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February Wrasslin' |OT| Royal Reignble Fallout. NO HOLDS BARRED, SMARKS!

I wish E would give Cabana a shot. He looks in good condition.

Does R-Truth's "Good R-Truth" character align chronologically with Freight Train's promo where he called R-Truth a black monkey? The more I think about it, the more it seems that R-Truth was trying to imitate Freight Train to make fun of him.
TNA really needs to do a bit of quality control for Unlocked.

At least you can learn about cowbells while Jeff Hardy kills himself.

This is great. It's like having Matt Facts all over again.

God that gimmick was so ahead of its time. TNA was also way ahead of the curve with their TNA Video Vault service in '09 - I forgot about it until the Foley matches today which had an ad on the apron for it.

Jamie OD

I've posted links to the last 2 weeks of shows and am getting ready to watch the Toluca show in a bit. How awesome is Hijo del Perro Aguayo? Top notch heel work. I had a feeling Jack Evans was somebody but am too unfamiliar with American indie wrestling, is Australian Suicide lumped in with those guys since he wears the same color scheme? I hate the Psycho Circus, to trashy looking. I need to start watching Lucha Underground to become more familiar with these guys.

Perro is a great heel. Slimy as heck. Jack was an ROH regular during its prime years so fans from that era remember him fondly. Don't know what to make of Australian Suicide so far. Psycho Circus has always been weird. They went through a huge unbeaten streak when they began and part of the reason was nobody in charge had a clue what to do with them or how to end it so it just kept growing. But Psycho Clown looks like he's being treated as a main eventer so I'd say it paid off.

You think the great Colt Cabana would lower himself by going to WWE again?

He would. Colt had a commentary tryout in 2013. It's only when that went nowhere that he admitted on his podcast he'll never see himself back in WWE. Then the Punk episode happened and Colt joked that he'll definitely never go back now.
...you can vote multiple times. That poll is bogus.

Nope. I tried and it doesn't count multiple votes even though it will let you click to vote again. The polls on the app are a work. Those are the ones they always use to choose match types or who a guy should wrestle on Raw.


Noob question. If i'm not super deep into this yet, should I be watching smackdown? Or is RAW where most of the storyline stuff takes place?
Nope. I tried and it doesn't count multiple votes even though it will let you click to vote again. The polls on the app are a work. Those are the ones they always use to choose match types or who a guy should wrestle on Raw.

of course the polls on the app are a work remember Roman Reigns is superstar of the year.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Noob question. If i'm not super deep into this yet, should I be watching smackdown? Or is RAW where most of the storyline stuff takes place?
There was a time when watching Smack down was mandatory. That time passed long ago. Now it's only really worth watching if there's a really good match, Or if you missed RAW and couldn't DVR it.


Noob question. If i'm not super deep into this yet, should I be watching smackdown? Or is RAW where most of the storyline stuff takes place?

Raw. Smackdown is filler. Literally nothing happens on that show that is important to the overall storyline. In the rare case that it is, it'll be recap'd at the beginning of Raw the following week.


Smackdown has some story elements to it, worth watching if you're invested in WWE. But it doesn't usually start new story, usually just continues what RAW started.
Raw is essential viewing in at least fast forward DVR/skim a torrent mode since it's the most important show of the week. SD is nearly always skippable, and NXT and Lucha Underground are absolute musts to watch in full.
Have they announced what they're doing when WrestleMania is town?
They have three shows in April I believe and are mocking wrestlemania with entertania basically. They said bat shit insane things are going to happen so I hope I can get back down there again. It's like a 3 hour drive for me.


- Vince


I think the Little Jimmy shit got old real quick. I think the R-Truth that smokes during matches and hits people with water bottles to knock them out was pretty great.


Is this different than the "more deserving" poll? Because that one was like 82 percent for Bryan when I voted and had over 6,000 votes.

Reigns is winning regardless, but yeah. Dude is all over the Fastlane ads, including the commercial that clearly positions him as the main guy/focus. And I'm cool with it.


so let me get this straight, WWE runs 2 polls, one on the website and one on the app, the website poll has Bryan beating Reigns by a ridiculously large margin, the app poll has Reigns beating Bryan by a fairly large margin, and they only mention the Reigns one? can they do anything right?
so let me get this straight, WWE runs 2 polls, one on the website and one on the app, the website poll has Bryan beating Reigns by a ridiculously large margin, the app poll has Reigns beating Bryan by a fairly large margin, and they only mention the Reigns one? can they do anything right?

The one on the site only started today.

Also of note, tonight's house show in Salt Lake was to be Bryan & Orton vs Rollins & Kane but they switched it to Orton vs Kane with Bryan vs Rollins as the main event.

Could signify they're shuffling Orton out of the Rollins match at Mania if you want to read into it.
I'm glad they embraced the Bryan/Reigns controversy but cot damn it just makes it more clear Bryan should be facing Lesnar.

Bummer, dudez.


so let me get this straight, WWE runs 2 polls, one on the website and one on the app, the website poll has Bryan beating Reigns by a ridiculously large margin, the app poll has Reigns beating Bryan by a fairly large margin, and they only mention the Reigns one? can they do anything right?

Roman Reigns fans are active, enjoying the weekend and living a mobile lifestyle. Daniel Bryan fans are at home sulking, fretting over WWE.com poll results.
Pentagon Jr. is like the dark side version of Octagon - Black Tiger to Octagon's Tiger Mask.

No family relation. It's an evil equivalent gimmick of Octagon that goes through a couple of generations. Pentagon Jr was created when there was an Octagon Jr (Kalisto from NXT).


Do they show the same vignettes in the English and Spanish versions? I noticed Maxine's were dubbed but Dario Cueto was speaking Spanish in an accent I can't quite place, Argentinean?
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