Oh god my nightmares. ;_______;
I am totally into Doctor Who right now and I made a little search but I couldn't really find a good Tardis.. well "figure" besides a nice cookie tin. Does anyone know if something like that even already exist? I could imagine a Tardis where you open the door and can swap out the different interiors, sound effects or even an AR-feature.
November is a light month for me too. All I have are:
"Rakuen no Otome" Sugie Sun w/Wall Scroll [Skytube]
Psychic [Max Factory]
That's assuming nothing is delayed from this month or the next into November, of course.
December, while not having the largest amount of pre-orders, will be brutal on the expense of those released. Devil Homura and Saotome Maria w/ Bath Tub/Cleaning Cloth alone will kill me, then I have Asmodeus - Bunny Ver. and a possible Satsuki pre-order [depending on how Ryuko turns out] to think about. :/
At least Beelzebub is paid for!
Shes freaky lookin
How much was she? I absolutely LOVE Ano Natsu De Matteru. That figure looks stunning *O*
Shes freaky lookin
Nah, I own her. She's easily the best of the Etna figures produced so far.
oh shit, I think I found one more thing for my November order....
Well, what are the chances of it being localized? 0?
difference is i think namco owns SAO game licence and then you have various anime companies (lololaniplex) owning a third of the cast
I PO both ps3 and vita version
He finally arrived today. As for why I'd get the revol over a Figma, I honestly prefer MGS Solid Snake over his MGS2 incarnation. I have enough Snake figures in his MGS2 form. If Figma makes a MGS2 Plisken figure, you bet your ass I'll bend over and buy that figure without question.
And here's a fun photo with my box of contacts for a size comparison:
Of course not! I've collected all of the Deadly Sins so far [including the outfit line], and I don't see it stopping anytime soon. ;_;Yay, I'm not the only one getting adorable Beelzebub.
Should I be worried that my Snow Miku nendo still hasn't turned up? It's been 15 days now, I thought EMS was faster than this? (I'm in the UK)
It turns out I missed Kaoru and Elf's delivery yesterday. That means another present was left in my mailbox.
Wait, they can't do that can they?
Those are some shitty shelves. I have some cheap Ikea ones here holding a megatonne of books which no signs of breaking
It turns out I missed Kaoru and Elf's delivery yesterday. That means another present was left in my mailbox.
Tried searching for you but nothing like that, seems like most of the ones out tend to have a gimmick. Closes was probably this, which is sold out: http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=ICR10008&mode=retail
Which was $699.99 D=, then again only 800 was made. Could probably make your own one if you have the skills and free time =P, seems like quite a number of people make replicas from my googling XD So guess you'll have to make due with the cookie tin =P
Thanks for the research. $700 is a little tiny wimey bit over my budget. Still a pretty cool release, even though they decided to go with as true to the original TARDIS of the show as possible. maybe Hot Toys is getting a licence one day, not only for the telephone box but for the doctors too, of course.
On youtube there are also tons of people making their own, I am just sooo bad at stuff like this, every finger on my hand is a thumb. Looks really like the cookie tin is what I have to get.. until that one day. The Day of the Hot Toys!
70 bucks for a plush? Come on Japan.....?
SQEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, just started watching Hanayamata, I AM SOOOO FUCKING DEAD if they make figures for this. THIS SHOW IS SOOO DAMN ADORABLE MANNNN. I am halfway through ep 2 atm.
MH Sorceress is sold out at AmiAmi and several other places. I guess Elf turning out as well as she did lit a fire under people's asses.
MH Sorceress is sold out at AmiAmi and several other places. I guess Elf turning out as well as she did lit a fire under people's asses.
I don't want the other 2.
Amazon is the one I wanted the most. She was also the first character I played through the game with. Amazing Amazon, indeed. Dat butt stomp.
That said, I do have the game but did not play it much yet, so the only reason I liked Elf as much was due to the design, and the other 2 figures just don't have the same effect on me.
Thank you for placing an order with AmiAmi!
Movie Masterpiece Guardians of the Galaxy 1/6 Scale Figure - Star-Lord(Provisional Preorder)
Unit price 20,350 JPY x 1 unit(s) = 20,350 JPY
Yeah, this is one of the releases where she was sold out shortly after coming in-stock. I guess they didn't over-order for her, or people didn't cancel in excess.
HLJ still has her available, for around...700 yen more [not too bad].
Edit - Here's a review I found of her, if anyone is debating on the purchase.
Also this one [do be warned, this site has some..."NSFW" reviews as well]: