You play as 3 different characters and explore a haunted forest/village/mountain.
The game is set up into chapters and it generally goes something like this: You check out an area as a character, find a clue or are forced to leave cause shit is getting too intense and then head back to a friends antique shop for the night. You see the story play out with each character, they are all affected in someway from the mountain.
You explore areas and find items and documents in 3rd person. Not too many puzzles. Combat is first person cause you're looking through the camera view finder. You take pictures of ghosts to damage them. The combat system is pretty great, you can lock on but each ghost has a type of pattern and you want to allow them to get close as possible to you. If you snap of photo of them right before an attack you get a "fatal frame" and the game goes into slow-mo and you can snap a lot of photos for MAXIMUM DAMAGE. There's different types of film, weaker ones load faster, stronger ones load slower, lens upgrades and whatnot can be found too. There's also a Dead Space type system in which traces of characters can appear and show you the direction you should be heading. It's pretty linear but there are places to explore for items/upgrades. One of the best features is the point system, you gain points for how effective you are at defeating ghosts and those points get you a rank at the end of the chapter. Those points can then be used to buy film, health items, or upgrade elements on your camera.
It's a horror adventure game, I wouldn't consider it survival horror mainly because it's kind of easy on Normal and inventory management isn't a thing. The game is fun though, it's almost like you're exploring a haunted amusement park with the various "attractions" you explore, sometimes more than once. It also has some neat moments where the Maiden of Black Water appears and all you can do is run from her. If she touches you it's insta-kill but the game respawns you right at her appearance so it's not like you're constantly repeating areas. The encounters are effective too cause they aren't constant. I think I've come across her twice so far. I haven't finished the game but I'm near the end. First time playthrough will probably be 8-10 hours. Maybe more. It's not a short game and there's plenty of replay value cause of unlockables.
It's a solid game if $40 is something you can spare. You won't be blown away by it but it's also not a shitty game by any means. The overly negative reviews are really unnecessary. This game shouldn't be getting less than a 7 from outlets IMO.