I'm tempted to get Doublehand for Demon Rain for physical heavy fights. 70%+ Counter rate with a high attack could be pretty greatAnd in JP you can stack them. I have 8 Bartz and not interested to start to make one DH in GL. I just don't see the benefits for wasting time to obatin DH.
I'm tempted to get Doublehand for Demon Rain for physical heavy fights. 70%+ Counter rate with a high attack could be pretty great
Well in Demon Rain's case he has Doublehand innate, so he can't use Dual Wield but he can stack 2 DoublehandNot sure, but would it be better with Dual Wielding and possible equipping some status weapons. Obviously this depends if enemy is immune to statuses.
Also, no clue how high damage (and atk) diffrence there is between DH + Single weapon vs DW + 2 Weapons.
Well in Demon Rain's case he has Doublehand innate, so he can't use Dual Wield but he can stack 2 Doublehand
Well in Demon Rain's case he has Doublehand innate, so he can't use Dual Wield but he can stack 2 Doublehand
Demon Rain 6*
Increase equipment ATK (50%) when single wielding
I think in Global Garland with Doublehand will be better than DR :/. Ok their role is different. So...Garland 6*
+25% ATK when equipped with Greatsword & +25% ATK when equipped with Helm
Equip ATK Bonus +50% when only using one hand
Demon Rain 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Excalibur +120ATK
Head: Dark Helm +14ATK+20DEF
Body: Force Armor +51DEF+13SPR+10%Fire/Ice/Lightning
Accessory 1: Champion's Belt +30ATK/DEF & 20%ATK/DEF w/ Fist weapon
Accessory 2: Champion's Belt +30ATK/DEF & 20%ATK/DEF w/ Fist weapon
Ability 1: Power of Creation +30% ATK +30% MAG
Ability 2: Seal of Destruction +20% ATK +20%MAG +10%HP
Ability 3: Seal of Destruction +20% ATK +20%MAG +10%HP
Ability 4: Doublehand +50% Equipment ATK
Esper: Ifrit HP:4500 MP:2200 ATK:5100 DEF:2800 MAG:2100 SPR:2100
Total Stats: HP: 5497 MP: 233 ATK: 748 DEF: 301 MAG: 282 SPR: 170
Demon Rain 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Excalibur +120ATK
Left Hand: Excalibur +120ATK
Head: Dark Helm +14ATK+20DEF
Body: Force Armor +51DEF+13SPR+10%Fire/Ice/Lightning
Accessory 1: Genji Glove +10%ATK/MAG & Dual Wield
Accessory 2: Champion's Belt +30ATK/DEF & 20%ATK/DEF w/ Fist weapon
Ability 1: Power of Creation +30% ATK +30% MAG
Ability 2: Seal of Destruction +20% ATK +20%MAG +10%HP
Ability 3: Seal of Destruction +20% ATK +20%MAG +10%HP
Ability 4: Seal of Destruction +20% ATK +20%MAG +10%HP
Esper: Ifrit HP:4500 MP:2200 ATK:5100 DEF:2800 MAG:2100 SPR:2100
Total Stats: HP: 5916 MP: 233 ATK: 699 DEF: 271 MAG: 329 SPR: 170
Pretty sure he CAN use DW, he just loses the innate DH bonus when doing so.
Oooh I seeYes. But what I mean is to give him DW ability, like you would give DW to CoD / Bartz / Donkey Kong / Garland (who has innate DH boost too)...
I think in Global Garland with Doublehand will be better than DR :/. Ok their role is different. So...
I was kinda curious what kind of ATK I could build with Demon Rain DH vs DW (Genji Glove). Only thing Iam missing (doing them now) is Champion's Belt / Bracers and well DoubleHand (cause I don't see point to grind it)
Why does Doublehand suck. Obviously I would go with Dual Wield instead Doublehand if I had Demon Rain.
Basically there has been 2. Both obviously contained units that were available only limited time.
- Fencer3*4*
- Karl 4*
No love for +%ATK over 10% :/
True but Demon Rain is a rather unique case due to focusing on counters and having innate Doublehand already. For everyone else Dual Wield is betterDuel wield is obviously superior to double hand, but it you only double hand then the 50% attack passive it gives for equipment is alot better than nothing.
Duel wield is obviously superior to double hand, but it you only double hand then the 50% attack passive it gives for equipment is alot better than nothing.
Never realized that - glad i didnt fuse my 2 Karls...would have regretted it by now.
Dual weild is better but not for reasons exposed here.
Garland enhacements give innate dh 100% plus another dh, thats 150% atk power
So with the new EX points, you get a guaranted 5* ticket at about 200€/$ then every 600€/$ (for the reward list reset).
More info : https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExv...ront&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=FFBraveExvius
No disagreements here! It's just that some of us haven't been lucky enough to pull a unit with DW!Yes. But you need to have Bracers or Champions Belts or something similar. If not, then Hero's Rings and +10% atk can be better than Doublehand taking one ability slot.
Thus Doublehand needs atleast 2 more TM items to farm and they are base 4* / 5* units who you need to have. Whereas Dual Wield just needs Dual Wield and everything else can be gained without much of grinding.
No disagreements here! It's just that some of us haven't been lucky enough to pull a unit with DW!
Your right Doublehand needs high attack to really benefit. You don't get any bonuses that work on a %. It's why I'm cooking up two bracers for my Noctis!
So I took on elite this morning and beat Dark Fina. However I evoked the esper on the kill, and the animation played, but then no attack happened and it didn't count towards the challenge. Is it worth doing it again tomorrow for the extra 10 lapis? Or should I just stick to doing beginner now?
did the guide have another way to set up macros for nox on mac?
yeah looks like your script manager will be in the HiroMacro thing (whatever that is) and not Nox itself
YES got finas whip.
thank you @bonkeng for the guide !
Should I buy the dark fina awakening special ?
My df is currently level 45 and I have arround 6000 lapis.
I have no idea how long it takes to get her to 80 and all mats.
did global get randy?
im interested for reasons
NO MORE NESSIES!!!!No but instead you got ariana-sama
Along with 1000 nessies.
And finished my Sakurafubuki:
Making good progress. Atk is currently 727 with Diabolos (pic is with Ifrit). Working on PoC, Bracer2, and Hayate helm and that's all the items I have left for Noctis Prime atm.
Also, I just bought 10 more Friend Slots, so will add some more people from Gaf (make sure it's in your tag).
434 572 945
Is it worth removing a Destroyer's Authority or an ATK +10% materia and replacing it with barrage on a Noctis? My Noctis is at 511 atk at the moment.
What do you have equipped in your ability slots? My Noctis got max ATK pots, has DW, BM and ATK+10% equipped with similar gear (only difference is the bracer where I currently have another Hero Ring until my Braced is finished...) and I'm at 675 atk with Diabolos.
Should I buy the dark fina awakening special ?
My df is currently level 45 and I have arround 6000 lapis.
I have no idea how long it takes to get her to 80 and all mats.
HP+30% + Aegis Shield for Refia/Tilith/Cecil definetly. Considering you have your DPS characters set, time to focus on support. Ribbon is a waste of slot IMO.
Not in the arena lol. I'm making Ribbons for my arena team so I don't have to deal with stone and sleep. Wish it would stop Stop though.
Nah Stop is special, they are starting to release units that can cure it in Japan.It doesn't stop stop???? It says all ailments >_<
Not in the arena lol. I'm making Ribbons for my arena team so I don't have to deal with stone and sleep. Wish it would stop Stop though.