Fell in love with this film at a very young age. I always watch it every Christmas without fail and I think a big part of that is because of the songs.
This was my favorite as a kid. Lyrically, it's a product of its time, but I still dig it and seeing a bunch of my favorite 80's pop stars together on one song gets the nostalgia going on overdrive;
This was my favorite as a kid. Lyrically, it's a product of its time, but I still dig it and seeing a bunch of my favorite 80's pop stars together on one song gets the nostalgia going on overdrive;
This was my favorite as a kid. Lyrically, it's a product of its time, but I still dig it and seeing a bunch of my favorite 80's pop stars together on one song gets the nostalgia going on overdrive;
People are already getting into the Christmas spirit pretty early. I remember putting up my Christmas lights day after Halloween once back in 2004. Was supposed to be a joke for my Neighbors but here we are…. We’re through the looking glass! ️.