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How have game centers in Japan been doing without an arcade version of SFV?

One guest talked about it a little on the recent 8-4 podcast, said that it was a big missed opportunity and people there are still playing SF4 at arcades. Said he went to an arcade recently and there were 10 cabs for SF4 and all full of people playing them.
What kinda of naive question is that? Street Fighter has nothing to do with the success or failure of game centers. It's not even that popular.
I wasn't trying to imply gamecenters lived or died based on Street Fighter (well maybe a little). But there was a concern when SFV was announced to be PS4 exclusive that Capcom was doing so because of a perceived death of arcades in Japan. The stories over the past year of game centers there trying to convert to barcades or whatever seemed to point in that direction. A Nesica version of SFV being announced would indicate one or more of the following
1) No arcade version for a year was part of the contact with Sony and is only now being announced
2) Rumors of the death of game centers have been greatly exaggerated and Capcom is chasing that paper
3)Arcades really are starting to struggle in Japan and the announcement is a result of lobbying from arcade owners to get a Nesica version out the door sooner than later


what slip up? this is the first I hear about it.
It was one of the Asian events or tournaments a few weeks back. I forget which one, (wasn't SEAM), but there was an offhand comment onstage from one of the Capcom guys that sounded a lot like an inadvertent reference to it.
The stories over the past year of game centers there trying to convert to barcades or whatever seemed to point in that direction.

What stories? A lot of arcades are part of chains. The new console gatherings aren't.

They're the equivalent of Nemo and the rest of Black Eye playing UMvC3. They're about keeping the game alive, not arcades alive.


Junior Member
Rumor mill time

How have game centers in Japan been doing without an arcade version of SFV?
If true, hopefully this helps maintain SFV's Japanese presence. I'm also curious to see how they'll handle the distribution of future DLC characters if this is legit (Ex: Will Capcom give a Season 2 character to the arcade version a month early for testing or will they just release the character for everyone at the same time?).

Hyun Sai


What happened to Baiken ? She looked so badass and dirty before. Now it's all soft clean and tame... :(


i hate how Dieminion has sank to being Sanford tier these days

meanwhile Du putting in work with Guile and making top players like Fuudo look free (Chris G's Guile even pales in comparison now)


... Even Itabashi doesn't travel as much as he used to like earlier in the year.
Itabashi travels way more than he did earlier in the year and more than he ever did during SFIV, don't think he missed two weeks without attending a CPT event since EVO.

I think Itabashi's style of yolo Gief is the best for this game, since you don't get much out of solid Gief play. That and he's by faaar the best with Gief's V-Skill right now.

Hyun Sai

Level on both those games will rise in Japan, very good news !

What's the difference between Taito stations and the new Nesica X Live 2 ?


Mrs. Harvey
This Imstilldadaddy vs Mov match is the match of the weekend. Super high level Chun and Guile match. Daddy took it beating arguably the best Chun in the world.


Does anyone know what's up with Seth Killian? He hasn't tweeted in several months and I can't remember the last time I watched him commentate a tourney.
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