Haha I hit "post reply" and happened to look outside waiting for this page to load, and at the corner a UPS truck was turning from one 1-way street onto another and cut off a car like nobody's business. Horn's honking, gestures made, and the UPS guy didn't even react.
Pretty apt thing to see happen, because I was posting to say how much I fucking hate UPS. The UPS guy who "services" my area is a complete and utter jackass too, twice he's bitchily screwed me on a delivery. And don't even get me started on UPS' brokerage fees, the fucking mafia couldn't run a scam that shameful. My mother in law sent us a package of little stuff we had left behind while visiting in Texas and we had to pay like $30 to UPS for the brokerage fee even though there was no duty or tax on the package.