Syracuse restaurant owners describe chicken-wing 'black market'
SYRACUSE, NY -- Paul Rojek promised Onondaga County Judge Anthony Aloi in early September that he would not commit another crime for at least three years as a condition of his sentence for stealing thousands of dollars of food items from Dominick's, the restaurant he worked at as a cook.
But police say Rojek and his son were, at that point, seven months into the exact same type of scam at Rojek's new restaurant, Twin Trees Too. Police said Monday that Rojek, 56, and son Joshua Rojek, 33, stole $41,000 worth of chicken wings from the restaurant and later sold them "on the street" and to other establishments over the course of nine months or so.
Onondaga County Sheriff's Office spokesman Jon Seeber said the United States Department of Agriculture was notified about at least one establishment that bought the stolen goods "due to the chicken being transported improperly." However, a spokeswoman for the federal department said Tuesday it was unaware of the issue.
A prosecutor said the establishments hypothetically could be charged with receiving stolen property but only if it's proven that they did so "knowingly". She was unaware if that was an inquiry in the current case against the Rojeks.
Interviews with restaurant owners and prosecutors in Syracuse since the arrests describe a somewhat common practice of selling chicken wings -- and turkey breasts and shrimp and lobster tails -- out of the back of a pickup truck or from a warehouse.
"It's actually kind of funny that there's a black market for chicken wings," prosecutor Beth Van Doren said in a phone interview Tuesday. "But the demand is that high".
Rojek's boss at Twin Trees Too, Dan Rescignano, said a number of under-the-table sellers have come by over the years to sell truckloads of meat products at low prices. He said his Milton Avenue restaurant hired a private investigator to follow Rojek as he tried to sell the goods.
They captured him doing so to a convenience store, he said, though he would only say that the store was near Dominick's restaurant and that it was "cooperating" with police.
Also, Jason Thomas, a vocal member of a local restaurant group and owner of Arad Evans Inn and Papa Gallo, said it's rare, but that sellers have tried to sell him truckloads of shrimp. The last time it happened was "years ago," he said, but he knows there's a market for the goods. He urged government officials to fine and prosecute those who buy the goods.
"Obviously there is a market somewhere. I would imagine that's in places that are not your ordinary run-of-the-mill restaurants. They would have to be a little seedy," he said. "The establishments that are ... buying product off the back of a truck they should be fined and prosecuted. It's not OK."
Rescignano of Twin Trees Too said the restaurant was aware of the allegations against Rojek when they hired him in January.
"We were aware. He was upfront about it," Rescignano said. "We give second chances around here.... He swore up and down that he wouldn't screw us."
But then owners began noticing that only 20 percent of the wings they were buying were showing up in the restaurant. They began to watch Rojek more closely, ultimately hiring a private investigator and asking for criminal charges.
A judge can decide to issue a "violation" of his conditional discharge, the prosecutor said, based on the most-recent charges. That could result in harsher or increased sentencing.