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Favorite Angel Episode?

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I've decided there haven't been enough Buffy/Angel threads lately, so, voila! List your favorite Angel episode.

I haven't seen the entire series yet, but I just finished watching "Waiting in the Wings" and it easily takes the top honor for me. The music, the romance between Cordelia and Angel, the truly creepy henchman of the Count, it all really came together perfectly.

Oh, and not to forget Gunn and Fred falling for each other--in front of Wes no less! You can see the beginning of his descent into darkness from that moment. Wow, fantastic episode.
The finale of Season 2 was definitely good (first mention of the Wolf, the Ram and the Hart too!) and I thought highly underrated.

But what's going on in "Couplet?" Cordy's a virgin? Say what?


I just finsihed with Buffy 6 and have Angel Season 1-3 in the mail, but have not watched any of it. Anyhow my FAV is when spike comes bach with a soul, and the one where Angel loses his.


My Favorite would be "Are You Now or Have You Ever Been?" from season 2, It just has that spark... I've watched it so many times. Coming closely to that would be "Waiting In The Wings" from Season 3 and "Awakening" from Season 4.

Other Favorites:
1.1 - City Of
1.8 - I Will Remember You
1.9 - Hero
1.18/19 - Five by Five/Sanctuary
2.10 - Reunion
2.18 - Dead End
3.11 - BirthDay
4.21 - Peace Out
5.12 - You're Welcome
5.14 - Smile Time
5.15 - A Hole in the World
5.22 - Not Fade Away


3.13 - Waiting in the Wings
3.14 - Couplet
3.15 - Loyalty
3.16 - Sleep Tight
3.17 - Forgiving

My favorite five episode run. Smile Time also makes an appearance, as do many others, but that's the string of notable episodes that really shine upon repeated viewings.

Couplet - Cordy isn't a virgin, but the whole thing is Groo will absorb the visions, as the prophecy fortold at the end of Season 2, if they have sex. Therefore she needs a mystical contraceptive to prevent losing said visions.
I'll pick an ep from each season:

1.8 - I Will Remember You
2.10 - Reunion
3.16 - Sleep Tight
4.7 - Apocalypse, Nowish
5.12 - You're Welcome


In order...

Angel 3x18 - Forgiving
Angel 1x08 - I Will Remember You
Angel 5x08 - Destiny
Angel 1x18/1x19 - Five by Five/Sanctuary
Angel 4x21/4x22 - Peace Out/Home
Angel 4x13/4x14 - Salvage/Release
Angel 5x07 - Lineage
Angel 5x22 - Not Fade Away
Angel 5x15 - A Hole in the World


Hero, I Will Remember You (I love season's 2 and 3 but I can't remember any episode titles).. I must be the only one who didn't like season 4 (well except for Apocalypse Nowish), You're Welcome, A Hole in the World, Smile Time, Not Fade Away.

The last half of season 5 is so freaking fantastic.
SFA_AOK said:
What happens in these?

Gunn and Freds relationship begins, Wes takes Conner, Wes gets throat slashed, Angel tries to kill Wes while he's laying in a hospital bed. Just a quick rundown of the big events, but it was definetly one big thing after another through those eps.


Ah yeah, couldn't remember what happened after they visited the ballet (it was ballet wasn't it?). Just the summary I was looking for, cheers :)
BuddyChrist83 said:
3.13 - Waiting in the Wings
3.14 - Couplet
3.15 - Loyalty
3.16 - Sleep Tight
3.17 - Forgiving

My favorite five episode run. Smile Time also makes an appearance, as do many others, but that's the string of notable episodes that really shine upon repeated viewings.

Couplet - Cordy isn't a virgin, but the whole thing is Groo will absorb the visions, as the prophecy fortold at the end of Season 2, if they have sex. Therefore she needs a mystical contraceptive to prevent losing said visions.

Ah, thanks for the clarification Buddy. So wait, did Xander and Cordy ever do it?

Also, just when I think Waiting in the Wings is my favorite (well, it still is, actually), along comes Couplet and then the introduction of Crazy Wesley in Loyalty. Talking to the Hamburger Statue at the Drive-Thru was hilarious. This really is an interesting story arc.

One more question: Is that red-headed chick with Holtz the next Slayer? After all, someone had to be called after Buffy died, right? She dusted vamps pretty easily and had the whole bad-ass chick thing going on...

OK, another question: A lot of you are saying "I Will Remember You." Can someone remind me what that one was about?
SolidSnakex said:
Probably best just to read this as it's an extremely detailed summary of it:


It was basically the ep that showed what could've been between Angel and Buffy if "it" happened (well technically it did, but they couldn't keep it like that).

Ah, yea, that was decent. And the fact that Angel will be the only one that remembers it was funny. Surprised they never had him reflect on that in later episodes.

So can someone tell me who that red-haired chick that acts as Holtz's enforcer is? Is she the next Slayer? It would be kinda odd to introduce the next Slayer in Angel and not Buffy, but someone has to be called, and it's rather odd that this chick can dust vamps so easily.
DJ Demon J said:
Ah, yea, that was decent. And the fact that Angel will be the only one that remembers it was funny. Surprised they never had him reflect on that in later episodes.

So can someone tell me who that red-haired chick that acts as Holtz's enforcer is? Is she the next Slayer? It would be kinda odd to introduce the next Slayer in Angel and not Buffy, but someone has to be called, and it's rather odd that this chick can dust vamps so easily.

I'm pretty sure that it didn't matter if Buffy died anymore. Faith is the slayer now, for there to be a new one she'd be the one that'd have to die. Buffy still has the powers of the slayer, but Faith is the "real" one at the moment.


Mashing said:
I must be the only one who didn't like season 4

How could one not like Season 4? I mean it has Faith/The Beast/Jasmine/Angelus... And I loved the ending to the season, the Conner thing and W&H.. and the ep where Jasmine dies was sooo great. Easily my favorite season.


I couldn't stand Jasmine's actor... she was just really unappealing to me. I also didn't like evil Cordy, Connor was a whiny bitch. Basically I didn't like the story arc in season 4. It's not BAD, I just didn't like it much compared to the other seasons (I realized this after watching season 1-3 on DVD/TNT). But like I said one of my favorite episodes is from season 4 and The Beast was pretty cool
Sanctuary - BEST

After watching Buffy Seasons 1-3 again im convinced you cannot truely appreciate Angel until you watch the first 3 seasons of Buffy.
They need to make a series called 'pissed off watchers' and giles and wesley can just kick the shit outta people. No story needed or anything. Just them with a bunch of blunt/sharps and 'evil' people.


Season 4 was the best.

The last episodes is where Conner really started to evolve. He kinda annoyed me from season 3 to halfway through season 4. From the episode where he kills that lady onward, he was an amazing character! I absolutely loved his character during Episode 21 and 22.

Then Wes. Wes! Wes!! Don't get me started on Wes. Wes is the greatest thing since Wes.
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