Gold Member
I guess you didn't get the real message
Automata is based on a future so future that mankind died, the robots came and died, aliens came and died. The robots that left are a fluke of everything that ever existed, and they developed emotions based on what we used to do, and even treating humanity as gods to explain the whole creation thing. It's a full circle... for some. Other act rogue, or just don't mix with it.
Yeah, I understood that. I just didn't find it all that profound or intriguing. Maybe I should add for context that I'm generally not into science fiction, and in particular stories about the AI-human interface tend to bore me. I used to read a lot of SF when I was a kid, but now that I'm an old fart, I can't read it anymore; I like stories that are more grounded in reality. This one seemed very fanciful, very far out there. It's not something that really grabbed me. I can understand how it would appeal to people who are into these sorts of tales, but I'm not that guy.
Even the character that you play eventually struggles to understand why and for what she is fighting for, which could be translated to our reality, since we are living day by day until we die and that's it?
That was another thing that didn't resonate for me. I have pretty clear beliefs about why we're here and what it's all about. I don't struggle with existential meaningless. I did when I was younger, but not for the past couple decades. I suppose if I was still in my 24 year old existentialist/Camus&Nietzsche phase, I would find it more appealing. But I've moved on, and that stuff just rings hollow for me now.
By one of the endings of the game you can sacrifice yourself to save the world, but not a single trace will be left to disclosure that you were responsible for such thing. Did you never wonder that maybe this happened, happens or will happen with our world?
No, I never have.
In our age we're spoon fed AAA experiences that shove massive explosions and flashing lights while guiding the player along a rollercoaster of linear storytelling, which often is very simple in nature and to the point. This game is definitely not that. Its an appreciation and exploration of several mediums of entertainment and storytelling with pacing and ideas that can frustrate players not ready for that.
I'm not a big fan of AAA games and lots of handholding. That's not my issue. My issue is that I don't want to replay large sections of a game in order to experience more of the story. I'm not that "into" the story. I'm not that into the game itself. I'm not that into the characters, the combat, or the world. I'm not going to repeat large sections of the game just to get more of a story I'm not that interested in to begin with. Apologies if that comes across too blunt, but I don't seem to be making myself understood.
It is true, though, that I play games for entertainment and fun. If a game starts feeling like a chore, I drop it. I am willing to "work at it" when I read books, but for me, games are all about fun and entertainment. If they begin to feel like a chore, I'm out. And asking me to replay large sections of a game just to get to the "good stuff" feels like a chore. If I'm missing out, so be it.
I also think that a few things detracted from the experience. Your housing situation is definitely a drag. I wont read or listen to some music for example if I can't focus or devote 100% of myself.
Yeah, and to be honest, I'm not in the best of moods lately. Living in a construction zone took it out of me. I had to do a lot of cleanup work afterwards, and there is still a good deal more to be done. I'm beat, physically and emotionally. I'm definitely less patient and happy than I would be normally. No doubt that's coloring my perceptions.
...When I first played Nier Automata at launch I loathed the idea of running through the game again but several factors alleviated that frustration over time. Little details abound made the experience worthwhile and fun to learn more.
Sorry if your take away from this is negative, even with people's snark remarks. Could be kneejerk reaction to seeing something kind of precious in the space getting a simple meh response, especially when the critic hasn't gone the whole way through. As others have said its not an entire 1 to 1 replay and other "endings" are often quite simple or shorter. I'd stick with it, but when outside factors aren't an issue.
Yeah, I get the sense that I did not adequately venerate something that people consider dear to their hearts, and so they got upset with me. Sorry, but I'm just sharing my opinion. To say that I haven't experienced the full game is a fair criticism. I may return to it later someday, but I'm definitely not feeling like it at the moment.
Also Neir fans are odd balls. It's proper weeb shit.
Lol, maybe so. I have a feeling I do not fit the profile.
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