I guess my question here is why do you not think pushblock giving you autoguard and blockstun reduction? It was pretty obvious what the tag-team mechanics in MvC1 led to -- you don't think they would sit there and go "gee we might want to give someone a mechanic to help fight this"? Or that they were aware of how unreal high-low mixups and unblockables could get and put in something as a guard against that? Never mind how few truly low hitting assists there are in MvC2... but there are a couple, and I think they were aware of the implications.
They fixed the tag team "issues" in MVC1 by removing those assists entirely (Psylocke, Colossus, Juggernaut etc) and removing the combined hyper mechanic (which was super broken). Aside from that there aren't big tag team mechanics in MVC1 to begin with. MVC2 was completely brand new for them mechanics speaking.
Just like how Tron's assist is not supposed to do that much damage or Akuma/Ken's Tatsu doing hilariously high damage or Juggernaut's power up glitch... these mechanics are clearly unintended. It just so happened that these mechanics ended up negating other bull shit in the game that should never be in a game to begin with.
Some mechanics they put in place for whatever reason but ended up being awful for the game as well. Like the way normal jumping actions and super jumping actions work... it's pretty obvious Capcom did not want you to get hit by unblockables if you did a normal jump. It's also obvious Capcom did not intend for you to get opened up for free on incoming due to the normal jump state. All of these are the results a mechanic Capcom put into play which restricts number of actions in the air INCLUDING blocking.
That said some mechanics in MVC2 are actually good and I wished MVC3 would've retained some of them. Stuff like characters not being able to do air dashes/air moves after resets was good for reset/mix up game. In MVC3 many ground characters who are designed to be reset heavy can't do good resets because a lot of characters can dash out of them... this doesn't exist in MVC2 for better or for worse. Another mechanics is the assists functioning when point characters are hit... while happy birthdays and double snap backs happened in MVC2 they weren't nearly as common as MVC3. It's debatable whether this is a good thing or not for MVC3 as you had to think much harder before pressing that assist button. In MVC2 what would happen is that the assist just comes in and does a taunt if the point character just got hit so the happy birthday chance is greatly reduced.