Well at least you can finish the story quests now and get your Assassin Scat permanently. She's one of your favorites right?
Yeah. Trying to plow through the story of this one to get that over with. Just funny that as much as I pulled during this Summer banner, I didn't get one 4* unit over the course of the whole event. Man, it really sucks. It would have been nice to get even one of them, but for all of the guaranteed 4*s I got they were all craft essences. Such a shitty system in this game and the shitty part it that they're rewarded for it by people spending so much money to get these units. That's just all kinds of messed up.
Anyway, I don't want to come across as an asshole or needlessly bitching about stuff. Just gonna finish this up and get the 4* Scath and move on with life. There's a ton of grinding this event....