How come I'm not unlocking another stage in the Enchanted Mace when I'm done with the BGN level?
By the way. I've killed the scientist in the Invincible Interior and the story sends me back to Downtown Zoldaad but I can't seem to find a way to trigger the next part. I think I got a cutscene but I skipped that shit hard. Is the story done for now or am I missing something?
Half was Faris today. Argh!
So tempted to do a 10+1.
Got the no white magic materia from Dreadnought. Thanks Hippo!
Half was Faris today. Argh!
So tempted to do a 10+1.
Invincible interior is the end point thus far
Haha you've convinced me. Looks like some of your Shine luck rubbed off. Think I have a full team now. And another Leon is perfect. I'll take Cecil cause I merged one to get Excalibur yesterday.So am I...but resisting, Olive would have been nice.
But I finally got a decent Daily pull after a LONG timemy second Shine!
You're totally right.. Luckily I think your advice was heard by Lady luck today!Dont chase a rainbow
If you pull make sure you are going for Shines and Sheras
Dont be that guy
Ah! Good to know. Weird that they still show the big "NEXT" text on the world map.
It'll be tomorrow now..Nothing announced yettttt. Weird
Yes I really want to know what's next for us.Nothing announced yettttt. Weird
This new error message when TM farming is annoying as hell.
The unit data of the companion you selected has been updated. so you were unable to depart. Please choose another Companion.
FRUSTRATED and it breaks the TM farming.
why do I get this message? is it due to a friend has changed their UNIT to a different one?
im about to filter out companions for TM farming
What are people's equipment slots up to now? Currently I'm at 100 and am at max. Debating whether to increase it or just sell some items.
I have one ribbon and will have a second tomorrow, with a third coming next week, so I figure I can probably sell any accessories that solely resit status ailments. Unsure if I may randomly need them though.
This new error message when TM farming is annoying as hell.
The unit data of the companion you selected has been updated. so you were unable to depart. Please choose another Companion.
FRUSTRATED and it breaks the TM farming.
why do I get this message? is it due to a friend has changed their UNIT to a different one?
Nothing announced yettttt. Weird
I just want a moogle king event. Don't care if its FF Type 0 #2 or FF Tactics #2 hell I don't care if it's a made up one about chocobo's mysterious dungeon I just want a grinding event. I also want the next tier of Cactuar/Gil Snappers. Give it!
Zero P2 sounds good, Cacturs, Tickets, and Megacities.
Max out Luka
Have 250 Megacities for the next Esper
And repleish the stock
I wish there was an option in the settings to turn Companion off and on.
That TM Moogle we got put Ramza up to 99.1% on Brave Suit. Soon...soon....
Emperor @ lvl 100, time to steal all of exdeath's equipment and gimp him.
Daily was another FFT0 unit. I've gotten SO many Jacks and Treys. It seems like the game's default units for me.
I'm taking a minute and thinking about my future teams for this game, and what I need to prioritize, TM wise. Noctis will be done in roughly a few weeks, depending on how much TM farming I can get in.
I think my "main" team, as much as it can be, for challenging content is going to be:
-WoL 6* (when he gets it) - Golem. Breaker, tank, raise duties and Embolden
-Cecil 6* - Carbuncle. Dualcast with mostly MP gear as healer/offtank
-Noct 6* - Odin. Primary damage, hopefully some Shine TMs, backup raise, utility
-CoD 6* - Rotating Esper depending on needs. Damage, AoE Esuna, Buff all elements when two isn't enough. Mainly a damage dealing jack of all trades.
-Gilgamesh 6* - Ifrit. Backup damage. No real utility here.
I got a literal shit ton of Sheras from the current banner, so I'll be making a lot of those for my team. The cutoff of damage might be worth it for all the extra survivability. The way I see it, with enough of those TMs, every unit I have will be between 5500-6500 HP, which can pretty much eat a round of damage from anything we've had so far.
Ideally I'd like something more flexible than Gilgamesh for that last damage spot, but that's probably getting greedy. Also, CoD will eventually get replaced for some fights by Rikku and/or Ramza when he gets enhancements.
Overall I'm pretty happy with this choice, but there's a few things I need to work on. Namely a Ribbon for CoD, a bunch of those Shera TMs, a 3rd Dual Wield, and some better equipment in general across the board. I'm really anxious for 6* WoL, so I can test this team out.
This seems REALLY solid and I just need a few more TM's to have this type of diversity for my teams. If I'd had a maxed LB Cecil Refia would have been eliminated from my line up long ago. Awesome job with this.
Zero P2 sounds good, Cacturs, Tickets, and Megacities.
Max out Luka
Have 250 Megacities for the next Esper
And repleish the stock
This seems REALLY solid and I just need a few more TM's to have this type of diversity for my teams. If I'd had a maxed LB Cecil Refia would have been eliminated from my line up long ago. Awesome job with this.
Well, this doesn't look fun...
I'm not quite sure what kind of event this is but it seems to be the latest content in JP.