bushes shooting screaming Africans in the face, they place you behind a rock and you live to fight on, you begin to fire, "click" what the fuck your gun is jammed now! You sprint out from cover and pick up a rust bucket rifle off a dead man and finish the last few enemies with it. "Christ I'm hit!" you hear from behind you as you spin around to see your buddy rolling on the ground in pain. You kneel down to help them but you already ran out of morphine for yourself. You have no choice but to shoot them in the mouth with the desert Eagle. Damn, I grew to like this buddy...

YOU DO NOT and WILL NOT GET GAMEPLAY LIKE THIS EVER AGAIN. I hope one day to be proven incorrect.

Jesus christ man. You almost teared me up 😂

Seriously though, there really is no other gaming experience like it it out there. As cliche as it sounds, those that know know

FC2 is like the STALKER of the franchise. Which makes sense considering it was never conceived as a Far Cry game to begin with.
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Gold Member
2 is the best in the series by far

My man!

I'm so happy to see all this love for FC2 here. It had plenty of issues and I understand why it's divisive as hell, but at the same time, it really provided a special sort of experience that none of the subsequent games in the series could replicate.

Are there any mods that can bring it up to modern standards? I really liked my time with FC2, the fire propagation system was so fun and very chaotic in the best ways, but damn if it didn't get really annoying in some major buzzkilling ways. I didn't even really mind the malaria and gun jamming system, I actually thought they were mostly done well, but that damn guard outpost system was so bad, that I just couldn't stick with it.

As a matter of fact, yes!


Corrects the awful color desaturation of vanilla, patches the outposts so they don't instantly respawn as soon as you turn your back on them, makes it so that the APR and UFLL will actually fight each other in the open world, and a bunch of other changes.
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Fc2 is a game that doesn't try to make you like it like all other far crys.

It's neutral, dark, gritty, serious, savage, jungle, it's amazing. I love it, a remake with the same mechanics and adjustments would be the best

Never gonna happen, Ubisoft has changed
Don't temp me out of the wood work with Far Cry 2 questions.

That game is hands down, without a doubt the greatest FPS open world game. of all time. It's complicated yet so simple and no game ever come close.

It also has some of the best A.I. of all time. Really only matched by Killzone 2 and TLOU: Part II from what I've played. People say F.E.A.R. has insane A.I. too.
Amazing game. One time I was out doing a mission with a buddy, completed it but that boy was hurt, I had no syringes.

Just one mission before I had the same situation and I think buddy Martin died. So I ran my ass off to find a safehouse, and it was so far I was thinking my buddy was already dead (as they don't show in the map). Came back and could still revive the guy, but even more impressively, all the enemy bodies were still there.

Felt like a living world, even without regular people roaming around


Far Cry 2 is a good game, really nails the atmosphere of Africa where you can almost smell the heat. Weapon breaking isn’t that bad, didn’t do Breath of the Wild into a bad game.
You should think about the first Far Cry more like a Crysis predecessor rather than what is the Far Cry series today.
Yep, totally. No idea about the console ports, but FC1 was awesome for its day, and was defnitely more like Crysis, minus the suit, than what FC later became which share not much anymore. I don't know 2, but 3-5 kept me busy but are not really equally enjoyable (5 the most because it injects its story pieces quite regularly and had kinda linear segments).
Then Boiling Point started the whole open world we want to be GTA shite for first person shooters and while those games can be enjoyed to some degree they are always ultrarepetitive, half of the play time is always getting somewhere and they have terribly storytelling due to burying it under all the sidequest stuff and working on getting rid of all the quest markers, reversing side and main objectives. Not that FC1 had a great story or characters, but at least it made some sense and had some proper pacing.


I tried to (re)play through Far Cry 1 about 3 months ago. I got about 80% through the game a few years back.
Gotta say... I did not enjoy it at all. And this is coming from someone who enjoy FPS games.
It genuinely felt like the AI were both seeing and shooting you through walls. (Apparently this IS a known bug in the early game. Google it. Every post reads like a paranoid person looking for confirmation of their rapidly declining sanity!)

Anyway, I made it 70% through the game and got pissed off.
The AI were shooting rockets at me whilst a sniper prevented me from moving too much and an attack helicopter dropped off more troops. (What the Devs were thinking here is beyond me.)
I considered using console command cheats but just uninstalled the game instead. My first rage-quit in many years.

Avoid it. Refund it.


Far Cry 1 is cool at first but be prepared that there's a bullshit difficulty spike about a third of the way into the campaign. It's possible to get used to it but I know many people who got turned off the game completely because of it. It's also a pretty linear game compared to the sequels, and it's a completely different tone and style of gameplay. It's more similar to Crysis than Far Cry sequels, which shouldn't be a surprise considering that it was the first game made by Crytek.

Far Cry 2 is the Far Cry you know, although it's also pretty different from later games in the series. It's a much more immersive experience - the HUD is minimalistic, the map screen is a literal map that your character pulls out and holds in front of his face, guns get jammed and you have to replace them if they get too dirty, you have to take malaria medication regularly, your companions can get permanently killed, and the overall tone of the game is very gritty and serious. I love it, personally, but those immersive elements is what many people disliked about the game because it served more as a distraction from shooting guys than something that enhanced the experience. It depends on the person, really. Oh, and also there are the patrols that constantly respawn and once they spot you, they will never ever stop chasing you until either you or them are dead. This can be annoying but manageable.

Oh, and please, for the love of Christ - DO NOT PLAY THE PS3 VERSION. The frame rate is horrendous and aiming controls suck balls. You're seriously better off grabbing a PC version which is by far the best way to play Far Cry 2.


I'm sure there's a good game somewhere but Far Cry 2 is hands down one of the most frustrating games i've ever played and I'm sure it's probably even worse now. Literally enemies out of nowhere every two minutes whilst travelling. Just incredibly boring, repetitive and annoying.

Don Carlo

Absolutely. Watch out for Ubisoft PC sales. They run 2-3 promotions every month. You'll find them both cheaper there.

Amazing game. One time I was out doing a mission with a buddy, completed it but that boy was hurt, I had no syringes.

Just one mission before I had the same situation and I think buddy Martin died. So I ran my ass off to find a safehouse, and it was so far I was thinking my buddy was already dead (as they don't show in the map). Came back and could still revive the guy, but even more impressively, all the enemy bodies were still there.

Felt like a living world, even without regular people roaming around
Ok yea that's actually crazy.

It also gives me a strange feeling when I walk up on a random pile of dead bodies in that game that I had nothing to do with.


Crysis 1 is better than far cry 1. I would honestly say just play that. It was basically far cry 1 refined into an actually solid game. FC 1 did not age that well even compared to its contemporaries like half life 2 and doom 3.

Far cry 2 had a ton of awesome ideas and simulation elements, and also some mechanics that become annoying very quickly. It’s worth trying though.


PC peeps, Worth a Buy turned me on to the Realism and Redux mod for Far Cry 2.

Just installed it last night, so I’ll be giving Far Cry 2 another go.



Far Cry was amazing in its day for its graphics and scope. But it gets hurt by lame story and mutants. I remember loving the demo (no mutants in that) but then the main game went somewhat downhill when they showed up. Still worth playing back then, but not sure about now.

Far Cry 2 is the best game in the series. Focus on immersion above all else, great african setting, no supernatural BS. Great gameplay systems (with exception of enemy respawn), beautiful graphics even today. I wish they would remaster it, PC version does not even support controller which annoys me.
Thank God that I read this before purchasing it

My favorite one is 3, but I was always curious about 2. No controller support is a nope, tho.

And OP, avoid Far Cry 1. It starts great, but turns to shit really early on with the mutants.


Thank God that I read this before purchasing it

My favorite one is 3, but I was always curious about 2. No controller support is a nope, tho.

And OP, avoid Far Cry 1. It starts great, but turns to shit really early on with the mutants.
That is my opinion also. As soon as mutants got into the game it was dead to me.
PC peeps, Worth a Buy turned me on to the Realism and Redux mod for Far Cry 2.

Just installed it last night, so I’ll be giving Far Cry 2 another go.

I'd be curious what you think as I actually watched that video a few weeks ago myself after this thread popped up and I almost installed and gave it a go, but I just have so many games I'm juggling that I didn't want to add one to the pile quite yet...But I'm not gonna lie, I am kind of getting that itch to give it a go.


It seems you either hate one and love the other. I am in the camp of liking Far Cry 1 and disliking Far Cry 2.

Objectively speaking. If you like the first Crysis (which I do very much), you will most likely like Far Cry 1 because it's essentially the spiritual predecessor to Crysis 1. Far Cry 1 is not an open-world game (Far Cry 2 is) but has "open/large levels". It's also fairly linear in how it tells and how it lets the player approach the story (Far Cry 2 is a bit more open-ended). And Far Cry 2 "grounds" the player more in the world with how the player is essentially subject to the environment. In Far Cry 1 the player is more in control, I'd say. So it depends what on what you like.
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I'd be curious what you think as I actually watched that video a few weeks ago myself after this thread popped up and I almost installed and gave it a go, but I just have so many games I'm juggling that I didn't want to add one to the pile quite yet...But I'm not gonna lie, I am kind of getting that itch to give it a go.

I’m in the same boat, but screw it. It’s something I’ll play on the side unless it sinks its hooks in me.
Thank God that I read this before purchasing it

My favorite one is 3, but I was always curious about 2. No controller support is a nope, tho.

And OP, avoid Far Cry 1. It starts great, but turns to shit really early on with the mutants.
I swear I've played it modded on PC with an Xbox controller. Through steam though.
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