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Favorite Demo Sampler Discs/Cartridges/CD-Roms


Does anyone remember the demo disc for PS1 you used to be able to get that, amongst other things, had a Vib Ribbon demo? Must've played that hundreds of times. I'm pretty sure I got it free with a McDonalds Happy Meal.




get some go again
Dreamcast was back when I was most into gaming so naturally I loved the ODCM discs. I spent a lot of time with the ChuChu Rocket! demo so I could be good against people online when the full game hit. I also found it very cool how 4x4 Evolution had an online demo. A lot of my pals on a DC message board would get on and use it mostly as a visual chat lobby and just screw around on the maps, which was just as well since the game wasn't terribly great.

+1 Pizza Hut demo sampler with Metal Gear Solid on it. I was very stingy with my allowance back then. I didn't buy the full game for a while even though the demo blew me away :x

A friend and I played the OPM demo disc with Tony Hawk's Pro Skater on it quite a bit. We were like, wow this game is going to be awesome. Where'd this game come from?

Used copies from 44.99, man. I doubt there are too many unopened copies of IQ floating around.
think i got a copy of IC somewhere. no idea it was worth that much used.


Gives all the fucks
I remember a PS1 demo disc my friend had that contained Tomba on it. It was amazing to me because I thought the game was fun & how freakin' long the demo was. I kept thinking it was the full game the more I played it. Think it also had Einhander as well (which needs to be on the US PSN one of these days).
Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine issue 44 had so, many, goddamn demos and trailers of awesome stuff on there. Among them was the demo for MGS1 and I was blown away by the fact that there was MGS with Japanese voices at all. They also went out of their way to put all sorts of demos to games that they rated 5/5 on there.


Junior Member
My introduction to GTA.


Must have played the timed demo hundreds of times. There's also the Broken Sword 2 demo but I'd already played the Official PlayStation Mag demo and decided to buy it for PC.
I wasn't going to make a post about how amazing that Squaresoft sampler disc was with FFVIII and Xenogears or whatever else was on it as I probably played that longer than most full games, because it reminds me of 90's Squaresoft and it just frankly pisses me the fuck right off. But, here I am!


Unconfirmed Member
Also that Christmas NiGHTS disc wad basically the full game reskinned correct?
Nope, it was a sampler containing Spring Valley as experienced in the full game, an exclusive Elliot version of that same stage (with different layouts) and lots of exclusives bonus features.


I can think of two that come to mind.

First was the kiosk demo disc that was playing on the launch 360s. I managed to get ahold of one around launch and it had Kameo,King Kong and Call Of Duty 2 playable demo. Played the shit out of those. I believe the actually dashboard itself was emulated through the disc (still features the 'blades' dashboard).

Now the second is a little hard to remember it came out around when the og xbox was dying off. It was called Xbox Arcade. It was a free distribution disc in a little paper sleeve that was a pretty obvisous precursor to xbox live arcade on the 360. Can someone help me out with that one?

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
I had a demo disc that came with Dark Forces, Full Throttle, and (I think) Rogue Squadron, but only the first two worked on PC (RS was Mac only).

I played the hell out of both demos, though I never bought either game.


I sold my PlayStation in like 2002 and threw in the demo discs I had... kinda regret it now! I had one that came with the console and that was ok... but I also had a Jampack disc I bought for $5 and it was amazing. Herc's Adventure and Puzzlefighter were stand outs. I still want to buy a copy of Herc's Adventure someday.


I remember having the Dreamcast sampler disc mentioned in the OP. Also, this was awesome to me because the idea of having demos at HOME was a new concept to me back then, considering I mostly played the store kiosks (& I didn't have a PS2/Xbox at the time so no magazine demo discs):


I don't know how many times I replayed the Viewtiful Joe & Billy Hatcher demos. I also remember the one that came with early copies of MK Double Dash. I also have one for Star Wars: Rouge Squadron 3 that includes the original first arcade game.

My vote as well.

Viewtifull Joe and Billy Hartcher are RIDICULOUSLY REPLAYABLE

And I played so much the Soul Calibur 2 demo that I kinda feel guilty about Killer Instinct "free" version =|


at last, for christ's sake
I remember a old Zzap!64 tape by the legendary Rob Hubbard, which pioneered interactive chiptunes, but cant for the life of me remember how it was called. Thalamusic maybe

best thing ever. Hubbard is a genius
The best demo i ever played was James Pond on PC which came with an old issue of PC Gamer or something, but by editing a line of code on the disc you could unlock the full version of the game. I accidentally figured it out one day when bored out of my skull.

My most favourite would be the demo disc that came with the PS1 launch console as it was the only games i had for it for a few weeks being a broke teenager. Had wipeout, battle arena toshinden etc
Man I remember buying Tobal No 1 back in the day just for the Final Fantasy 7 demo disk. I was so excited but... Once the disk booted up it was somehow a playable copy of NHL 97.

Yes the disk said Final Fantasy VII yet it booted into a hockey game. I never did find out if it was a full version or just a demo.

My favorite will always be the PlayStation Underground CDs. Playing the parappa demo over and over... Damn, so many memories


Does anyone remember a whacked out PS1 demo disc that has a bunch of exclusive Mystery Science Theatre 3000 shorts on it? They had all these whacked out clips where the MST3K guys made fun of old Playstation commercials and outtakes from Playstation commercials.

I definitely got my copy of the disc at an E3, but I don't know if it was an E3 exclusive or something that also went out with the Official Playstation Magazine.
Can I just go ahead and say the first 2-3 years of the PlayStation Underground magazine that Sony mailed out on PS1 discs, before they merged it with the Jampack discs? Preview demos, some significantly before the full games were released, Yarouze games, "import" game demos for games that were never coming to the U.S., videos, behind-the-scenes interviews, codes for PS1 games, music videos from Sony artists. It seemed like every issue had at least 2 demos on it that were downright addictive, and they got me into everything from Abe's Oddyssey to Hot Shots Golf to Parappa the Rapper. A worthy competitor and technological elaboration to the "enjoyable marketing" model of Nintendo Power.

I let my interview lapse around issue 3.2 when the demos seemed like they were more and more for games that were already out and that didn't really interest me.


I played with that T-Rex more than Rayman and Battle Arena Toshinden.

YES. In retrospect, that "this 14-year-old girl in a swimsuit is your destiny" movie was suuuper creepy though, wasn't it?



Tony Hawk blew me away with how fluid the controls felt........but man that Goldfinger song got old!

Oh my stars, yes.


Neo Member
This was mine for sure,

This is the menu of Interactive Sampler 4 for PS1. It shows the demos and videos, as well as the hidden codes and stuff.

The demos are:

Steel Reign
Parappa the Rappa
Fighting Force (with code)
Cart World Series
Ace Combat 2
Armored Core
Treasures of the Deep
Intelligent Qube
Porsche Challenge

Pretty sure. I have version 3.5 and my friend had 2, and they both did.
Oh haha :?, lol In all those hours I spent restarting demos, I never caught one..

But listed here:
Videos are:
NFL Gameday 98' (didn't show you that one)
NHL Faceoff 98' (didn't show you that one)
Crash Bandicoot 2 (with code)
Blasto (with code)
PSU CD magazine (with code)
Exodus (with code) (CANCELLED GAME)
Cardinal Syn (with code)
Spawn the Enternal (with code)
Tomb Raider 2 (with code)



Also, the JamPack that had Spyro, Crash Bash, Spider Man, and a few other stuff.
Mother of god, all of these, even the Winter 2000 JamPack. Also Official PlayStation Magazine Discs 26 (dat Blitz 2000 and Cool Boarders) and 50 (dat Spider-Man 2, X-Men Mutant Academy 2, Spyro 3, Tekken 3, Barbie Explorer Twisted Metal 2 aaahhhhhh this is like my favorite demo disc ever), plus the old JamPack with Xena, Tony Hawk 1, Bloody Roar, Ridge Racer and Elmo, ha. Interactive CD Sampler Vol. 5 with Crash 2 and PaRappa the Rapper was the first thing we had when we got our PlayStation...

Alright, I'm gonna have to leave this thread now. I'm can't handle all this nostalgia. Shout outs to my neighbor with the Dreamcast demo disc featuring Sonic Adventure 2, Rayman, and I think NFL 2K and Tony Hawk 3.



I actually bought Double Dash just for this disc. It had a Sonic Heroes demo on it, and I was at the peak of my Sonic fandom. Played the FUCK out of that demo at least 20 times. So good.
OMG OMG OMG... YOU have no idea how long I've been looking for this thing!!!! I had no idea what the name was and what disc it was on. I was at my friends house when he showed me this demo and it blew me away. Such great times...



This demo was released with 2 different covers/names: the "Playstation Developers Demo" or ""Hear it Now! Play It Later!". As with anything PS1 related, Game-Rave has a fetishistically detailed page about it: http://www.game-rave.com/demos/demo_developer_demo/index.htm

I didn't have one when it first came out but I bought this disc a couple years ago as a collectible. I think it's really cool that they put tech demos (including the famous Dino one which still looks impressive for 1994 home consumer electronics) on a disc for consumers to try out on their own system.



This is my absolute favorite one.
I played that demo for over 100 hours I'm sure. Destroying friends with my thumb stylus accuracy.


Played a demo of Colin McRae Rally that came with an issue of OPM for days with my flatmate before coughing up for the full game, and the demo disc bundled with the PS1 had a barebones Tekken 2 demo (only Lei and Jun were playable) but it saw ridiculous amount of action in my college house.
I can't remember the mag, but in around '94/95 I bought issue one of a new UK PC gamer mag and it came with two free demo CDs, each one had like 50 demos on it. I think this is when I first played Beneath a Steel Sky and stuff.


I subscribed to the Playstation Underground and for 2+ years I received 2 discs in the mail every 4 months packed with a shitload of demos, behind-the-scenes movies and interviews, the occasional import/Net Yaroze games and (for some reason) music videos like Ginuwine's Ride It My Pony (what the actual fuck?).

Oh, and a special intro segment for the Christmas issue hosted by the crew of the Satellite of Love.

My most played demo was probably in the very first issue: the Twisted Metal 2 demo. Fun as shit.

Squaresoft 2000 Collectors CD Volume 3 had pretty much the entire 'Summer of Adventure' lineup in either demo or video form. I remember being completely transfixed by the Chrono Cross video, which was just the OP video... but goddamn, what an intro. Shame that it wasn't the awesome demo the Japanese got to play with, with the beta content; but you take what you can get.

How do you make a demo of a JRPG? I didn't have a Playstation or any of its games back in the day, so I'd like to know.

If you're Squaresoft, you give players free reign of the first town and "dungeon" in the game, toss in two party members you're not supposed to get until much later in the final game (and give them hilarious 4th wall-breaking dialogue to boot), crank character stats, levels and skills to their maximum or at least far above what you should have at that point and then let the player go nuts. Xenogears and Chrono Cross's demos were especially guilty of this. The first time I saw Fei's advanced Deathblows and Ether magic was when I abused them on a pack of Hobgobs.


My favorites are the one that came with the Dreamcast, that had the first level of Sonic Adventure and an arena from Powerstone. I played that demo a lot. Also, there was a NiGHTS demo that came with my friend's Sega Saturn that had the first level of each character. We played that demo so many times. That demo was pretty special actually, because those two levels are still some of the best designed levels in that game.

I remember an old demo disc that came with some computer magazine, and it had an extensive video of Halo, before when it was being made for computers and there was no hint of an Xbox exclusivity. The game actually looked really innovative back then. I'm not sure if the final product ended up looking like what was shown in that video. I haven't really played more than a few minutes of Halo so I can't say myself. There was also this photo shoot of a Lara Croft cosplayer, and I remember as a kid I kind of...ha ha. Nevermind.
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