No idea how to but I'll try learning. Is ino easy?
I don't think so but I'm not expert. From what I've heard the Titty Witch is much easier to play in this version than previous versions
No idea how to but I'll try learning. Is ino easy?
So they're removing depth why?
So they're removing depth why?
So they're removing depth why?
Best post-MK3 character, but what happened to all those newcomers huh
going by the leak, we bout to get Johnny Cage and Liu Kang and all them niggas too lol
Got to leave work early. Thank you, based power outages.
Who wants to play a video game?
I would want to but I need a PS4 first ;_;
No PS3?
Got no games for it lol and I will never play Mahvel online.
I don't think so but I'm not expert. From what I've heard the Titty Witch is much easier to play in this version than previous versions
Did you jiggle the cart or something?
You have to reach a certain level of desperation to go for online Mahvel. I'm not quite there yet. lol
The only time I found a block button to be useful is in Smash games. Otherwise, I'm very much an advocate of press back to block.
Here I know you guys like stuff like this so here's a thing to muse over today:
So, with P4U2 and DFC and even BBCP, I've noticed a trend in tier lists. There usually tends to be a small S+ tier of 2-3 chars, then a pretty big and wide S/A tier. In P4U2 you can see 10~ characters in the tier right outside of god tier, in DFC there are 2 S+ tier characters then like 6 S tiers. In BBCP2, you normally see like 3~ god tiers, then people will just throw anywhere from 6-10 chars in the next tier. It's usually because chars in teh 2nd tier are clearly strong but all fall into comparable strength.
Soooooo, how do people feel about that? Is it cause those gaps are smaller currently or people who make tier lists are just less strict these days?
Combo and Mike will be streaming some SF against the viewers (and each other) @ 7/10pm
The only time I found a block button to be useful is in Smash games. Otherwise, I'm very much an advocate of press back to block.
Online Marvel broke me in a way Brawl wi-fi didn't. Think about that for a second.
Fuck Firebrand
CEO announced that they will use PS4 for USF4 if it comes out in time. 360 is the backup.
MCZ will supply loaner sticks for people to use.
Here is Jebailey's vision for CEO stage.
Sony is really pushing this. Good stuff to not only hear of a huge publisher helping a scene but seeing it in action. I would assume the PS4's are provided by Sony right?
I, for one, welcome the quicker move to PS4. It is strange, though, that the majority of the SF4 will be on 360, and people still aren't moving Xrd to PS4.
Anime scene's pretty poverty. I don't think a lot of us stick users have PS4 sticks just yet.
Now I really wanna go to CEO, screw FR, I'm going to Florida baby!
Anime scene's pretty poverty. I don't think a lot of us stick users have PS4 sticks just yet.
come...... COOMEEE.....
Anime scene's pretty poverty. I don't think a lot of us stick users have PS4 sticks just yet.
Wait... Is it a premiere event? I know FR and EVO are two of them, I don't remember the third one.
I think its either NCR or SCR, I forget. Pretty salty EC doesn't have a premiere event that's closer. Atlanta is really far for a lot of people, 12 hour drives...
So Daisuke is doing an english talk at GDC?
I.... did not know he was speaking.
He's not, but the technical artist director is
He's not, but the technical artist director is
Thanks for clarifying, was listening to the bombcast and they were talking like it was Daisuke.
Wait... Is it a premiere event? I know FR and EVO are two of them, I don't remember the third one.
I think its either NCR or SCR, I forget. Pretty salty EC doesn't have a premiere event that's closer. Atlanta is really far for a lot of people, 12 hour drives...
Same community that almost bought into the VxG nonsense. This is far more of a logical step.damn fgc sellin out to sony hard
VGBootcamp just announced Super Smash Con. Focused on Smash games 64, Melee, Brawl, and Smash 4. No PM. $30,000 total Pot Bonus, in a 100,000 sq ft. facility. Held in Aug. 6-9th. Interesting choice since its only a couple of weeks after EVO, with EVO making a push to host Melee and Smash 4.
VGBootcamp just announced Super Smash Con. Focused on Smash games 64, Melee, Brawl, and Smash 4. No PM. $30,000 total Pot Bonus, in a 100,000 sq ft. facility. Held in Aug. 6-9th. Interesting choice since its only a couple of weeks after EVO, with EVO making a push to host Melee and Smash 4.
I know that the west coast to Japan "works" for the rollback-based games I've tried it with. It's hardly lag-free, but it works far better than it has any right to. However, crossing both the Pacific and North America is probably a (network) bridge too far.Checked the Steam ID's of the folks who randomly joined my games- lots of Asians with 98 (and Brazilians). Lots of Spanish-speakers with 2k2. (not all mexicans but from that part of the world or Caribbean)
Not even GGPO would help with playing Asians. It's bad even on Skullgirls.
My one real concern is how serious Sony is in regards to backing SF5. They're throwing in lots of money this year and they'll probably run it back (if not even bigger) in 2016, but what happens beyond that? How committed are they to pushingI'm fine with selling out to Sony. These top players deserve better payout for their performances. it's going to mean higher levels of competition for me to watch. It's going to mean less need of dual modded sticks (I only have to take a single stick to EVO this year), it's going to mean a unified community since pretty much everything is going to be coming to PS4 anyway.
The only downside, and it's a large one, is the stick situation. Doesn't matter to me so much, I love buying new sticks, but it doesn't make sense that this is a hurdle with USB devices.