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Feckless nostalgia-addled thoughts on OR2/Dayton2/Scud/etc..


From this *Gamefaqs thread*

Model3 said:
Greetings everyone including dirty Sega arcade racer sluts and whores such as isamu ;) First off, I want to humbly thank Darth Sol with much of my heart for all of his contributions to this board for Outrun 2 Xbox. It truly is the coolest thing to have an insider from this highly-anticipated Sega Arcade Race game answering great questions. I also want to thank all of those people who have contributed the wonderful questions and topics with Outrun2 Xbox.

I once posted when DaytonaUSA2001 came out, about the whole lack of Model 3 games Scudrace/SuperGT and Daytona USA2 for our home consoles. I am back again, and when I read the news of Bonus Track 1 & 2 I stood at my pc monitor with my mouth open, I could not believe what I read. I printed out the news on paper and it took me a few days or a week for the reality of it to set in. Yes, I have coveted racing these two games at home for a very long time, obviously since they came out in 96/97/98.

Just being able to race these tracks in Outrun2 Xbox, though in linked (power edition-like & outrun) format, will truly be a joy and totally awesome feeling. It is also wonderful that the conversion as a whole is so high quality.

My history:

I jumped on the Sega Saturn bandwagon when I read of all the Model 1 & 2 arcade ports coming, notably DaytonaUSA, SegaRally, VirtuaFighter2, VirtuaCop. These games blew my mind and the 3D was state of the art at the time. Fast fwd to the Dreamcast Model 3 hope, and while many know we received some Model 3 ports, we did not get the ultimate racers, Scudrace/SuperGT and Daytona USA 2. When these arcade racers did not come home, it truly made me depressed and I lost a certain optimistic hope I once had in my life. I truly believe these two racing games to be the epitomy of why Sega's Arcade development is the most advanced in the world, and these two games are my most highly coveted of all time. Nothing comes close to matching the feel and unique look/design of these two awesome racers. Scud Step 1.5 and Daytona2 Step 2 were the most amazing 3D graphical masterpieces ever! These Model 3 behemoths at 640x480 at 60fps, with high resolution textures and high polygon count cars and tracks that defied my imagination, they truly are state of the art. ARE as in I have not played any racing games that have topped them yet, save FZeroGX and Outrun2. Anyone who tells you the Model 3 is obsolete or has been surpassed by this generation of consoles with PS2,Xbox/GC, can rethink themselves. Llike I said, nothing has come close except for FzeroGX and Outrun2, for obvious reasons.

In 2002,2003, and some 2004, I emailed Amusement Vision constantly on their feedback webpage form to convert Scudrace/SuperGT and DaytonaUSA2 for a home version. I don't know if it helped or not. I hope Toshihiro Nagoshi maybe at least read one of them.

I also emailed game magazines about the issue, and PLAY magazine was awesome to print one of my letters on the issue of Sega having this huge backlog of awesome 3D arcade titles that today's home consoles can port perfectly, most notably Scudrace/SuperGT and Daytona USA 2. Yes, Dave Halverson rocks the house, he said he forwarded my list to Sega. It included most of the major arcade titles from Model 2 & 3, Naomi Hikaru, etc. that were not ported. This was the Jan 2003 year in review issue i think. RIght now I am sending emails to the game magazines about Outrun2 and the Model 3 hope.

Daytona USA 2001 came out about Dec 2000, and while I highly anticipated that title, it failed to deliver. As great a title as that was, guess what? We all know, it WAS NOT Scudrace/SuperGt and it WAS NOT Daytona USA 2. The quality was there, but it was the 5 tracks plus 3 new ones, but the new tracks did not compare to the afore-mentioned arcade titles. slightly aggravating. High quality game from AV/T Nagoshi/and Genki, but it wasn't what we all wanted it to be.


FzeroGX baby! Yes! When this came out in July 2003, I knew it would rock the house because Toshihiro Nagoshi of AV was doing this title jointly with Nintendo, but we could obviously see the Model 3 influences, and quality/design/style from Scudrace/SuperGT and Daytona USA 2 in this game. Course design, the track detail/style/activity/animations, beautiful textures/color/lighting and the Nagoshi-stamp of goodness.

I got my Outrun2 demo disc in the mail with OffXBM, and it was super cool. I was hoping I could turn my car around and race backwards, but the demo only lets you drive straight. Oh well, I was hoping I could drive back and forth within Bonus Track 1 & 2. = )

I apologize for the length of this post, but I just wanted to explain my angle of where I am coming from, and how/why I am so Model 3 longing.... = )

OK, so I've seen the videos of Bonus Track 1 & 2. As i said, I am happy beyond words just to be able to play these tracks at home on Xbox.

BUT:the tracks are missing the graphic eye-candy animations in some places, though I am happy that they got the boat moving in Daytona 2! I understand Sumo Digital perhaps ran out of time to be able to put these in. That is ok.

There is improvement in that in parts of track where Model 3 had a little bit of fade-in polygons, it appears Sumo Digital has everything drawn as far as the eye can see (like scud Medium), and that rocks!

I list the things missing below only because they are so important to me for the overall Model 3 experience, though I know Sumo Digital weren't able to get them in, I am in no way complaining, just noting what I hope will be put into an Xbox Live udpate or Scudrace/SuperGT and Daytona USA2 future game release. (DaytonaUSA3 & Scudrace/SuperGT2 baby! = ) I really think if Sega would make a Model 3 Collection 2-pack kick off of Daytona USA 2 and Scudrace/SuperGT, they would really get their arcade catalog of games collection off to a brilliant start.

Daytona USA 2:

Adv:Spinning space ship merry go round thing, and moving boat all rock the house! Missing bats, Missing red demon dude in space room, no roller coasters.

Expert:Missing subway/train.

Oval: It is the Power Edition oval, which is ok, but appears to not have the helicopter, and some spinning signs within the oval. I highly love the Battle on the Edge indoor DOME oval, its beautiful stunning waterfalls (like Scudrace Medium's) and atmosphere is super duper cool!


Day:Used Sega billboard instead of Sonic in red car bill board. Fish appear there, but maybe not as many. No spinning SegaSaturn logo, but I guess that is understandable considering this is Xbox. = )

Night: The lights are like white, instead of yellow. There seems to be no pulsating yellow, and some yellow lights aren't moving/lighting/animated while you drive. There is modified architecture pipes above you that aren't the same, some missing beams/and walkways that looked really cool. The route cut off the main intro run that ran past some of my most favorite ceiling textures of all. I believe I still saw the trees with backlit shadow, so that is most cool. There is no overhead flying airplane, and a missing subway/train moving.

Medium: The route cuts on this track and Night in this linked mode are kinda odd, since I prefer the circuit regular route. The missing Waterfalls I lament greatly, when I raced through these stages and seeing those majestic waterfalls for the first time, I was in complete AWE. I had never imagined anything more beautiful than those waterfalls. There are animated flames missing on the indoor parts of this track, and no flickering light effect. Missing roadside trees.

Expert: Missing bulls in the stadium.

Moving on....

Outrun2: The 15 regular courses in this game look superb. Many of them feature a few familiar/similar architecture/design from Scudrace/SuperGT and Daytona2. Overall the courses look superb in their worldly appeal and I can’t wait to race through them all!!!


By Toshihiro Nagoshi and AV, this title has: Big Blue waterfalls galore, they are a more realistic looking waterfall compared to the beautiful Model 3 waterfalls, but I still love them both and Model 3 classic style even more. The desert track has a sand snake that opens his mouth full screen at you, there are flying bats! Moving animations in the background like space vehicles and also sand worm/fish creatures. In general, its a great game to play for us Scudrace/SuperGt DaytonaUSA2 fans. I get a Star Wars Podracing/DaytonaUSA2/Scudracer feel from it.

DaytonaUSA2001 on DC:

Genki failed to put in the ferris wheel and roller coasters on National Park Speedway. The draw distance is as far as the eye can see, great.
DaytonaCCE on SS:

National Park Speedway features an animated moving ferris wheel and two roller coasters rolling! Sega Saturn apparently has processing power! = ) (If SegaSaturn 2mb 50MHz 200K polys can do this, obviously DC 26mb 200MHz 1.5-3mill polys can, and so can Xbox 64mb 733MHz 10-20mill polys, it is a matter of the time/money/programming to do it)

Darth Sol: I know Makoto Osaki from Am2 was involved with Outrun2 Xbox, was Toshihiro Nagoshi from Amusement Vision ever consulted for Bonus Track 1 & 2?? Just curious. = )


While we are limited to Outrun2 cars and Ferraris, that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Unless you race from the far away view, you can't tell much which car you race, besides hood view. The main thing is watching your car race in replay mode, and since it is understandalby technologically difficult for Outrun2 Xbox to have replay mode, that is ok. There is a F40 which is also in Scudrace! I love the 360 Modena.

DaytonaUSA2: Hornet, Scorpio, Phantom, ChumsGum, cool cars! we needz them.

Scudrace/SuperGt: Porsche, DodgeViper,Ferrari F40 blue/yellow, McClaren F1! When I saw the Dodge Viper in the arcade amidst the majestic waterfalls of medium advance course, and the blue/yellow Ferrari F40 in Night course, I had died and gone to heaven, the beauty there is undeniable. These cars seem to scream for an Xbox Live Update, maybe the easiest type to implement besides the licensing cost issues... I hope and pray!

So besides a cars Xbox Live download, it may be asking too much, but if the trackside animations/in Daytona USA2 and Scudrace could be added, it would be super duper cool. Perhaps the last download that we all desperately want it is the ability to race each of the tracks separately on their own, and I humbly request a "replay" mode to go along with that. (an extra side of polygons to go with that download. ha ha ) Oh yeah, and the arcade original music & color schemes, that would about cover everything. = ) Oh wait, and if there are new tracks in Outrun2 SP arcade, we need that upgrade also! As I have mentioned, I am not complaining for the lack of these things, and I know some of them have been noted on other postings, but just noting them for a future download or new game, as obvious as they may be needed for us all. Sorry.

I think that covers it all, once again, I humbly thank Darth Sol for his wonderful contributions to this post, and I thank all those who have also made it a very interesting read. I thank Sega and Sega Europe for greenlighting Outrun2 Xbox, and also for the most awesome unlockable feature ever, Bonus Track 1 & 2!

Kikizo games review said this: "OutRun2 is the gaming equivalent of sex with the prom queen." I LOVE that quote. Anyone agree? Enjoy this amazingly sweet game!!!

I would like to thank isamu for letting the GA forum members read my post. It's because of him the world is a better place :)

I echo this man's sentiments exactly! Excellent post!!!


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
no, actually, they're a bit like fuck-tards. except, fuck-tards sometimes get laid.


you guys are mean :( This game deserves more love, and this guy hit the nail on the head!


didn't you get arrested over the weekend?


Knows the Score
rod furlong said:
bullshit it does. This game will be instantly forgotten.

Not in the eyes of the hardcore true Sega fan. It's Jesus, but in racing form.

As to the Kikizo quote, I'd amend that to "OutRun2 is the gaming equivalent of sex with the prom queen 20 years after the prom."


No, it *is* the gaming equivalent of having sex with the prom queen.

Your anticipation is built up to almost insane levels, until you are fit to burst.
Then you see her in all her prom finery, and you almost come on the spot.
Then you get some, and its oh so sweet.
then 10 minutes later you've finished, and you realise there's nothing more to do.....:(

Still, I honestly hope you all enjoy it. Me? The powersliding is broken IMO. Daytona USA forever!!!

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Yes, remember kids, we can't like stuff too much! That just wouldn't be cool and hip. Gotta keep up that facade of detached, world-weary ironic cynicism.*

*except when the game involves free-roaming gangster gameplay or space marines invading giant ringworlds.
Kaijima said:
Yes, remember kids, we can't like stuff too much! That just wouldn't be cool and hip. Gotta keep up that facade of detached, world-weary ironic cynicism.*

*except when the game involves free-roaming gangster gameplay or space marines invading giant ringworlds.

yes, rabid nostalgia for outdated, shallow gameplay is far preferable.*

*I'm referring to OutRun 2, not GTA


Halo is pretty good, but I never understood the fascination with GTA. Shitty on foot bits, and the car bits were just driver but in a bigger town?

Still, probably just me and my world weary cynicism


Kaijima said:
Yes, remember kids, we can't like stuff too much! That just wouldn't be cool and hip. Gotta keep up that facade of detached, world-weary ironic cynicism.*

*except when the game involves free-roaming gangster gameplay or space marines invading giant ringworlds.

This is a tad more than just liking something too much.
Nice work isamu. Now that you’ve run out of material for a brand new hourly OutRun topic, now you’re re-posting crap from the GameFaqs board?

shuri said:
The insane Outrun2 forum hype is going to backslash horribly.

Seriously. I hope that all the Sega fanboys realize that the rising disdain for the game is in direct correlation to all the mindless hype. At one point I was really looking forward to this game, but now I almost hate it and want the game to fail just to make some people here squirm, but I assume that won’t make them any quieter.

Is there any way I can set in my preferences to ignore and not list any topics that has OutRun in the title?


shuri said:
The insane Outrun2 forum hype is going to backslash horribly.

I agree with this slightly mis-worded post. ;)

I'm a complete whore to Outrun, but I also recognize that these days, its gameplay is pretty anachronistic. You have to get from point A to B (or C, D, and E), you're only racing against the clock in the traditional mode, and about the only driving trick you can pull off is a greatly exaggerated drift. Hell, when I was playing the arcade cabinet while waiting for a movie last weekend, I was trying to take out other drivers. :p

The thing with most Yu Suzuki games from the 80s - the one thing that no fanboy will ever admit to - is that they're all basically the exact same thing. Afterburner, Space Harrier, Outrun, Hang-On...all the same, it's just a matter of whether or not you're driving or flying. Outrun 2 is going to be a great game for someone who relishes the old school, but please, please, please, please, do not hype this game like it's the next GTA; do not buy it for someone expecting them to like it immediately; do not say that it's Game of the Year, because there are - truly - more deserving titles; and - most importantly - do not expect others to understand why you like it. Most likely, they'll just see what's probably the most boring racing game this side of Hard Drivin'.

Outrun 2 is simply a "gift" of sorts, Sega saying "Yeah, we remember the game, here's what it'd look like if we made it today." It's nothing less, certainly nothing more, and you either get it or you don't. Joe Mainstream is probably the latter.


SolidSnakex said:
Has Sega even tried to bring Initial D to the US? I know it did really well in Japan but I haven't even heard a word about it coming to the US.

I'd imagine that the moment Cartoon Network decides to air it, Sega of America will get on that ball.


force push the doodoo rock
SolidSnakex said:
Has Sega even tried to bring Initial D to the US? I know it did really well in Japan but I haven't even heard a word about it coming to the US.

Well, namco and sega teamed up to put it in almost every namco arcade this summer.


I don't know why people are giving isamu and others such a hard time. It's been awhile since anything has been worthy of hyping in regards to Sega. Let the fans have their fun if they are not trashing up other threads with their excitment.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
I don't why people toss around the word shallow in reference to Outrun2... shouldn't the inclusion of manual transmission make up for the lack of a turbo button?


levious said:
I don't why people toss around the word shallow in reference to Outrun2... shouldn't the inclusion of manual transmission make up for the lack of a turbo button?

Maybe it's the "follow the spline" drifting that people don't like :p


sp0rsk said:
seriously, outrun 2 is nothing to hype.

initial d god damn you people.

Hi sp0rks. Can you explain why you enjoy Initial D so much? I played it a few times at Anime Expo and could not figure out what all the buzz was about. I mean, aren't you just restricted to driving on like one or two hillside tracks and that's it?


not an idiot
mrklaw said:
Halo is pretty good, but I never understood the fascination with GTA. Shitty on foot bits, and the car bits were just driver but in a bigger town?

Still, probably just me and my world weary cynicism

i completely agree, still can't understand what some find so great about it, but guess that's how it goes.
Outrun2 is ace, everyone knows this. ;-) 101 Missions that have you fighting for grades up to AAA ("A is not good enough!") is structural depth comparable to PGR2. Though the gameplay mechanics are basic, like a good 2D shooter, the depth lies in not the control, but in terms of you, the car, inside an well designed environment that moves quickly. Or something. I wouldn't call it shallow but then I am a rabid fanboy (hence that prom queen quote) and proud of it! ;-)


KyotoMecca said:
Outrun2 is ace, everyone knows this. ;-) 101 Missions that have you fighting for grades up to AAA ("A is not good enough!") is structural depth comparable to PGR2. Though the gameplay mechanics are basic, like a good 2D shooter, the depth lies in not the control, but in terms of you, the car, inside an well designed environment that moves quickly. Or something. I wouldn't call it shallow but then I am a rabid fanboy (hence that prom queen quote) and proud of it! ;-)

Wonderful summary of thoughts mate. I couldn't of summed it up better :)


The ghost of Dreamcast past
It's the depth of a game's action that makes it so playable, not the quantity of different actions you can take. While Virtua Tennis only allows the player to hit the ball back and forth with control over slice and spin, battling for momentum can provide a very deep challenge. Similarly, OutRun 2 just has the player driving along a limited map, but the accessible and responsive drifting mechanic allows the player to be creative in their high-speed maneuvering through traffic and turns, amountng to satisfying fun.


Lazy8s said:
It's the depth of a game's action that makes it so playable, not the quantity of different actions you can take. While Virtua Tennis only allows the player to hit the ball back and forth with control over slice and spin, battling for momentum can provide a very deep challenge. Similarly, OutRun 2 just has the player driving along a limited map, but the accessible and responsive drifting mechanic allows the player to be creative in their high-speed maneuvering through traffic and turns, amountng to satisfying fun.

Lazy....what on EARTH did you do to deserve such a hilarious tag? :lol :lol :lol :lol


great repost there Isamu. I feel almost exactly the same as that guy.

I'd like the following on Xbox, Gamecube or Xbox 2:

Daytona USA with Model 2 mode and enhanced mode. Model 2 mode has the exact same visuals as the 1994 Model 2 game with no improvements. even the popup stays. the enhanced mode has better graphics than Model 2 as well as better graphics than the
Dreamcast Daytona USA 2001 versions of Daytona tracks. These versions of Daytona only contain the original 3 tracks (777 Speedway, Dinosaur Canyon, Seaside Street Galaxy) no Saturn CCE tracks (Desert City, National Park Speedway) and no Dreamcast tracks (Rin Rin Rink, Circuit Pixie, Mermaid Lake)

Daytona USA 2 with Model 3 mode and enhanced mode. basicly the same as the above.
Model 3 mode looks just like Model 3, enhanced mode looks better than Model 3. both versions of Daytona USA 2: Battle on the Edge and Power Edition must be present, and each have both graphic modes.

Scud Race / Super GT, basicly the same as with Daytona 2.

Sega Rally 1 and Sega Rally 2 also.

then we also get Daytona USA 3 / Daytona Live / Daytona USA 2005, as well as
Scud Race 2 / Super GT 2 and a true Sega Rally Championship 3
(none of this Sega Rally 2005 on outdated PS2 nonsense.)


doncale said:
great repost there Isamu. I feel almost exactly the same as that guy.

I'd like the following on Xbox, Gamecube or Xbox 2:

Daytona USA with Model 2 mode and enhanced mode. Model 2 mode has the exact same visuals as the 1994 Model 2 game with no improvements. even the popup stays. the enhanced mode has better graphics than Model 2 as well as better graphics than the
Dreamcast Daytona USA 2001 versions of Daytona tracks. These versions of Daytona only contain the original 3 tracks (777 Speedway, Dinosaur Canyon, Seaside Street Galaxy) no Saturn CCE tracks (Desert City, National Park Speedway) and no Dreamcast tracks (Rin Rin Rink, Circuit Pixie, Mermaid Lake)

Daytona USA 2 with Model 3 mode and enhanced mode. basicly the same as the above.
Model 3 mode looks just like Model 3, enhanced mode looks better than Model 3. both versions of Daytona USA 2: Battle on the Edge and Power Edition must be present, and each have both graphic modes.

Scud Race / Super GT, basicly the same as with Daytona 2.

Sega Rally 1 and Sega Rally 2 also.

then we also get Daytona USA 3 / Daytona Live / Daytona USA 2005, as well as
Scud Race 2 / Super GT 2 and a true Sega Rally Championship 3
(none of this Sega Rally 2005 on outdated PS2 nonsense.)

I like your way of thinking :) You should be working at Sega :D


outrun 2 is great. as an arcade game. it's incredibly easy to pick up and i was "drifting like a pro" within 5 minutes. but it doesn't have a lot of depth. fun, fast diversion.

initial d was fun... while it lasted. the driving system is completely inane. i say driving system 'cos it doesn't even feel like drifting. basically gas, brake and turn and you'll take hairpins at 90km/h. countersteer? what's that? it's longevity was attributed to the fact that it was like a normal game where you can upgrade your car and save your progress. neat feature for a game that ultimately lacked compelling gameplay.

i should play scud race more but i can't justify paying their gouging prices on a such an old game. plus i boycotted it because they replaced battle gear 2 for it and that i can't stand for.

Sho Nuff

doncale said:
I'd like the following on Xbox, Gamecube or Xbox 2:

Daytona USA with Model 2 mode and enhanced mode. Model 2 mode has the exact same visuals as the 1994 Model 2 game with no improvements. even the popup stays.

oh my lord

edit: I really can't wait until a proper Model 2 emulator gets released, because it will pretty much put an instant stop to this retarded ass old hardware worship. The Rave Racer jerkoff threads pretty much vanished after the Vivanonno emulator came out, if I do recall.


Sho Nuff said:
oh my lord

What's with the "oh my lord" ? What is wrong or unusual about wanting the kind of conversion he is asking for?

Sho Nuff

isamu said:
What's with the "oh my lord" ? What is wrong or unusual about wanting the kind of conversion he is asking for?

Because it's completely retarded. Keep the popup? With today's technology? Are you high?

Besides, the Daytona license is pretty much locked for the next couple years, save another miracle with Hasbro Interactive coming to the rescue.
I like Sega product -- sometimes, a LOT -- but when you get to the far reaches of the fanboy spectrum where the Model 3 acquires mystical properties, the Dreamcast performs on par with the PS2, and Outrun 2 is deep, you're talkin' RESIDENTS OF CRAZY LAND and quite frankly we don't need their kind in these here parts.


There is depth in Outrun 2 but it comes from the excellent mission mode. I never thought maths could be so fun.

And if you don't believe me, here's some other unbiased reasons to enjoy it.
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