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FFXI: how do you guys get someone to quit?

ok i made this thread about a good friend of mine a while back: http://forums.gaming-age.com/showthread.php?t=6353

now around 4 months later he is still addicted to FFXI and spends around 6- 12 hours a day on this game just WALKING and leveling up.

Yesterday he spent 6 hours just waiting at a certain place waiting for a peice of armor to spawn. How the hell is this suppose to be fun?

i cant go over there and hide his Game cause he will just buy and new one. I and other friends have tried to convince him to quit the game but he just wont listen. We call him and go to his house to convince him to go out or play something else with us but it usally ends with him saying "just one more battle" and then never coming out.

He just sits there for hours and just waits for ppl to join his party so he can have a 15 min battle. He bought the new expansion and since mmorpgs never end... i fear for his sanity.

now the question is how do i get him to quit?
So your friend, despite your pressure and that of his peers, has decided to continue to do what he enjoys and not be controlled by another person(s) who patronisingly believes he knows whats best for him?

I like the dude.


Ramirez said:
Get him some whores.

I was thinking the same thing. if you can maybe get some hot chick to dance naked in front of him that would be good too. if he doesnt snap out of it then just walk out of the room and lock the door behind you.
the hottest girl in the world could be naked on his lap and he still wouldnt turn away from the screen.

and no he isnt gay......I think.


And even i am moderately surprised
My GF has played this fecking game, since launch, for a stupid number of hours.
We are talking almost 2 years here....

She is slowly tiring of it now because it's hard to get good parties on the Rag server (or so i hear) so she's spending hours and hours just trying to find people to play with.

Anyways, the one game that did make her stop, was Monster Hunter - but then once that was done, she went back to FFXI.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
DCharlie said:
My GF has played this fecking game, since launch, for a stupid number of hours.
We are talking almost 2 years here....

Ummm FFXI came out this year on PS2 and last year on PC


Charlie's GF is Japanese and scary hardcore videogamer. She's been playing since the launch in Japan.

That said, you'll just sort of have to wait it out for him to stop playing or incessantly bother his ass to do stuff.


I do but I'm usually either reading something else, playing something else, or watching something else. I sat waiting for a spawn for like 4 hours once but I was also playing a bunch of fighting games with friends in my room at the same time. I just made sure to look at my screen in case I saw it spawn or something. I also time spawns and etc depending on what I'm looking on. I might log off for several hours until the next spawn window comes up then come back and try and get it.
yea he just stares at his screen the reason is.....he said once he waited for 5 hours for some armor and then just when it spawned some one else took it.



Kabuki Waq said:
yea he just stares at his screen the reason is.....he said once he waited for 5 hours for some armor and then just when it spawned some one else took it.




Ploid 3.0

GTA:SA, it's working for me now :( Thing is, I didn't want to stop. The less I play the more money I waste paying for the game.

Ploid 3.0

Kabuki Waq said:
yea he just stares at his screen the reason is.....he said once he waited for 5 hours for some armor and then just when it spawned some one else took it.


He's camping NMs. Which server and ask if he needs help? We could team up :eek:~


If it's really as bad as it sounds you should try and organize and intervention with friends and family. When someone has developed a habit like that you can't expect to break it by themselves.


I think he probably just has to snap out of it himself, eventually. I was totally stuck on Everquest for two years. Got burned out, swore off MMORPGS. Year later or so I got into FFXI, was starting to sink crazy time into that, and then just burned out real fast.

Shouta is right, just bug him alot and wait for the inevitable burnout.


I am pretty immune to MMORPG addiction for some reason. I got Everquest a couple of months after it launch and stop playing it after 1&1/2 month. AC held me for only 2-3 weeks. DAoC lasted a month. PlanetSide about 3 weeks. FFXI is about 3 weeks.

This is pretty weird considering that I was pretty addicted to MUD(toril specifically) when I was in high school, the only reason I stopped playing was because my friends stopped playing.


Make him leave town for a couple weeks. It worked for me :\

I guess I was getting a bit burned out on all the crazy timesinks already. I tried BST a while so I could solo.. then realized that totally blew. It provided me with the freedom I wanted.. i.e. coming home after work and wanting to gain some exp even though I have somewhere to be at 7 or 8. However, no-one wants you to party at all.

Anyway, I went out of town for 2 weeks for work. It was amazing, I started reading these books that I had wanted to get to forever.. I enjoyed it, and didn't feel like my soul was being consumed. When I came back, I decided to try and force myself to take a break and enjoy some of the things I had been missing.

I never went back. I wanted to on many occassions, but I knew it would end up the same way. I can't play that game without basically dedicating my life to it. That's not what I'm looking for..

I tried CoH a while later.. it's more to the style I'm looking for. Solo, group.. either way you can do most missions or get exp at a decent enough rate, and it had the customization I was craving. I hated being generic Hume #8908023 with the same stat placement as most others of my job type. Unfortunately, CoH wasn't much fun and I tired of it quickly.


Society said:
Buy him a Gamecube, I am sure he will get bored of gaming quickly.

Congratulations, you win the award for "slickest anti-GC-troll-in-a-thread-that-had-nothing-to-do-with-consoles of the year!"

your trophy is a punch in the face.


Anyway, I went out of town for 2 weeks for work. It was amazing, I started reading these books that I had wanted to get to forever.. I enjoyed it, and didn't feel like my soul was being consumed. When I came back, I decided to try and force myself to take a break and enjoy some of the things I had been missing. I

never went back. I wanted to on many occassions, but I knew it would end up the same way. I can't play that game without basically dedicating my life to it. That's not what I'm looking for..

This is exactly what broke my FFXI addiction and I thought/felt exactly the same way, too. It was fun as hell, but it was consuming my life.

lol, I remember when they had the x-mas event with the giant trees that spawned, I ran around mindlessly with my linkshell for hours trying to kill them. I had to work later that day and nearly quit; it was a job I viewed as expendable over missing out on FFXI event.
it's a good damn thing i didn't quit because the first day of the event square-enix screwed up and had the mobs running on invincible mode, so I would've quit for nothing X_x

But about your friend:

sign on to his account and rile up his linkshell buddies/friends/static. Make sure you do it completely by artificially creating deep and hearfelt enmity between the two parties as to destroy all future hopes of reconciliation. It is terribly evil; however, without friends ffxi is a broken, broken game, especially at high levels, the ends would justify the means.

Actually, don't do that, he may kill you.
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