You awaken in a vast ocean of space, full of nothing but twinkling cosmos and nothingness as far as the eye can see.
This is a new sensation for you. Living, that is. Up until this point you've been nothing but a lifeless doll, but suddenly, you feel as though you're filled with purpose; almost like a higher power is possessing you.
You look around, and notice for the first time that you are not alone. Seventeen other dolls float aimlessly through the void, each equally puzzled by their newfound lucidity.
Suddenly, a woman appears in front of you, clad in dark garb with her hair decorated with all manners of baubles.
"Welcome, my dolls," she speaks in a soothing voice. "I am Lulu, the guardian and master of this world. I suppose you're all wondering why you're here."
"You have been chosen to house the spirits of legendary heroes from across time and space. Quite the honour, if you ask me!"
One precocious beanie-sporting doll raised its hand. "I have several questions."
"You may ask one."
The doll could not frown because it was a doll, but tried its hardest anyway. "Okay, what do you need us heroes for? Why'd you summon us?"
"Excellent question!" Lulu said bouncily. "You're all here to fight to the death for my amusement."
She snapped her fingers, and suddenly the void vanished, only to be replaced by an imposingly large crystal colosseum.
A different doll raised her hand hesitantly. "I also have a question. If we're all heroes, why are we fighting to the death? Doesn't that seem kind of counter-productive."
"Another excellent question," Lulu responded while crossing her arms to prevent her impossible low neckline from slipping any further down. "You see, it would appear that I made a teensy error in the summoning process and the souls of a few, shall we say, less-than-heroic souls slipped by as well. That's why it's up to you to figure out which among you are the villains and exterminate them with extreme prejudice."
"Oh, and one last thing," she continued while absentmindedly filing her nails, "every so often, this place gets shrouded in a dense, nebulous miasma that only the impure can see through, so most of you are going to be sitting ducks during that period. But remember! No matter how dark the night, morning always comes, and our journey begins anew. Good luck, you eighteen brave warriors!"
Another doll raised its tiny hand. "I have one more question."
"What is it, my child?"
"What's with all your belts?"
"DON'T EVER QUESTION MY BELTS" Lulu shrieked before blasting the doll with a gigantic ball of fire. The doll crumpled to the floor singed, before the spirit of a pink-haired women surged forth from it and dissolved into thin air.
"Oops. Well, good luck, you seventeen brave warriors!"
Welcome to Final Fantasy Mafia!
Here is the list of warriors who will do battle for my amusement:
01. [f]StackpoleH
02. [m] nin1000
03. [m]Terrabyte20xx
04. [-]Darryl
05. [m] LaunchpadMcQ
06. [m]UltraJay
07. [m] Pop-O-Matic
08. [m] TL21xx
09. [m]Sorian
10. [f]StarSketch
11. [m]Zippedpinhead
12. [m]Hyperactivity
13. [f]Swamped
14. [m]TheAwesomePossum
15. [m] Blargonaut
16. [m]Xamtheking
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about your role or the game in general.
Example Role PM of our dearly departed:
Welcome to the Colosseum, my doll.
You have been chosen to house the soul of Lightning, The Flash of Desturction.
You are aligned with The Warriors of Cosmos (the good guys, in other words).
Though you’re among the bravest of warriors, your actual scope of abilities is quite limited. Thus, the only power available to you is to VOTE for who you deem most suspect. Votes can be carried out at any time during the day phase, and whoever has the most votes at the end of the day shall be executed by the queen of this realm.
You win when there are no Warriors of Chaos remaining.
Please note that all other Ordinary Party Members are simply generic classes and not named heroes.