bean breath
And yet you're one of Daniel Bryan's loudest supporters in this community.They really need to put Neville under a mask. Being 5ft2 ain't helping his cause either.
And yet you're one of Daniel Bryan's loudest supporters in this community.They really need to put Neville under a mask. Being 5ft2 ain't helping his cause either.
The trick is to not post outside of WrassleGAF.How do you guys get banned so often.
Last time I got banned was for posting the Booker T jpg on Hogan in some other thread.
They really need to put Neville under a mask. Being 5ft2 ain't helping his cause either.
And yet you're one of Daniel Bryan's loudest supporters in this community.
Oh great, you're just a gimmick poster.Daniel Bryan has a marketable look, is a much better wrestler, has a good 4 inches on Neville, and can cut a great promo. Neville almost put me to sleep on color the other night on NXT. Worst color commentary since I heard Cesaro.
F you
People keep going on about Freck like he's never been banned before. Stop beating a dead horse.
You missed the avatar rumble, friend. Sunny Mac streams a 40-man Rumble with one of the WWE2K games and lets the CPU duke it out. Prince Pretty was this year's winner so all of us that submitted an entry change our avatars for the month.
Never worry about me getting banned again. I made a promise to WrassleGAF that I will never be banned again. Much to y'all's chagrin, but it's a promise of a lifetime!
and if you do get banned, your Kliq will just bail you out again
must be nice to have this kind of security
Like...she was the definition of thick. It want fair brehs.Just watch some of Mickie James matches when she use to wear a skirt.
That makes sense. that why everyone had that band geek as their avatar last year?
and if you do get banned, your Kliq will just bail you out again
must be nice to have this kind of security
That makes sense. that why everyone had that band geek as their avatar last year?
Yep. Marchie Archie, you can go to hell.
Well his Frecklestein alt just went down'I'll never get banned again... Because I'll just use one of my alt acconts'
'I'll never get banned again... Because I'll just use one of my alt acconts'
I took care of that one, friend.
My what? I'm the most hated man in WrassleGAF, I don't have friends. Y'all do me like John Cena does his "friends".
You'd like to take credit for closing the portal to Outworld, but you were one of the people who didn't see any similarities. You were the last to know.
wasn't it a permaban last time? yet here you are, because of your friends
If you don't like me, just
Also I have no idea what friends you're referring to. I ain't got no mod friends.
If you don't like me, just
Also I have no idea what friends you're referring to. I ain't got no mod friends.
thats true.
i forgot what thread it was in, but unless im mistaken, a mod was in there, and you kinda friendly so you asked him to back you up or give you leeway or something for something you were about to post.
you still got banned with the quickness :lol
Besada clearly told me to let my freak flag fly, and I promptly got got for calling someone fat. That mod doublespeak got me...
Ivan Putski vs Buddy Rose
Two opposite ends of the 'gross' spectrum. Entertaining match though. Putski stomps on Rose's robe. The dick.
Isn't that a little presumptuous of Alberto?Del Rio said on the shoot that he's already making about the same money as he was in WWE just with AAA and that isn't even figuring in everything else he is doing. He said the network killed all of their paychecks and everyone is miserable in WWE.
Isn't that a little presumptuous of Alberto?
I mean, not all of the guys are solely motivated by money.
Isn't that a little presumptuous of Alberto?
I mean, not all of the guys are solely motivated by money.
He's got the same hair as the goon from Wrath of the Black Manta
How long will it take for them to book him in a comedy feud with El Torito?
Yeah, I just had a choice to make fun of someone or comfort them and I went with comfort and it almost felt like cheating because in truth I had sympathized with how Max had been treated by the character and felt that they needed to be knocked down a peg. Making peace instead of war felt wrong and besides when it played out Max didn't seem pleased with the outcome. So I went back on it and opted to make fun of and what played out made me feel bad. My moral dilemma I guess was that while I have had my share of "revenge fantasies" over bullies and what not actually being actively vengeful is well, mean. I can't do an eye for eye. In the end, I went with my first part of Life Is Strange is Max having an internal monologue after every choice that really makes you think about what you just did
Captain Lou.
I don't even recognize those other jobbers.