While anime fighters have always been complex by comparison to SF, starting off by attempting to grok every single mechanic would be disheartening for any fighting game. Just play, pick Leo, and worry about the complexities later.
No please, we don't need more of them.

I don't care to argue how good or "bad" he is, I've just come to the point where I realize that it is really mentally draining playing long sets against him due to how much shit can sway in his favor off one wrong call.
He's anime Wolverine.
He's anime Wolverine.
is he free DLC?
the hell is this danger time shit too? PLS my brain can't handle this anymore dawg, I'm starting to feel like a t hawk player
Danger Time is basically hilarity mode. Clash an attack (attack hits another person's attack on the same frame) with an opponent at any time during a set and there's a small chance that you engage this mode. When it's active, every attack gets Super Smash Bros. 64 style hitstun and the game goes into Matrix bullet time at the same time. Damage is scaled less and it's just fucking nuts. :lol