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Fat activists protest diet industry

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*drowns in jizz*
ON the same note, why is there such a higher percentage of obese/fat people in the states than in Canada? I mean, its something that is easily noticeable. We eat the same food, etc. I mean how hard is it to take care of your body? Unless its something they aspire to, which is a consideration.


Bliss, who coaches clients by phone and in fitness classes, subscribes to a philosophy called "health at every size" -- preaching that health, fitness and self-esteem can be achieved independent of weight.

Slurpy said:
ON the same note, why is there such a higher percentage of obese/fat people in the states than in Canada? I mean, its something that is easily noticeable. We eat the same food, etc. I mean how hard is it to take care of your body? Unless its something they aspire to, which is a consideration.

maybe because you only have 31,902,268 people living in canada, and the USA has 290,809,777 living in the country? maybe, thats why?!


My stepmom is obese, and my dad is almost obese as well... I just fear for their health. My bro's only six and my sis 2, I want my parents to be able to get them to college, but sometimes i think they might die before then. :( it scares me..plus i don't want to lose my dad earlier than i have to...


hyperbolically metafictive
slurpy said:
ON the same note, why is there such a higher percentage of obese/fat people in the states than in Canada?

samus4ever said:
maybe because you only have 31,902,268 people living in canada, and the USA has 290,809,777 living in the country? maybe, thats why?!

this raises another question: why don't americans understand simple mathematics?
I was just down in the States and there are a LOT of very obese people down there. Sure, I was in Anaheim and it was tough to figure out who is from where though.

I don't know what the problem down there is. All I know is that I walk almost everywhere I want to go and rarely take a car anywhere. That and I don't hit Krispy Kreme for breakfast.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
I think for the people who recognize the fact that they're obese should spend more time excersicing and stuff than to sit around with other obese people and cry about their weight. Being obese is not good for your health, period.


Desperado said:
My stepmom is obese, and my dad is almost obese as well... I just fear for their health. My bro's only six and my sis 2, I want my parents to be able to get them to college, but sometimes i think they might die before then. :( it scares me..plus i don't want to lose my dad earlier than i have to...

Maybe you should tell them this some time, it could be a whole new encouragement for them to try and lose some weight.


Setec Astronomer
I can understand if you've been regularly exercising and watching your diet and yet your body refuses to let go of the weight, but if you merely try to pass off your condition as your "lifestyle" and demand others stop persecuting you, then forgive me if I have no sympathy.

aoi tsuki

Most fat-acceptance activists endorse the concept of eating healthy food and exercising regularly, but they oppose any fixation on losing weight and contend that more than 95 percent of diets fail.
Do the diets fail, or do the people who are on the diets fail them? Of the few people i've seen on weight loss diets, they usually breakdown and return to their old eating habits, regaining their old weight and possibly more. A diet isn't a way to lose weight, but a system of eating. What you eat consitutes your diet. While i'll agree that the we've been brainwashed to think of diets as some magic pill to lose weight, we're all responsible for what we put into our bodies, and the amount of exercise we get to condition them.
Slurpy said:
ON the same note, why is there such a higher percentage of obese/fat people in the states than in Canada? I mean, its something that is easily noticeable. We eat the same food, etc. I mean how hard is it to take care of your body? Unless its something they aspire to, which is a consideration.
samus4ever said:
maybe because you only have 31,902,268 people living in canada, and the USA has 290,809,777 living in the country? maybe, thats why?!
drohne said:
this raises another question: why don't americans understand simple mathematics?


Setec Astronomer
aoi tsuki said:
Do the diets fail, or do the people who are on the diets fail them? Of the few people i've seen on weight loss diets, they usually breakdown and return to their old eating habits, regaining their old weight and possibly more. A diet isn't a way to lose weight, but a system of eating. What you eat consitutes your diet. While i'll agree that the we've been brainwashed to think of diets as some magic pill to lose weight, we're all responsible for what we put into our bodies, and the amount of exercise we get to condition them.
No, the real brainwashing is the idea that there's a secret shortcut to quick and effortless health. Some people think that if only they just don't eat fat, or carbs, or food in solid form... they won't have to work for it. The real problem is that the human body wasn't evolved for sitting on its ass all day, and doesn't handle modern society all that well. Exercise is fundamental to any real effort to lose weight, and diet should be treated as complimentary.


The only way to loose weight is to reduce your calorie intake and increase your calorie expenditure. This should be driven home to more people: eat less and exercise.


Crispy said:
Maybe you should tell them this some time, it could be a whole new encouragement for them to try and lose some weight.

Yeah well, I mean they try to lose weight, they just go about it the wrong way...my stepmom thinks buying a bunch of "low carb" foods is gonna help, while every weekend my dad ends up barbequeing...sausage, steak, hamburger; and this weird chicken+jalapeno+cream cheese, wrapped in bacon [WTF??]...That just ain't healthy. I've tried on many occasions to tell them that Atkins just doesn't work and isn't healthy, but they don't listen...though i guess i should tell them how i feel about their and my sibling's futures....but i fear it might hurt more than it would help...

also, my dad's dad has prostate cancer [under control] and my dad refuses to go get checked up on...I've told him that there's a very high risk that he might have it, but he just ignores the danger...


Desperado said:
Yeah well, I mean they try to lose weight, they just go about it the wrong way...my stepmom thinks buying a bunch of "low carb" foods is gonna help, while every weekend my dad ends up barbequeing...sausage, steak, hamburger; and this weird chicken+jalapeno+cream cheese, wrapped in bacon [WTF??]...That just ain't healthy. I've tried on many occasions to tell them that Atkins just doesn't work and isn't healthy, but they don't listen...though i guess i should tell them how i feel about their and my sibling's futures....but i fear it might hurt more than it would help...

also, my dad's dad has prostate cancer [under control] and my dad refuses to go get checked up on...I've told him that there's a very high risk that he might have it, but he just ignores the danger...

That's sad to hear :(. I kinda feel the same about my mom. She "wants" to lose weight, but really doesn't go about it the right way. She thinks just changing her diet a bit is enough, but i keep telling her you have to move, you have to exercise, you have to sweat. Plus she's a smoker and overall is stubborn. I've tried to lead by example too, back in January is when she started wanting to lose weight, and I said i'd do it with her to support her. My big weakness is my sweet tooth(especially at that time), so i sacrificed that. I ended up sticking with it and i'm still with it(64 pounds lost and counting), but she didn't. Last week though we did go for a walk together, and she did the whole thing without lighting a cigarette, so i was proud of her for that.

I don't know your parents personally, so i don't know what exactly would reach them, but try to get them to make small changes at a time. Maybe try to get them to eat smaller portions as opposed to outright diet changes. Try to get them to be more active(again, i don't know your parents so i don't know what they like...maybe put on a CD and dance around the house...or do some housework, or a walk around the neighborhood, etc). Reward small victories(not with a tub of ice cream of course)...a little confidence boost goes a lot way. Anyway, I hope things turn out well.
Ladies and gentleman, I would like you to present to you the best way to lose weight.


You can eat what you want, just not as much of it. Don't go for the Hungry Man, excuse yourself from seconds, don't eat dessert, don't order the 16 oz or higher steak. IT WORKS!

Oh, and exercise a little, not much, just 20 minutes on a treadmill would be fine or a walk with your dog or something.


i dropped roughly 80 pounds in a span of 6months (i know not healthy) and my mom was trying to follow suite, but bailed after a month.

I think dieting gets harder the older you get, as they say the right motivation is everything - and my mom just clearly didnt have any motivation for losing it...and how could she? Shes married, 48, and has 3 kids and I dont blame her at all. At that age Id prolly just let myself go and eat as much as I fookin want.
Desperado said:
and this weird chicken+jalapeno+cream cheese, wrapped in bacon [WTF??]...That just ain't healthy.

That sounds so fucking GOOD though. Tell your dad to share the recipe with my fat ass. :)

*slurps Slim Fast*


Count of Concision
As a people, Americans are much more intemperate than Canadians, in all spheres (or so I've gathered). This necessarily manifests itself as a higher incidence of gluttony (genetic "predispositions"/medical conditions aside), resulting in more "fatties". I'm sure the ubiquity of fast food establishments along with the economy of their fare (i.e., it's difficult to eat healthy for $5/meal, but you can get a value meal at any of the major fast food chains for that price) plays a major role as well; I'm not sure if it's quite the same in Canada, since I've only visited once (Niagara Falls) and that was when I was very young.

Lifestyles should be equally sedentary, considering that we're both post-industrial societies, but Americans also work many more hours on average than Canadians, and thus would have less time to devote to an exercise regimen. To be sure, it's a multifactorial problem, and one which must be attacked on many fronts-- from health care, to entertainment, to economics, to cultural trends; I also believe that the current "love yourself regardless of everything movement", though well-intentioned, many times has the opposite effect of encouraging complacency and acceptance of patently unhealthy and undesirable lifestyles. Certainly, people should never feel worthless just because they're very overweight, as one's worth is not measured by the scale, but to then try to condone such habits/states-- even implicitly-- is just begging for trouble.

It's very sad. I didn't read the linked article, but if it's as the topic title says it is, these "fat people" doing the protesting are horribly, horribly misguided. Yes, our culture is incredibly shallow and superficial, and images of "beautiful people" abound in the media; to speak out against those conditions is sensible, while arguing that proper diet is not beneficial is just...odd. This country is a joke in its entirety, if you ask me. :p
Slurpy said:
ON the same note, why is there such a higher percentage of obese/fat people in the states than in Canada? I mean, its something that is easily noticeable. We eat the same food, etc. I mean how hard is it to take care of your body? Unless its something they aspire to, which is a consideration.

i blame Florida. They bring down our averages in almost everything.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Slurpy said:
ON the same note, why is there such a higher percentage of obese/fat people in the states than in Canada?

John Candy passed away.


America is a very prosperous nation. And their agriculture is one of the best in the world. Because the population is so relatively low and clustered around cities, there are plenty of acres of farmland, supported by advanced biotech. This means there's a lot of food to go around, and always available for most people. With all this abundance, a natrual consequence is indugence.

And the reliance of the automobile is another contributor - who walks in the suburbs anymore? One time I was walking around suburban San Jose to visit some friends, and I looked around and I was the only species not in a car.

Plus as somewhat of an outsider, I've observed that portions in some of your restaurants are out of control. They're HUGE! When the plate's as big as my head, I don't need every square inch filled with sides - and being taught as a kid to "clean your plate" is no longer a benefit.

levious said:
John Candy passed away.
Yeah, well, so did Chris Farley :)

(fans of both guys)


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
but they oppose any fixation on losing weight and contend that more than 95 percent of diets fail

Or 95 percent of dieters fail?
"after school he used to sip brew by the jug
enough to piss barley
cracker told him "chill! before you end up like Chris Farley"
he said "yes'm mr. charley,
now kindly shut the fuck up, I'm trying to twist this Marley"

-Vikter Vaughn, "Dope Skill"


ROFL. I always have to laugh at all this ripping of fat people yet no mention of all other escapsisms like drugs, drinking, smoking, extreme sports that people do that is just as hardful. We all have our own ways of dealing with a world that needs to slowdown.

Oh and keep John Candy the fuck out of this thread! I would not doubt he brought more joy them most of us combined.


explodet said:
America is a very prosperous nation. And their agriculture is one of the best in the world. Because the population is so relatively low

How can the country with the #3 highest population in the world be said to have a population that is "so relatively low"? :p


Boogie said:
How can the country with the #3 highest population in the world be said to have a population that is "so relatively low"? :p
Compare the USA to a country like India, where the population is extremely dense.


samus4ever said:
maybe because you only have 31,902,268 people living in canada, and the USA has 290,809,777 living in the country? maybe, thats why?!

lets talk about ratios. by ratio canada and other countries have far less obese people than the US. The fact is a lot of these people just dont take care of eachother. Obese people in general. How many times have I seen some obese person on the subway eating a couple of Quarter Pounders with cheese???? many of these do it to themselves. Then they complain. Whatever.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
madara said:
ROFL. I always have to laugh at all this ripping of fat people yet no mention of all other escapsisms like drugs, drinking, smoking, extreme sports that people do that is just as hardful. We all have our own ways of dealing with a world that needs to slowdown.

drug addicts, alcoholics all get ripped on when they claim that things aren't their fault either.

I got nothing against fat people, nor ones that are comfortable with it... but to claim that obesity is a natural human trait is bs. And to criticize a government who wants to encourage it's people not to be fat is ridiculous.

And about the Full Figured health instructor, "Bliss, who coaches clients by phone and in fitness classes"

That's comedy... "some days I work out of the home."


Desperado said:
Yeah well, I mean they try to lose weight, they just go about it the wrong way...my stepmom thinks buying a bunch of "low carb" foods is gonna help, while every weekend my dad ends up barbequeing...sausage, steak, hamburger; and this weird chicken+jalapeno+cream cheese, wrapped in bacon [WTF??]...That just ain't healthy. I've tried on many occasions to tell them that Atkins just doesn't work and isn't healthy, but they don't listen...though i guess i should tell them how i feel about their and my sibling's futures....but i fear it might hurt more than it would help...

If your parents insist on doing Atkins, perhaps you might buy them the Atkins book so they do it correctly. Buying those "low carb" products are going to ruin it for them. They're nothing but crap with a pretty green sticker slapped on for marketing purposes.

Atkins does work if done the healthy way and not the way most people believe it works. Eating bunless hamburgers all day is not Atkins.


MetatronM said:
I fucking hate people so fucking much...

I'm afraid I have to agree with this post.

Although I must say that obesity =/= being "fat." Most people have nothing to worry about if they a couple pounds over (or under) the average weight for their height.


Very interesting article in the National Geographic.
Why are we so fat?

In it they compared diets of people from the 50s to the present and they haven't really varied. What has changed is the amount of food we eat. Sadly, most people value portion size more than quality.


explodet said:
Yeah, I write up this nice little post stating a case and I mess up on something simple as population density :p

Even still, every one of your points in your original post also applies to Canada, and yet, if the (somewhat unsupported so far) statements in this thread are correct, Canada has less obesity than the States.


Yeah, even before my current fitness kick, back when i was a comic book shop/arcade hopping teenager, my friends and i would go to Burger King, and they'd always supersize(or whatever store-specific term for their "Fatten me up, Scotty!" portion was), and I couldn't bring myself to do it. A lot of times i'd forgo the french fries...it's just empty calories pretty much. Too bad all the bad stuff is packaged together and cheap. I can go to a corner store and get over 1,000 calories for $1(4 25 cent "Little Debbie" type snacks). I long for a day when a protein bar is as cheap as a candy bar.


Desperado said:
Some people are asses. Some people are dumbasses. Some people are fatasses.

These people are all three.

This is a perfect response and you even got it in as first post. No need to read any further.
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