Ugh, the stupid "let me barf out some exposition to explain my motivations" thing that Walking Dead does. I wish I could mix in the Leftovers piano theme to make it even more obvious. lol
I dunno, I felt like the whole season hinged on why Madison goes crazy now and for these people, and I just didn't buy it. I'm sure they wanted Travis' death to be the primary motivator, but that wasn't enough.
The one big thing that worked for me was the way she kept manipulating the brother. It was easy pickings for her, and only something that her character could do by basically playing on the mother/oedipal complexes that are built into these types of angry men in fiction.
I will say, it's still better than the bullshit that happens on the main show, where it's 8 episodes of nothing happening in between the premiere and the inevitable cliffhanger. The lack of a "this happens in the comics!" thing to signpost every action helps make the show much more watchable.