You know your neighbors are Dominican when they're playing Wrecking Ball remixed with a bachata jingle.
Having a decent sized Smash 4 scene sounds like a great thing until you want to play and realize it means a perpetual line of 5-7 people on every setup before you get a chance to play =.=
so my mom passed away today. she had been hospitalized since dec 28. the cause is most likely a heart infection caused by her sepsis. at least she won't be suffering anymore.
is there anything you can't put a bachata jingle on?
guile's theme bachata GO! it wrong to sometimes wish your local scene was smaller? Honestly, not only because of that, but because they kinda end up taking over half of the tvs we have at the venue >.>
Why not negotiate to bring your own set up and just play ppl on yours?
so my mom passed away today. she had been hospitalized since dec 28. the cause is most likely a heart infection caused by her sepsis. at least she won't be suffering anymore.
so my mom passed away today. she had been hospitalized since dec 28. the cause is most likely a heart infection caused by her sepsis. at least she won't be suffering anymore.
I do bring my own consoles but the real issue here is the number of tvs which btw gets reduced in half if it rains since the place is open >_>
You may say "bring your own monitor then" but then you'd just be assuming I have one in the first place
Anime games just can't win. I've run into the same complaints with my friends learning GG lately. I feel like if SF4 had a comprehensive tutorial that went deeply into stuff like crouch techs and kara canceling and option selects and armor canceling and proximity blocking and everything right out the gate, everyone would call it hard too.
so my mom passed away today. she had been hospitalized since dec 28. the cause is most likely a heart infection caused by her sepsis. at least she won't be suffering anymore.
Gosh, Aris sounds distressed about throwing his controller
I can do without VSav pushblocking, but I really want its guard cancels in more games.
so my mom passed away today. she had been hospitalized since dec 28. the cause is most likely a heart infection caused by her sepsis. at least she won't be suffering anymore.
so he's the kind of guy who can actually get lucky and beat a good player? i hate it when that happens... ive played ppl way better than him in casuals that almost make top 16 at tournaments, its almost disappointing he's considered an alright player.
Eh, not really. You said in the next post that it's a perception issue; I agree with that part. Overwhelming the player with information they think they need to know to play the game is definitely a problem.
On that Smash thing with Rayman (worst smash character ever? lol), couldn't they have just did some modding done where the images (character, text, etc.) were replaced to be him? I always wondered why people didn't go that route since games like Brawl got modded to all hell.
Anyway, DLC in Smash is great, but one downside is that it means the fanboy-character-wishlist phase never ends. It almost might not be worth it.
ehhhh, the way i see it (especially for marvel) is like... at some point being able to apply scumbag tech that effectively goes from 'luck' to 'skill' since there's a level of consistency to it that creates results
i mean, you gotta be able to get to that point where you can actually apply it (admittedly this is insanely simple in marvel) momochoco streaming. going through shadowloo showdown photos?
choco doing more work in the gym than momochi?
so my mom passed away today. she had been hospitalized since dec 28. the cause is most likely a heart infection caused by her sepsis. at least she won't be suffering anymore.
That is the beauty of street fighter though. You have a light, medium and heavy punch and kick and that applies to (just about) everybody. You can go a long way just using those buttons and it is very intuitive. Want to get an attack out quickly? Mash light. Want to do extra damage as you jump in? Hit heavy kick.
From there you learn a few specials and/or combos and you are good to go.
Compare to something like BB where you might press square and a cat flies across the screen. It takes a lot more getting used to.
You message him the lobby's location or id and he have to search for it.How do you invite someone to a match from a lobby in Xrd (PS3 version). No idea how this works.
so my mom passed away today. she had been hospitalized since dec 28. the cause is most likely a heart infection caused by her sepsis. at least she won't be suffering anymore.
so my mom passed away today. she had been hospitalized since dec 28. the cause is most likely a heart infection caused by her sepsis. at least she won't be suffering anymore.
I don't see how you can agree with one post and not the other. Count gives a real example of feeling overwhelmed by Xrd's mechanics by simply being exposed to them by the game's own incremental tutorial. Why wouldn't the perception be that he needs to know all that stuff to play the game after spending 20 + minutes going through it?
I do think that players have different ways of learning games, but I don't think we should throw away learning tools because this or that iteration of them doesn't work. We just need to figure out how to make them better at accomplishing their intended purpose.
Some context is order. I'm not saying tutorials should not exist or that they are not useful. I'm posting in response to a narrative that has been generated since VF:Evo that hums to the tune of "The reason our games are niche is because the developers aren't explaining how to play them.", which I believe is BS. That narrative has evolved into "Developers should spend time and resources on tutorial modes that rival or surpass VF: EVO if they want to keep new players.", which I also think is BS. It's something I've been harping on for years.
I find tutorials are only useful for players that are already goal-oriented and have a vision of what they want to accomplish once they sit down to play a fighting game for the first time (that honestly doesn't sound like Black, I don't expect him to stick with the game). Is it possible to generate that goal-oriented approach in new players? I believe so, I'm just not exactly sure how. I'm confident the answer lies in somehow making the game fun and addictive for the average person without them having to be conscious of what "good" or "bad" gameplay looks like, first. Or if they're forced to be conscious of it, they're somehow manipulated to think that it's not necessarily relevant to them. The desire to join a competitive enclave has to be organically compelling - an obvious next step that takes the interest and passion you've developed for the game on your own terms to another next level. Maybe I'm being naive, but I think that can be generated in anyone if it's not nipped in the bud by an overmastering info-dump regarding high-level tactics and mechanics 5 minutes into being introduced into a game.
Some of the suggestions you've made are great (as usual) and are being wasted by posting them here, I think. That latter one in particular. Making newer players feel like they're part of a larger community that has their back from the jump, could go a long way, I think.
VF4:EVO is a terrible choice for proof to back up what you are trying to state here because VF is a small niche within a niche genre.
If there were more examples of higher profile games going this route, yet still failing, then I'd say that you might be on to something.
so my mom passed away today. she had been hospitalized since dec 28. the cause is most likely a heart infection caused by her sepsis. at least she won't be suffering anymore.
That thing around her nick looks like one of those collars that explode if you trigger a certain event in sci fi movies, lol, I bet she can't get more than 10 meters away from Kanye.
I agree with Kimo, tutorials should be for those who are already interested in learning, someone who can't be bothered to look up a youtube video or read through a forum to get better isn't going to sit through a tutorial.VF4:EVO is a terrible choice for proof to back up what you are trying to state here because VF is a small niche within a niche genre.
If there were more examples of higher profile games going this route, yet still failing, then I'd say that you might be on to something.
Xrd actually does that in mission mode, there are several option select missions along with explanations of why/how do they work and when you should use them, even going into how to counter them sometimes. There are also character specifics missions for each characters that teaches you how to deal with their shenanigans and give you idea's if you play the character. Those are great to have but still don't compare to good video tutorials.Actually, one thing that I feel like VF5 did really well was explain why certain mechanics are useful, and I feel like there's a distinct lack of the middle-tier application tutorials in fighting games. Everything tends to be either "here's how you do a fireball" or "here's a meter-positive combo that ends in hard knockdown" or "here's an option select that works on knockdown against 12 characters" without really explaining why the setup is good and why it should be used.
It's something that surprised me a lot going into more popular genres and trying to improve. There's no lack of resources to show you combos or tech but there's a pretty scarce amount of content that's trying to teach people how to play the game. The stuff Juicebox's done is pretty much one of the only things that spring to mind, but there was no shortage of approachable mid-level tutorials when I tried to learn DOTA or Hearthstone