I wish E would give Cabana a shot. He looks in good condition.
I wish E would give Cabana a shot. He looks in good condition.
You think the great Colt Cabana would lower himself by going to WWE again?
DB - 67%
RR - 33%
when I voted. lol
What and where is this poll?
This is great. It's like having Matt Facts all over again.
It's at 88-12 in favor of DBry now lol
I've posted links to the last 2 weeks of shows and am getting ready to watch the Toluca show in a bit. How awesome is Hijo del Perro Aguayo? Top notch heel work. I had a feeling Jack Evans was somebody but am too unfamiliar with American indie wrestling, is Australian Suicide lumped in with those guys since he wears the same color scheme? I hate the Psycho Circus, to trashy looking. I need to start watching Lucha Underground to become more familiar with these guys.
You think the great Colt Cabana would lower himself by going to WWE again?
...you can vote multiple times. That poll is bogus.
...you can vote multiple times. That poll is bogus.
...you can vote multiple times. That poll is bogus.
Nope. I tried and it doesn't count multiple votes even though it will let you click to vote again. The polls on the app are a work. Those are the ones they always use to choose match types or who a guy should wrestle on Raw.
There was a time when watching Smack down was mandatory. That time passed long ago. Now it's only really worth watching if there's a really good match, Or if you missed RAW and couldn't DVR it.Noob question. If i'm not super deep into this yet, should I be watching smackdown? Or is RAW where most of the storyline stuff takes place?
Noob question. If i'm not super deep into this yet, should I be watching smackdown? Or is RAW where most of the storyline stuff takes place?
No, here is the legit poll
Noob question. If i'm not super deep into this yet, should I be watching smackdown? Or is RAW where most of the storyline stuff takes place?
You should be watching neither.
Don't think for a second WWE wouldn't be touting the results if it was 88-12 in favor of Reigns tho
They have three shows in April I believe and are mocking wrestlemania with entertania basically. They said bat shit insane things are going to happen so I hope I can get back down there again. It's like a 3 hour drive for me.Have they announced what they're doing when WrestleMania is town?
Actually, I'm watching Lucha Underground right now on Unimas and Vampiro is indeed on commentary.You can also watch Lucha Underground legally, though in Spanish, by watching them on the UniMas TV Web site. Bonus: the commentary's in Spanish, so no Matt Striker or Vampiro.
dat axel mullet
Why wold you listen to anything he has to say?
So Pentagon Jr. is like a trashy, occult version of Octagon? Is there any relation?
So Pentagon Jr. is like a trashy, occult version of Octagon? Is there any relation?
Watching Monday Night Wars reminded me how awesome Brian Pillman was
I think the Little Jimmy shit got old real quick. I think the R-Truth that smokes during matches and hits people with water bottles to knock them out was pretty great.
so let me get this straight, WWE runs 2 polls, one on the website and one on the app, the website poll has Bryan beating Reigns by a ridiculously large margin, the app poll has Reigns beating Bryan by a fairly large margin, and they only mention the Reigns one? can they do anything right?
so let me get this straight, WWE runs 2 polls, one on the website and one on the app, the website poll has Bryan beating Reigns by a ridiculously large margin, the app poll has Reigns beating Bryan by a fairly large margin, and they only mention the Reigns one? can they do anything right?
Pentagon Jr. is like the dark side version of Octagon - Black Tiger to Octagon's Tiger Mask.
Oh.No family relation. It's an evil equivalent gimmick of Octagon that goes through a couple of generations. Pentagon Jr was created when there was an Octagon Jr (Kalisto from NXT).