This game rate is crazy lowI did the bulk of my pulls, I didn't manage it. Zero 5* for me.
Thanks though, maybe I'll be lucky with my dailies?
Worst is rainbow troll..
Daily is where i got my 5*. So dont give up!
This game rate is crazy lowI did the bulk of my pulls, I didn't manage it. Zero 5* for me.
Thanks though, maybe I'll be lucky with my dailies?
Sadly not. I have one already.
I see folks are saying Orlandu banner isn't as hot. I'm almost wondering if on alt account I should do a 10+1. But after looking at my laundry list on that account tonight, not sure that's a wise idea...
That's an insane list of characters. Congrats.Used my 10 tickets and decided to do a multi. Didn't get him, but I came out pretty good.
Graff(First one)
Haha i did 3 pulls - man that first one was a nice troll though. Rainbow turned into....
lol 3rd Pull was another troll - Edge.
But the second pull..........
PS. Congrats Vashetti and everyone else who got lucky.
I did the bulk of my pulls, I didn't manage it. Zero 5* for me.
Thanks though, maybe I'll be lucky with my dailies?
Hey, a second Firion can't hurt?
But yeah, the initial Orlandu banner is pretty bad. If you wait for his return, you'll have much better units to pull alongside him.
Don't do it man, resist.
Yeah, not going to give up!This game rate is crazy low
Worst is rainbow troll..
Daily is where i got my 5*. So dont give up!
Congrats on the Cecil. It's been a long time coming, that's for sure!Haha i did 3 pulls - man that first one was a nice troll though. Rainbow turned into....
lol 3rd Pull was another troll - Edge.
But the second pull..........
PS. Congrats Vashetti and everyone else who got lucky.
Chrono - 2x Chiz, Zidane and co. are actually quite nice but i know that feeling from OPTC. No matter what you pull at some point you just want that Legend/base 5* - but we have still enough dailies for you to get lucky.
Sadly not. I have one already.
I see folks are saying Orlandu banner isn't as hot. I'm almost wondering if on alt account I should do a 10+1. But after looking at my laundry list on that account tonight, not sure that's a wise idea...
But the second pull..........
It's up to you. If you still need a few Chizzy and have some tickets to blow, this isn't a bad banner. Wait for Orlandu's return, IMO, as well as Tidus. Both come back with much better characters in their second banners, especially Rikku with Tidus. Also, who knows? Maybe we'll have that crystal change then too?Now makes me wonder what to do on my main account... since I've been saving for him.... should I just blow a few more and have time to save up those tickets again? Kind of disappointed his first banner is going to suck...
Not really, unit wise, the banner is fairly weak.
The two 3* units peak at 5*m but offer serviceable TMs
Lawrence basically offer the Black Belt Gi+, More armor and 4+ ATK over it.
Ovelia offers a really solid staff(Weaker version of Leanna's stat wise, but it gives 15% MP which is fanastic)
Soliel is considered one of the lowest 6*, but she doesn't seem terrible. Simply she is a pure buff unit and nothing more. Great if you're load, terrible if you're not.
Then the one true god.
It's up to you. If you still need a few Chizzy and have some tickets to blow, this isn't a bad banner. Wait for Orlandu's return, IMO, as well as Tidus. Both come back with much better characters in their second banners, especially Rikku with Tidus. Also, who knows? Maybe we'll have that crystal change then too?
Used my 10 tickets and decided to do a multi. Didn't get him, but I came out pretty good.
Graff(First one)
So now I can rock two Blade Masteries, with two Safak, and have two Dual Wields ^_^
Don't do it man, resist.
Thank you, I will try. These Charlotte and troll rainbow stories are making it easier.
I can't believe I got 4 Charlotte units in a row. It was crazy. My first pulls were WAY better. I guess it's just the game telling me to chill out since I got Chizuru.
You mean Mercedes as in Mercedes Benz as in F1?
Maxwell is that unique base 5* unit.
23 tickets, last one Gold > Rainbow
Fuck Yeah, Noctis get!
Also got Mercedes along the way!
Hmm, okay. Well, I don't pull for TMs, since that's a long manual process of grinding that I have a laundry list for still.
I imagine his second banner will be a good while after his first. Might have to sleep on it to figure out what to do. Conflicted.
Not sure if I should do a 10+1 für Noctis. I definitely want at least one more Chorizo so even if I got her and no Noctis I wouldn't be that disappointed...
I'll probably not get Orlandu or Tidus anyways so why save my Lapis until then? >_>
23 tickets, last one Gold > Rainbow
Fuck Yeah, Noctis get!
Also got Mercedes along the way!
Daily- Charlotte
Single Ticket- Faris
1st 10+1 pull:
2nd 10+1:
23 tickets, last one Gold > Rainbow
Fuck Yeah, Noctis get!
Also got Mercedes along the way!
It's done.
My noctis is yours gaf.
Congrats to you three.Daily- Charlotte
Single Ticket- Faris
1st 10+1 pull:
2nd 10+1:
So with these pulls...could someone help me out by recommending which units to fuse away and which to keep for TM/TM raising? I'm finding my list cluttered...
- Faris x2
- Ingus x6
- Alma x3
- Edge x2
- Fang x5
- Hope x3
- Sazh x3
- Arc x2
- Charlotte x9 (Holy Hell)
- Ludmille x6
- Freya x3
- Lenna x2
- Tellah x5
- Hayate x4
- Celes x2
- Gilbert x2
- Leo x2
- Locke x2
- Golbez x4
- Medius x3
- Firion x2
- Terra x2
- Cloud of Darkness x3
- Garland x3
- Luna x2
- Rydia x2
- Shantotto x4
- Kain x 7
Obviously I'm keeping multiple of some of them regardless (Zidane, Chizuru, etc.), but I'm not sure how many of the rest I should be keeping or how valuable their TM's are (and how many I need of each TM).
Right, so on the bright side (after 9 11 pulls and no Noctis and I need to cheer myself up)
I did get:
- Gilgamesh
- Enough Charlottes for her TM
- a few Medius
- 4 Mercedes
- 3 Chizuru
- Zidane
- Cecil
- Snow
- Sazh
- Garnet
- Locke
- Mustadio
- A few Alma
And probably others I lost track of
Yup, it happened, they broke me. Spent everything I had and only got trash (9 tickets + daily + 2x11 summons).
Then I bought the biggest pack of lapis and did 3 more 11 pulls and it was all downhill from there.
Managed to get only 2 Chizurus after these 65 pulls too... All the luck I've had until now went away. I'll be a strictly F2P player because it's just not worth it for me anymore, I lost.
Iam sorry :/FYI, I spent 85 tickets and 45k Lapis, still no Rainbow
I have enought Charlottes to max her TM out thrice, and in the meantime, my Shadow, Penolo and Bediles TM are maxed too .. Chizuru is at 85%