That's majority.
Now if you excuse me, I have some evil laughter to do.
well played.
That's majority.
Now if you excuse me, I have some evil laughter to do.
That's majority.
Now if you excuse me, I have some evil laughter to do.
If I've truly made a mistake here; to the last Chaos member, I trust that you'll be smart on your behalf, and avoid targeting me Tonight on account of my being potentially Bulletproof again.
Remember, I win with anyone. Don't be unreasonable nor spiteful, now.
Cue the influx of people ragging on me for playing like an idiot.
I mean, I can't blame you Launch. Both Blarg and nin also bought into my bullshit WAY too much. I was actually laughing at my keyboard when I was reading all your posts and saw that the only thing you all could come to a consensus on was that I told the truth about my last minute role claim.
NoAre we allowed to talk?
Are we allowed to talk?
Welcome to the Colosseum, my doll.
You have been chose to house the soul of Cecil Harvey, The Lunar Knight.
You are aligned with The Warriors of Cosmos (the good guys, in other words).
You are a noble and fair Dark Knight from the kingdom of Baron, and the leader of its world renowned elite airship force, the Red Wings. Although you claim your body is devoid of light, your future holds the potential for a gross incandescence that sparkles brilliantly as a moonbeam.
Your soul allows to invoke the spell Darkness, a terrible malignant force that eats away at ones life energy until they are nothing more than a husk of their former self. You may cast Darkness twice per game during the night phase in order to kill a player of your choosing by PMing ScraftyDevil the command DARKNESS: <Player>. However, if you wish to abandon your dark past and become a warrior of light, you may instead use one night action to change class from Dark Knight to Paladin by PMing ScraftyDevil the command CHANGE. You will not be able to perform any kills during this night.
As a Paladin, you may heroically shield your allies from harm during the night by PMing ScraftyDevil the command COVER: <Player>. This protects them from death and other negative effects but can only be used twice per game, so choose your targets wisely.
You win when there are no Warriors of Chaos remaining.
The battle starts here:
Everyone, look sharp.
Welcome to the Colosseum, my doll.
You have been chose to house the soul of Kefka Palazzo, The Psycho Clown.
You are aligned with The Warriors of Chaos (the bad guys, in other words).
You are an experimental Magitek Knight driven insane by his augmentation. Will your hatred of everything give rise to a more devastating power, or will you remain stuck as a mere jester for the rest of your days?
Your partners are StackpoleH, Hyperactivity and Xamtheking.
Each night, one of the Warriors of Chaos may kill one of the other players by PMing ScraftyDevil with the command KILL: <Player>
Thrice per game, and during the night, you may use your artificial Magitek abilities to redirect the effect of an ability targeting a player by PMing ScraftyDevil the command HATEHATEHATE: <Player>. Be warned that this will redirect any KILL command directed and that player as well, and that you will not be able to choose who the new target of the redirected effect.
You win when the Warriors of Chaos outnumber both the Warriors of Cosmos and Neutral players put together.
The battle starts here:
Everyone, look sharp.
Welcome to the Colosseum, my doll.
You have been chosen to house the soul of Fighter, The Ordinary Party Member.
You are aligned with The Warriors of Cosmos (the good guys, in other words).
Though youre among the bravest of warriors, your actual scope of abilities is quite limited. Thus, the only power available to you is to VOTE for who you deem most suspect. Votes can be carried out at any time during the day phase, and whoever has the most votes at the end of the day shall be executed by the queen of this realm.
You win when there are no Warriors of Chaos remaining.
Your battle starts here:
Everyone, look sharp.
Welcome to the Colosseum, my doll.
You have been chose to house the soul of Bartz Klauser, The Wanderer.
You are aligned with no one.
You are a simple wanderer. You start your adventure with no further ambitions than exploration, but are soon possessed by the burning desire to try out new Jobs and roles to see the full breadth of what this world has to offer.
At the start of each day, you shall be assigned a role or character to play. You must post in-character as this role for the remainder of the day, and may not break character under any circumstances. The punishment for not performing your role to a satisfactory degree (and be warned; I will not be the only one judging your performance) is a swift and painless death during the night.
You win if you are still alive when either the Warriors of Cosmos or Warriors of Chaos fulfill their win condition.
The battle starts here:
Everyone, look sharp.
RNG is best scum
Overruled by moderator.Congratulations scum! You guys are now officially our vice-goat! Originally that was heist scum team, but ourob decided to be a dick to me so fuck them!![]()
Congratulations scum! You guys are now officially our vice-goat! Originally that was heist scum team, but ourob decided to be a dick to me so fuck them!![]()
I wonder...
What's the connection?
Real talk, I'm not even mad. Pop didn't have me doubting him until the last hours. Wish I would have played better, though.
I took pity on you. It was 4-5 against you before I jumped in.but 6 - 5 majority in my favour, at the end? lol, pls
I took pity on you. It was 4-5 against you before I jumped in.![]()