Could've done without the yellow filter on the Lockdown footage. Loved the BDC getting a uniform look with the hats and tracksuits, not sure what to make of EY appearing to be in a turban. Holy crap - TNA has a lighting rig, a semi-big set, and a lot of people in the crowd THAT YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE. This is how they should've debuted on DA - they look like a respectable and important company here. Roode-Aries was a nice idea in theory for the rankings, AND THEN they announced some goofy gauntlet thing to determine a top contender next week - so why have rankings if one match can undo the theoretical purpose of the rankings?
The Roode-Aries match was perfectly fine, but never really good out of first gear and it led to another EY beatdown on Roode to continue that feud, so you know Roode's not going right for a world title run despite this win and him being number 1 in the rankings. The Snow-Grado thing literally came out of nowhere. Al with a greying beard looks odd, but fits this character. They've got plenty of airtime and air more clips, so AIR A CLIP OF BRITISH BOOT CAMP BEFORE DOING AN ANGLE ON GLOBAL TV INVOLVING IT. All we know is that Al doesn't respect Grado, a fat tattooed guy whose mother slapped Al tonight. Bram-Steve was a fun little backdrop for the Bram-Magnus deal. The EC3 and Tyrus vs. Team Spud match was a thing. JB's dive looked awful and his landing was far from smooth, and Tyrus appears to have a large blue penis on the back of his singlet. Kong-Rayne wasn't much, but Kong still has "it". Kurt Angle was a complete and total dick to Austin Aries, who helped him last week fight an entire faction. Hardy-Revolution promo wasn't much, but I guess we'll get a Wolves and Hardy tag match against the heels soon. Main event was a match. Not the greatest show.
Screens -
Weird camera coloring