Slings and Arrows
Can we have a feature where we can see who we're being ignored by?
I would like to ignore people who have ignored me.
I would like to ignore people who have ignored me.
I would like to ignore people who have ignored me.
I don't ignore a single user. Using ignore is for pussies.
Both.Shaved or hairy?
Can we have a feature where we can see who we're being ignored by?
I would like to ignore people who have ignored me.
I don't get it?
I don't get it?
Who said that?easier just to agrree to ignore each other in advance
ignored!I've never felt like using the ignore feature untilJareBear: Remastered . Fuck you dude. You are the worst poster on this board by far. All you do is spam threads with gifs pandering for likes. You even create stupider threads then GAF's resident shitboy. Which is quite a feat. If your post has any substance at all it's usually followed by some stupid gif. Learn to communicate like a normal human being.
I guess fudge packer is reffering to me.who’s gafs resident shitboy
I dunno, but it's called Biohazard in Japan.who’s gafs resident shitboy
I've never felt like using the ignore feature untilJareBear: Remastered . Fuck you dude. You are the worst poster on this board by far. All you do is spam threads with gifs pandering for likes. You even create stupider threads then GAF's resident shitboy. Which is quite a feat. If your post has any substance at all it's usually followed by some stupid gif. Learn to communicate like a normal human being.
I’ve always said it should work like Twitter. You block/ignore someone, they can’t see you and you can’t see them. None of this halfway bullshit.
Can we have a feature where we can see who we're being ignored by?
I would like to ignore people who have ignored me.
I've never felt like using the ignore feature untilJareBear: Remastered . Fuck you dude. You are the worst poster on this board by far. All you do is spam threads with gifs pandering for likes. You even create stupider threads then GAF's resident shitboy. Which is quite a feat. If your post has any substance at all it's usually followed by some stupid gif. Learn to communicate like a normal human being.
Seriously, why would you even care who ignores you? Try not to sweat insignificant things.
because you're actually a little bitch that's why people want to put you on ignore and this whole topic is about your fragile ego?
Just joking bro! LOL.
what the fuck? why?
this is ignoring the whole purpose of ignoring people
He's Richard and he packs fudge bars in a factory, hence the name, Richard Packer.who is Richard packer
He's Richard and he packs fudge bars in a factory, hence the name, Richard Packer.
If someone ignores me, I want them to be place on ignore as well. May as well remove them from my Gaf experience.
I don't give a shit about your culture and I'm not trying to assimilate. Also I'm not an immigrant.This is what's wrong with you immigrant fucks trying to assimilate into our culture. Read up on history a little more next time shitboy. Maybe then you wouldnt make an ass out of yourself.
Well you didn't deny being a shit boy...
But i mean...if they aren't responding to you, that means they're ignoring you. Now all you have to do is return the favor.
and you don't even have a choice, because they're ignoring you. Like, you don't need a indicator to tell you that people are ignoring you. Like you said, conversation is a two-way street lol.....