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Fate/Grand Order |OT2| That's Hell You're Walking Into

Isn't this year the last banner for Artoria Alter Rider for a while? There's only the big guaranteed SSR lucky bags on the gamepress list of banners after this summer.
I'd love if it if we got some info about JP summer, perhaps showing some reruns. Because if a lot of the summer servants aren't coming back, then I'm feeling really pressed for money and quartz this summer. Artoria Alter Rider is definitely on top of my list, along with Skadi (albeit she has later banners, so I'm not feeling that pressed about her). However, I kinda want Mordred Rider, Kiyohime Lancer and Tamamo Lancer. There's also Martha Ruler, but she seems to be on a banner later this year, so I have no problem delaying her. And there's also Okita Alter and Oda Nobunaga Berserker. Latter at least has a later banner in JP, so there's no uncertainty around when I can roll on her. But these are coming before Artoria Alter Rider's banner. DW is really screwing us over with all these banners and not enough quartz. I should've know that it's hell I've been walking through.

Also, Jason definitely has one of the best NPs even if it treats him like a joke. Literally trained and raised by Chiron, a decent warrior, turned into a joke.


Always focus on rerun banners since you never know when they will come back. Almost every event has a rerun so you will probably get at least 1 more chance at them the next time around. The wiki's have lists of JP events so you can use those as a guide on reruns.

Last year's summer event will be rerun this year I think. (Summer is probably one of their biggest payday's for some reason ;) )

One site I use for event lists. Double check with other sites though. Not sure how often they update.

I managed to get a NP2 Tamamo Lancer during the rerun of the first summer event. Debating if I want to try for NP2 Mordred Rider or not. Didn't have the SQ to try for Saber Archer NP2 during the rerun.

Since it (might) be Okita's last banner, I decided to get her to NP3 (got 2 on this banner). She was my 2nd 5* servant in the game.

Never used Sherlock, but since everyone says he's awesome, I got him to NP2. Got my 15th kscope from his banner so I got 3 of those MLB now.

I was going to guess the correct person in the murder mystery event but not for the right reasons. I missed the "clues" but had a feeling...

Farming void dust in America since you can never have enough. Seems like I always get the same exact 5 cards each hand... Using Tamamo cat and Fran zerker so their NP stun makes it apparent...

Need to grind for gears (ha ha) and bones but who has the AP and apples for that...


I'm in "save" mode, so I can't devote a lot to Sherlock, even though I want to. Maybe he'll show up again at some point. There are a ton of Summer units I missed last year, but I want to get caster Scath so I'm holding out for that. As a free guy, this game really isn't nice to me. It's been almost a year since I got a 5* unit and about six months since my last 4*. As much as I'd like some of these units, I doubt I'm getting many of them.
You're completely free? Not even the guaranteed SSR with paid quartz? That's rough man. I didn't originally intend to roll for Sherlock, as I was saving for Summer. But I just like Sherlock Holmes too much, so I ended up spending 200 SQ to get him. I got 2 SSR spooks along the way as well. Looking at gamepress it seems like he doesn't get a banner for the next 2 years, other than being a part of the Lucky Bag paid gacha. That's also why I felt like rolling for him.


I was free up from when I started during the first moon festival till the first GSSR.

Went downhill after the first saber wars, lol.

I've already drained all of the free SQ the game offers, except bond points, but those take so long that you can't really farm those...

What I like about FGO is that the SSR are optional (to a point). There's ways to beat the story with 3* servants if you need to. Servants from 2 years ago are still good today.

I wasted waaaayyyy too much on KHuX. That game has the worst power creep I've ever seen, which caused me to not spend anything more than a few dollars a week on it (for a weekly deal). They literally had an item that would have cost over $600 in paid game currency to get 1 of (required to do 28 10 pulls in the gacha for 1 copy).. Some people had 2. It was then outclassed in damage by newer ones a month later. Some are outclassed in a week or 2. And you can't beat the "events" unless you have the absolute newest items most of the time.
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Yeah, FGO is great with the viability of 1-3 star servants. There's lot of gachas where lower tier servants aren't viable. I wish they'd add more 1-3 stars more regularly though. I wish they'd vary their summer servants and not treat them as waifubaits as well. Would love some of the male servants with a summer version as well. Summer Fergus would be great, to get him up to at least a 4 star version. Most of the irish servants seem to get relegated to 3 stars.
Also, great thing with FGO is that one of your slots is a friend's servant, as well as lower tier servants also having rather good skills and interesting interludes to explore their character. Still bothers me that the star system really screws over some really big heroes in terms of stats and skills at times. Sometimes these get a new class, upping them to at least a 4 star, or a summer version upping them to 4 star. Still can be kinda annoying to have these big gaps, like Blackbeard being 2 star while Francis Drake is 5 star. Of course, Drake's mostly 5 star due to being a Fate/Extra servant and a babe. There's also Apocrypha Jack as a 5 star. Ughh... Never wanna get Jack because of that design, even though she's super useful.
I look forward to when Fate/Strange Fake is done and we can get that Jack The Ripper instead.


Rolling in this game is so dreadful because the rates are insane. I only give money to games that aren't trying to gouge people. If I feel like I can actually "win", then I'm more inclined to pay. The odds of "winning" in this game is so incredibly low, that I don't want to give them a dime. Though, I have given them money before in the past before I really understood how bad it was to roll. Strangely enough, I still have some of that paid SQ that I haven't used. Been free for a long time now.

I will say that I feel lucky in that the two servants I REALLY wanted I got. Maid Artoria Alter and Scath. I want basic Artoria, but after trying for a long time when I started and not getting her, I gave up any hope of that ever happening. Luckily, I feel like Artoria Alter does a good job filling in.
Well rolling on guaranteed SSR should be safe, as you are guaranteed the SSR, making rates irrelevant. This summer it's only 15 paid quartz as well for a 10 roll. Good to do if there's a specific limited servant you want or if you are aiming for a specific class to fill up with a SSR. You have at least a 33% chance in Caster to get either of the main team supports, like Merlin, Waver or Tamamo. Tamamo is more arts based, Waver all-around and Merlin Buster with a hint of general utility. If you're lucky you can get all 3 of them even. Or if it's the Extra classes, that's an easy fill with the lucky bag.

I got a Waver and a Xuanzang in one of my 10 rolls to get Sherlock. Surprising, but welcome, especially as I already have Merlin. Just need Tamamo and Skadi to fulfill my support crew. Makes it really nice to play various combinations and different types of teams.


Most of my favorite servants in this game are Quick type, so Skadi can't come soon enough for me, to finally get some real use out of them other than just easy/story quests.

I've had ridiculously good luck in this game for every SSR I went for other than Dantes. I wasted my entire stash of saved quartz for him on his first banner and even bought more than a couple of the 80 dollar packs. Never ended up getting him on his release banner, but I did manage on the second one. For the most part, the only times I dipped into buying SQ were Dantes and summer banners, with maybe a few exceptions here or there. I only buy the 80 dollar packs though because the rest are horribly overpriced for what you get, not that everything isn't overprice in general.

Several times though I got the banner SSRs from a handful of tickets, and I have 8 screenshots saved somewhere of Multi-SSR 10pulls. I'm not sure if I have a good account seed or I'm just lucky as hell.

That dinosaur servant really makes me wish we weren't 2 years behind though.


Darkness no more
I was really lucky on most banners I rolled last year and got most of what I wanted without too much SQ. This year has been the opposite where I haven’t gotten much. I haven’t rolled much either though. It’s been nice to build up resources for a bit. I buy a pack of SQ every once in awhile, but I mostly just do it if I have credit card reward points built up so I am using “free” money. The rates suck so I don’t like using actual cash.
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Just curious...why do people keep calling caster Scath...Skadi? As far as I know she doesn't get a name change. She's still Scath...just as a caster.
"Caster's True Name is Scáthach-Skaði (スカサハ=スカディ, Sukasaha Sukadi?), a fusion of Skadi and Scáthach brought about by Odin in the Norse Lostbelt during Ragnarok, before he died while sealing Surtr.[1]

A Servant originating from the Scandinavian Lostbelt. A "completely different person" compared to the Scáthach from the common history of man, recognized as the only god in the Lostbelt, whose nature is closer to being a queen. In this work, Scáthach and Skadi are not perfectly equal in existences, but they mutually influence each other and the term "mixed up" is used. She, who, existed in the Lostbelt as "Scáthach-Skaði", has a particularly high mixing rate with Skaði, hence she has many attributes of the Bride of Gods.[2]"

It's because she's associated with winter and mountains, and her position in norse mythology in regards to the gods. It's more like "why choose Scathach?" and I believe there is some perceived connections regarding darkness and shadow that likely was the cause, as well as affinity towards mountains. Also with runic magecraft originating in Scandinavia, it made likely for enough connection to use her.
And likely just also a cheap way to capitalize on Scathach's popularity. Since she's a goddess you kinda need some other way to materialize her also, so probably just made a good alternative to pseudo-servants allowing to use other servants by fusion. Honestly though, I'd prefer to avoid franchise pseudo-servants. The Rin, the Sakura, the Luvia, the Waver and Taiga pseudos feels like just abusing the established franchise. Would much prefer that if they used pseudos to use original characters. Like Quetz.


I tend to use character's game names. So like people call Zhuge something like Waver, but his game name is different. It's confusing. At least if it's the game name, then folks who aren't super fans should know who that character is.

I do agree about using Rin, Sakura, etc as servants. It feels cheap. Emiya makes sense because that has already been established. But then again, the main issue I have with this franchise as a whole is that it bends and warps its lore, rules constantly.
Waver Velvet or Lord El Melloi II is the dominant personality, while Zhuge Liang is more in the background. That's why people say Waver. It's established in his interlude, which is why people say Waver, as well as being one of the big characters of Fate/Zero.


In my opinion, they should have just named him that, but they didn't. Never watched Fate/Zero, so I can only go with the name on the stat sheet. Players coming up with names themselves doesn't really matter that much, I think.
I do recommend watching Fate/Zero even if it butchers Artoria quite a bit and is not technically in line with the original VN (it's kind of the same 4HGW, but not quite the same). It's a bit overrated amongst general anime fans, but still good and gives you more appreciation for characters like Waver, along with watching The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II, where one gets the adult him that has matured.
Fuck, spent 5 tickets and 120 SQ only to get just Kiyohime (Lancer) and various spooks on my main account. All my other accounts have pulled Tamamo (Lancer) and various of the other summer servants on like 5 tickets and 50 SQ.
I'd have hoped to get Mordred (Rider) at least on my main account, as Tamamo doesn't feel like such a rush due to possibly showing up on the Lucky Bag. (I'm planning rolling on Lancer for Scathach most of all)


Fuck, spent 5 tickets and 120 SQ only to get just Kiyohime (Lancer) and various spooks on my main account. All my other accounts have pulled Tamamo (Lancer) and various of the other summer servants on like 5 tickets and 50 SQ.
I'd have hoped to get Mordred (Rider) at least on my main account, as Tamamo doesn't feel like such a rush due to possibly showing up on the Lucky Bag. (I'm planning rolling on Lancer for Scathach most of all)
how many accounts do you run? How the hell do you do multi accounts on lottery events? lol
how many accounts do you run? How the hell do you do multi accounts on lottery events? lol

My phone allows multiple users, a max of 4 (outside of the Guest account which I wish didn't exist so I could have 5). So I run 2 general accounts, as well as 2 gimmicks accounts. On one I'm basically focusing on only servants from various main Fate titles: Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Extra, Fate/Zero, Fate/Apocrypha. So very little investment is needed other than logging in for the most time, doing the free summons in hope to get Angry Mango, and doing events focusing mostly on getting exp cards, fous and material. It basically exists to roll on specific banners, other than that, it's barely played. Another one is a pure female account. Same thing basically, as it's still a gimmick one. Except getting welfare becomes relevant now and then when it's a female servant. These accounts barely require much attention outside of logging in and maybe doing some event stuff, but it's not always necessary as they're gimmick accounts.

The general accounts are just 2 accounts, where I've gotten different luck. Having 2 accounts, while sorta stressful around tight events, it's also freeing in terms of facing terrible RNG when you want a specific servant. It's also surprisingly easy to do, as all story related things you skip on the other account as you've already seen it, allowing you to just skip to battles.
It's something I recommend when there's really good "fresh start" events. Like in JP recently. Oh, did I forget to tell you that I have 4 JP accounts as well? Well, though they're all basically gimmicks. One is Argonauts&Greek heroes, one is burn all gold servants and only run 1-3 stars (though I started this recently and taking things really slow as everything outside of 3 star limited banners really don't matter, welfares don't matter and getting SQs don't matter much), one is female only (and is my lucky account as my rolls have been crazy good and it's probably my "main" JP account) and another one is just one for my daughter that I started recently.
But yeah, sometimes there's perfect times to establish another account. There's people who've had terrible luck with their draws, maybe only having 1-2 SSRs and not the ones they want and rather bad ones in terms of gameplay as well. Around New Years you had a "fresh start" in NA, with getting 30 SQs, allowing you to reroll quickly and try for good rolls for SSR, as well as a free SR ticket. Then you had the KnK event following giving a good welfare, allowing to quickly get up a team.
Recently in JP they had a similar situation, and god it was good. It allowed me to get Jalter, Nobu Avenger, Nobu Berserker, Musashi, the welfare Lancer and recently the dinomom servant (and some other SRs, including some which I burned due to being male). JP also lets you instantly ascend one servant to max ascension.

Since it's a game that's mostly about getting the servants you want, running multiple accounts is a pretty good strategy. During reroll events you can get such a good start that it might be preferable to your other account. Like I've gotten 3 gold during the tutorial summons lots of times, then gotten SSR on a 30 roll and the free SR ticket during the New Years event. I kept a list of all the reroll accounts, with which gold servant, pw and transfer code.
Another strategy might be to just collect SQ on the account and only use them on really specific servants that you absolutely WANT no matter what, allowing you to beat the RNG.
If they're run as gimmick accounts they also free you from a lot of pressure, as you don't need to care too much about doing everything, getting everything. Like running a 1-3 star account can be like heaven, as you're really not hoping for SR/SSR servants and you're burning those you get for Rare Prisms.


Darkness no more
Totally not gonna give you 18x Mapo Tofu/Fragarach/Bronze-Link Manipulator CEs, 1x Gilles and 1x 4 star CE. :messenger_grinning_sweat:



My phone allows multiple users, a max of 4 (outside of the Guest account which I wish didn't exist so I could have 5). So I run 2 general accounts, as well as 2 gimmicks accounts. On one I'm basically focusing on only servants from various main Fate titles: Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Extra, Fate/Zero, Fate/Apocrypha. So very little investment is needed other than logging in for the most time, doing the free summons in hope to get Angry Mango, and doing events focusing mostly on getting exp cards, fous and material. It basically exists to roll on specific banners, other than that, it's barely played. Another one is a pure female account. Same thing basically, as it's still a gimmick one. Except getting welfare becomes relevant now and then when it's a female servant. These accounts barely require much attention outside of logging in and maybe doing some event stuff, but it's not always necessary as they're gimmick accounts.

The general accounts are just 2 accounts, where I've gotten different luck. Having 2 accounts, while sorta stressful around tight events, it's also freeing in terms of facing terrible RNG when you want a specific servant. It's also surprisingly easy to do, as all story related things you skip on the other account as you've already seen it, allowing you to just skip to battles.
It's something I recommend when there's really good "fresh start" events. Like in JP recently. Oh, did I forget to tell you that I have 4 JP accounts as well? Well, though they're all basically gimmicks. One is Argonauts&Greek heroes, one is burn all gold servants and only run 1-3 stars (though I started this recently and taking things really slow as everything outside of 3 star limited banners really don't matter, welfares don't matter and getting SQs don't matter much), one is female only (and is my lucky account as my rolls have been crazy good and it's probably my "main" JP account) and another one is just one for my daughter that I started recently.
But yeah, sometimes there's perfect times to establish another account. There's people who've had terrible luck with their draws, maybe only having 1-2 SSRs and not the ones they want and rather bad ones in terms of gameplay as well. Around New Years you had a "fresh start" in NA, with getting 30 SQs, allowing you to reroll quickly and try for good rolls for SSR, as well as a free SR ticket. Then you had the KnK event following giving a good welfare, allowing to quickly get up a team.
Recently in JP they had a similar situation, and god it was good. It allowed me to get Jalter, Nobu Avenger, Nobu Berserker, Musashi, the welfare Lancer and recently the dinomom servant (and some other SRs, including some which I burned due to being male). JP also lets you instantly ascend one servant to max ascension.

Since it's a game that's mostly about getting the servants you want, running multiple accounts is a pretty good strategy. During reroll events you can get such a good start that it might be preferable to your other account. Like I've gotten 3 gold during the tutorial summons lots of times, then gotten SSR on a 30 roll and the free SR ticket during the New Years event. I kept a list of all the reroll accounts, with which gold servant, pw and transfer code.
Another strategy might be to just collect SQ on the account and only use them on really specific servants that you absolutely WANT no matter what, allowing you to beat the RNG.
If they're run as gimmick accounts they also free you from a lot of pressure, as you don't need to care too much about doing everything, getting everything. Like running a 1-3 star account can be like heaven, as you're really not hoping for SR/SSR servants and you're burning those you get for Rare Prisms.
Jesus lol. 8 accounts across two languages and 4 phone profiles. I guess like you said, if your goal is to stay F2P, having a bunch of accounts would be a good method, but....damn.
Jesus lol. 8 accounts across two languages and 4 phone profiles. I guess like you said, if your goal is to stay F2P, having a bunch of accounts would be a good method, but....damn.

Well, it's less stressful than you think. It's even easier just keeping an account that just collects SQs, does 10x free FP summons and uses free SR tickets. If one uses some exp cards to build a team out of only those servants you have without using SQ (tutorial summons 1-3 SRs + FP summons 1 to 3 stars), then it's also easy to collect welfares and various materials during events. You'd be barely playing, but collecting a shitton of SQs.
For me it's usually just switching profiles instantly, logging in and doing 10x FP summons, then closing the app and switching profile and repeat. During events it's more like "which accounts needs to do the event? If I have spare time, what other account could do the event to a degree?". For some events it's just getting EXP cards, fous and the material I need on less prioritized accounts. That's usually like a max of an hour or so of gameplay for the whole event.

Believe me, when all your quartz fails on a servant that still hasn't had a banner in JP 2 years after, then having an account that you can retry, is such a good feeling. It's easy to just throw money at the problem, but managing to offset the bad RNG without having to just outright spend money, even when it still might not give you the servant, is liberating. Also gimmick accounts are freeing. My Fate franchise account only actually needs to roll, as my main goal is getting the servants, not necessarily spending time maxing their skills as quickly as possible.

It also feels like your experience with RNG is better, albeit it clearly isn't, you're just getting more positive hits because you have more rolls. Like on my 1-3 star JP account, I've mostly gotten bad rolls, but since it's a gimmick account, I kinda want "bad rolls", I want CEs and 3 stars and I've mostly been getting just that, with 2 SRs and a single SSR that I've burned.
Having more rolls makes you feel better because you avoid having that feeling of wasting 300 SQs and not get the servant you wanted, because you get the extra rolls giving you better results. Like I've gotten lucky on 2 account getting Tamamo Lancer within 1 and 4 tickets. Another account on a single 10x summons. While my experience on my most main account was 120 SQs and only Kiyohime Lancer, who I wanted, but nothing else. It's a good way to make sure you don't burn out on the game based on bad RNG when there's a servant you really want.

EDIT: Also, I don't bother reading/watching scenes on my JP account. My japanese isn't good enough for me to use time on them, would have to look things up and it would just bog things down.
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Kogetsukan was great but fuck you too Holmes, you're like "I'mma take you on a grand adventure someday" and we already know from JP that never happened.

Back to clearing through Shimousa I guess.


Oh boy, Okita Alter....I have 120~ quartz, let's see if my luck holds up. I hate to go after another alter ego since I have Melt NP2, Kiara, and Lip, but her design is so good. I guess she's good with NP spam vs. a mixed line of cavalry.... Too bad she wasn't berserker or something.


I got the Dinosaur servant in JP but I've got so many chars to level-up and don't have the will to grind right now. :messenger_loudly_crying:


Darkness no more
I think I am going to budget 25 tickets to Okita Alter. I don't really need her, but she looks cool.


It's kinda weird that they don't have an opposite effectiveness to Alter Egos, that do extra damage to only knight classes. I'd much rather Okita be whatever that is than another Alter Ego.


Yeah. I don't need her since I have Kaira, Melt, and the other 4* lady. I should look up what she looks like. Maybe I'll consider throwing some tickets at her banner.


Well, I had pretty damn good luck again. Got Majin Okita on my 3rd ticket. Wanted to try to get at least a copy of the 3* assassin, so I kept going. 11 more tickets and a 10 pull later I ended up with 5*s Anastasia and Arjuna and a second Okita, before finally getting the assassin. Feels pretty good!


Darkness no more
I used 25 tickets and 30 quartz. I got NP4 of the new 3* assassin. Nothing else of value.


I burned 11 tickets on this banner and got...nothing. Not surprised. She looks cool, though. Just not sure I need another Alter Ego.
I got Okita Alter in 6 SQs. I shit you not. I was fucking livid. Best luck ever. After spending on Okita, on Holmes, on the Summer Re-Runs, I completely lucked out on Okita Alter. Only spending a bit more to get some event CEs and that's all.


Sadly, the more I use Chrono's Okita Alter, the more I want her. Her look and animations are top notch. Her NP is so damn awesome. Ugh. I'm torn.
I threw a 10 roll and 10 tickets. Got some CE's for farming. The grind on some of these missions is pretty awful, reminds me of the KnK and CCC grinds. I guess these mission-based events are always like this. The story is surprisingly serious and good which is weird because previous GUDAGUDA were comedy events.

Okitan is pretty cool and it would be nice to have an AoE Alter Ego (I already have Melt) but I really, really need to save for Skadi. I don't know if Chokita gets a rate-up sometime down the line or not, but I hope so.
U Unknown Soldier Okita Alter has a banner next year and the year after that for the rerun. So should be chances, as well as a part of the various lucky bags of guaranteed SSR. Then again, there's another chance for Skadi next year as well. That's why I'm focusing mostly on getting servants that I want that haven't returned. So might let Skadi pass as I focus on a few other servants I want more than her.
If you got a mostly Quick-focused team though, then Skadi is pretty good to get and perhaps in some ways a must.


This is event is so grindy. I want to get the 4* dude, but there's sooooooo much grinding going on. I'm getting tired of it.


Managed to get NP2 Okita alter.... And 17 rare prisms... And 3 SSR spooks. And a hole in my wallet...

The event isn't too grindy. I'm using a walkthrough. Only burned a few apples so far and am over 50 missions completed. Only gold currency shop items I have left are mana prisms and statues. Don't really need either of those. Need more bronze currency ironically.

Remember the better currency farming nodes always come later in the event!


Managed to get NP2 Okita alter.... And 17 rare prisms... And 3 SSR spooks. And a hole in my wallet...

The event isn't too grindy. I'm using a walkthrough. Only burned a few apples so far and am over 50 missions completed. Only gold currency shop items I have left are mana prisms and statues. Don't really need either of those. Need more bronze currency ironically.

Remember the better currency farming nodes always come later in the event!
Congrats! Did you get NP5 Okada as well?

Can you link your walkthrough here? I've just been grinding stages with natural AP the past few days, but I'd like to get a little head start since I'll be busy this weekend.


I decided to do one more ten roll. Looked what happened here


First double SSR roll


Congrats! Did you get NP5 Okada as well?

Can you link your walkthrough here? I've just been grinding stages with natural AP the past few days, but I'd like to get a little head start since I'll be busy this weekend.

Lost count on how many Okada I got... It was at least 17 copies... Did some single pulls, might have been more in there...

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