February Wrasslin' |OT| Observe THIS, Brother!


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
To be fair, maybe the crowd thought Dwayne would come out and call Punk up again.


One good thing about this Rollins/HHH feud is it brings us back to the Taker/Kane WM14 days. Just those confrontations where guys don't touch until the big match. These days we have feuds where guys throw down like 10 times before they have their match. That's so lame. Just keep guys away until it's time for them to go at it. They can have segments but don't let them touch.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Honestly one of the ugliest graphics packages I've ever seen.



This is the worst crowd in a long ass time...holy hell.

Figured the Damon Kang was coming out to save Rollins from HHH/Joe but I guess they'll save that for Mania....


Where the fuck is reigns? Or even KO? I mean it would make too much sense to have them come out and say something. If you see Joe and where he is you would have to question HHHas KO, and reigns would make sense due to their history. I mean fuck WWE this shit writes itself.
I had some guy in my section at Wrestlemania that kept trying to start CM Punk chants during the women's match. He looked like the kind of person to go to a Shinedown concert


how often does the WWE spoil their own PPV? Raw is coming to Detroit in two weeks and they advertised
roman vs KO for the WWE UC

Found that odd.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I like how the Shining Stars' entire gimmick is just an offhand part of a promo Enzo cut


Pretty sure Vince only knows like 3-4 black people for these Black History Month segments every year.

We haven't had an important black person in 40 years according to him.
how often does the WWE spoil their own PPV? Raw is coming to Detroit in two weeks and they advertised
roman vs KO for the WWE UC

Found that odd.

They always do that... it's the opposite of a spoiler.

The house show I went was advertised as AJ vs Ambrose vs Wyatt or something like that for the WWE title.

Until the Rumble happened and then the card changed to make it AJ vs Miz vs Ambrose for the IC title.
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