Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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Gaffgarrion x3 - Bracers!! - Nice
Locke - Rising Sun is not priority
Ludmille DC - always good unless you already have one
Second Chizuru - should I get two BM? - Yes
Second Miyuki - should I do 2 Sakura swords? - Yes
2 Lenna - is magi staff good?? - Best staff for healers
Second Rwfia - is mentality good? - I dont have mentality on my refia build, but its very good TM
Second mustafa - dat gun


Well, I spent everything... one more 11 pull out of rage - I have about 500 lapis left. No Noctis, but finally a Chizuru. Now to rerun story for some more lapis...

Wasn't worth it, but at least she will DW Sabuki one of these days. Small consolation I guess.

CCIE, i think overall you did good. Not the best, but definitely far from the worse.

You got Chizuru and Miyuki, your Lightning will have 800+ atk someday.

You also got Benz, with the highest atk weapon currently in global.


Later on? Dude, she pulled 2x Mercedes! If she gets those water axes, dual-wield and max atk pots in Mercedes's veins then she will have a monster on her hands :D. I know it sucks CCIE but just look at my pulls, it can always be worse...

Sorry that's not what I meant. Mercedes is good, but when she has dual wield she'll be a lot better. That's all I meant by that lol.


Yeah, I'm okay - just a little sad.

It took everything just to get one Chizuru, but I got 3 x Mercedes, 4xAmarant, Zidane, WoL, 4xIngus, 14xCharlotte (LoL), another Locke to farm Rising Sun.

I'll be okay. Should I max Chizuru or Mercedes first?


Holy shit I just caught up on the last 4 pages... What a roller coaster of emotions. Congrat to all with Noctis. Those who didn't get, I hope you get what coming to you next time.


Congrats on all of the Noctis, guys!

Is the end of the maze 3 star quartz again? Has anyone noticed the little moogle above the door frame every once and awhile?


Yeah, I'm okay - just a little sad.

It took everything just to get one Chizuru, but I got 3 x Mercedes, 4xAmarant, Zidane, WoL, 4xIngus, 14xCharlotte (LoL), another Locke to farm Rising Sun.

I'll be okay. Should I max Chizuru or Mercedes first?

Chizuru is better unit than Mercedes

AND, you can equip her with the sakurafubuki (of the miyuki you already have) and a equip axe materia (from lani, i hope you have one with high TM) or EquipLSword Materia (from garland that you already have) and equip her with your dual weild (from the zidane you pulled) the water axe of Benz or Excalibur.

Your chizuru will be lovely after that.


Yeah, I'm okay - just a little sad.

It took everything just to get one Chizuru, but I got 3 x Mercedes, 4xAmarant, Zidane, WoL, 4xIngus, 14xCharlotte (LoL), another Locke to farm Rising Sun.

I'll be okay. Should I max Chizuru or Mercedes first?

Do you have axe or 2 for Mercedes (if you have DW)?
Do you have Katana or 2 for Chizuru (if you have DW)?

Maybe use FFBE unit calculator. Choose "No Pots" option.


Okay, I have 14 Charlotte - should I combine all into one, two, three, five? I have to do something because I have too many units and no lapis to buy slots


Congrats on all of the Noctis, guys!

Is the end of the maze 3 star quartz again? Has anyone noticed the little moogle above the door frame every once and awhile?

No but apparently he tells you the correct door according to reddit.


Sooooo I'm in a arena battle right now against 2 maxed Noctis, 2 Gilgamesh and a lightning. What the fuck. How is that possible already.


Sooooo I'm in a arena battle right now against 2 maxed Noctis, 2 Gilgamesh and a lightning. What the fuck. How is that possible already.

You mean maxing Noctis?

Quite easy and fast actually.

2 Growth Eggs + Chamber of Experience. Lapis refill. Profit.

Takes less than an hour.


Okay, need to finish current TM farm out. Then Need to farm Charlotte real quick, and start knocking out Shantotto - have 12 of her! Too much to do, and no lapis to burn. May need to buy some


So has anyone tried 2-HD with Noctis (or 2 Noctis)? Does it make it easier at all?
Tho I don't know in what turn one could use skills & spells without fear of party wipe. But that LB sounds great. Slap Lightning to farm LB crystals to party.


First battle in the Arena - Goddamnit people.


Kick there ass anyways.


What's with all that Damage warp bullshit where he gets to somersault and heal himself four times every turn. Bitch plz.


After my shit pulls this morning I'm wondering if I should give it another go. Still have 15k lapis and 45 tickets to throw at this shit


Fuck, Noctis is getting close to 80 and I don't have any where near enough materials to awaken him.

I regret awakening Chizzy now.


What are you looking to get?

Lool. This was satisfying to see.

Something Shiny

Nothing but 3* on all my pulls minus a 4* vanille and a gilbert. maybe 1 more somewhere in there

Did another 10+1

Mercedes Benz #2
Tellah #2
Fang #12
Xiao - new
Kefka #3
Edge - new
Vaan #2
Alma - new
Leo #3
Charlotte - 65% TM
Cecil #2


Fuck, Noctis is getting close to 80 and I don't have any where near enough materials to awaken him.

I regret awakening Chizzy now.

Spend Lapis to run ELT on King Mog event. I think you have 18h to do it. Then buy the awakening materials from King Mog. Aint cheap but can't see another way in near future.


Ok Noctis is totally a Lightning-killer in arena.

His hybrid skills not only bypass cover but also ignore evade skills, like it would be a magic attack.

i told that 2 noctis in arena + golem staff = fuck you all. And the true is more horrifying than fiction.

I just went through his ability list and only saw one really good ST attack and no ATK based AOE attacks. Are the hybrid attacks worthwhile without equipping MAG gear?

I'm now at the point where I had to bench two 5* base units to fill in my current team:




I'm also out of really good weapons for my physical DDs... We need another great event reward weapon! >_>


Not getting noctis makes me sad but I did one 11 pull. I think 5000 lapis would be better for tm farming for now.

I have A DKC which I hear gets sick enhancements

I have a garland.

My team atm. ExD , refit , chic , lightning , ceil and arias when needed.

Tm farming eventually plan for 4 bracers , excal , deathbrngr , dual cast , 2 blade master , 2 sakurafubiki , doublehand and dual wield.

Omni rod and magi staff too


By the way, I'm a bit sad to have FF XV Platinum but no Noctis, maybe if I send a proof at Gumi they'll give me one :p

I've nearly got the plat on it. I just need to fire it up and get the last of the bro's skills to level 10. Probably take me an evening at most. Just been too busy this week. x.x


Guys I feel dirty. I put away my pride whaled today to get Noctis and didn't manage to get him.

I spent 24 tickets and spent money to get the 11-pull and I got a ton of stuff no Noctis
even got a troll Rainbow that turned into Agrias

This was the result of the 11-pull

all in all I didn't get Noctis but I got some good stuff out of it. Other noteworthy units not show I got a Miyuki, my 3rd and 4th Agrias, a 2nd Warrior of Light and my 3rd Cecil.
Oh yeah and my first Chizzie


Miyuki drop rate seems really high, who touched those rates again?
That rainbow fang is also another reason I'm done spending money for now lol

After failing to get Greg, if I spend more money on this game it's for :
- Good bundles (New Year pls)
- After the summoning rule change

I'm not even mad to get sh*t anymore too, guess it's a side effect.


I got one so maybe. But I also got like 5 goddamn Charlottes. It's almost like she heard she finally got an appearance in the Story and decided that meant this was her banner.

Did another 11 pulls and got 2 more Miyuki, really fishy. At least it stopped being f*cking Shadow and Penelo.
Still no Mercedes or Chizuru (on this banner) though.


troll rainbow fang is absolutely the worst thing i've seen on this banner in here. i am so sorry everyone!
Man and I was mad after my troll Agrias but at least she's useful and has a good TM. If I got a Rainbow Fang I would probably uninstall this game immediately.

Did another 11 pulls and got 2 more Miyuki, really fishy. At least it stopped being f*cking Shadow and Penelo.
Still no Mercedes or Chizuru (on this banner) though.
Like I said earlier I've only got one of each of this units. But well at least I got those. Would have preferred Noct but Chizzie is a small consolation.


Redoing the story to get some lapis built up again. Need it to TM farm. I went from being rich to having nothing, and if we get good bundles I'm going to regret it.


Redoing the story to get some lapis built up again. Need it to TM farm. I went from being rich to having nothing, and if we get good bundles I'm going to regret it.

I think I'm going to join you. I haven't been this drained of Lapis and tickets in a while.


Spent 17 tickets on nothing. Farmed for enough lapis to do my daily. Watched full summon animation and finally I did it. Blue to orange to rainbow to noctis. My team is pretty lit now cecil, exdeath, lightning, tillith, and now noctis. Super excited to see if noctis is any good.


Pretty happy with my pulls. Didn't get Noctis but doesn't mind since the odd is so low anyway. Managed to get Charlotte (I needed a good tank) and Cloud of Darkness (didn't have it).
Congrats to everyone on good pulls, and those lucky few who got Noctis!

Did my daily and 10ish tickets... Not much to show for it. Got 4 Charlotte (already had her anyway), an Alma, 2 Edge, Clyne, Shadow, a couple other worthless ones I forgot and finally a gold crystal which became Gaffgarion


Redoing the story to get some lapis built up again. Need it to TM farm. I went from being rich to having nothing, and if we get good bundles I'm going to regret it.

I'm joining you but I did all my story missions, I'm in a bad position if a good bundle release for New Year.
Might throw some money depending if it's really good.
But spending money for pulling? Never again!
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