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Finally saw my first UFO(s)!

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First off, I've been a huge follower of the paranormal, cryptozoology, and UFOs. All that X-Files shit. I have a telescope and love to watch the night sky and view the moon on a calm and clear night. I even got excited as hell when I found out I was getting stationed at Wright Patterson AFB back in 2009 because supposedly that's where the wreckage from Roswell was sent (I did scope out the so-called Hangar 18 but the windows were all totally painted so that no one could see in. No other hangars had paint covering the windows). I've always wished I could see a UFO but what's funny is that anytime I have had a dream where I witness a UFO, it scared the shit out of me.

Anyway, here's the deal. I was at a friend's house in Gautier, MS playing DDR yesterday on 5/8/16. We all left out to go to Walmart around 10pm Got back to his place at 11pm. My daughter was with me. As we got out the car, my daughter commented on how bright a couple stars were. I told her I can find a very bright one in the constellation called Orion's Belt (the star Betelgeuse). I searched up above for the constellation and after I said Orion's Belt, my friend remarked how anytime he hears the name Orion's Belt, he thinks of the film Men in Black.

Not even 5 seconds later, I had my eyes focused in one area in the sky, I wasn't darting them around...and I saw something moving slightly to the left of where I was looking in the sky. I thought it might have been a shooting star but when I focused in on the area, I noticed it was actually 7 dim green lights in a v-formation. The lights were flying east and I only witnessed them for about 10 seconds. I immediately wondered whether it could be light reflecting off a flock of birds because that seems to be a common and apparent explanation for some UFOs. I am 100% sure these lights were not birds. It was also not a plane, a group of planes, nor was it helicopters or 7 shooting stars. At all.

I'd say it was nearly 1,000 feet in above me but not directly, it was further away from me at an angle. So it was about 400 feet shorter in height than the Sears Tower (Willis Tower) which is what I'm comparing the height to when looking upwards since I'm from Chicago. What confused me is the fact that I couldn't make out whether it was one triangular object with 7 lights on the bottom of it or 7 individual objects flying in unison. Because of how muted the 7 lights were, I thought maybe they were much, much higher in the sky because the lights were somewhat small. But the speed at which they were flying, at least a few hundred feet per second, made me think it was actually closer to me which is why I said they were flying at a height of 1,000 feet up. I had to move my eyes twice per second to keep tracking it as it flew from the west to the east.

What made me think it could have been one solid object with 7 lights is the fact that while I couldn't make out a definite shape in or around the lights, there seemed to be a sort of shimmer or disturbance in the shape of a triangle within the lights almost as if something were cloaked. I could see the stars in the distance just fine but as the 7 lights flew by, the stars that it passed by seemed to waver a bit like when staring at a flame flicker and it gives off that wavy effect above it. It's like when you flick a lighter and only the gas comes out but no flame.

So whatever it was may have been a single cloaked object with dim lights or it was 7 small objects with some sort of propulsion by-product emanating from it. I have researched many, many UFO stories and I made sure to take note of anything odd. I noticed no electrical disturbances, no static in the air, and no metallic taste in my mouth. I have no burns or marks on my body either. The lights were totally silent. No noise whatsoever. The lights were gliding by so smoothly too.

It all happened so fast and I almost couldn't believe what I was actually witnessing. It was over before I knew it and I had no time to take my eyes off it in order to take a photo or record video because I would have lost the 7 lights since they were so dim/distant to begin with. I wouldn't have been able to pick up the objects on camera anyway because it was so dark out. But I clearly saw 7 lights flying in a v-formation toward the east and it blew my mind. All I could manage to do was keep my eyes on it as I exclaimed "Holy crap, look! There's a UFO!" while smiling like an idiot.

I drew two pictures. One shows how the lights looked against the night sky and from my perspective as they flew from left to right across the sky. The second picture shows what I was picking up regarding the faint waviness between the lights. Keesler AFB is 40 minutes west from where I was in Gautier, MS and the lights were coming from the west but as far as I know, we don't have anything like that at Keesler, at least I never saw any sort of craft like that when I was stationed there for 4 years. Keesler does deal in meteorology though.



I'm still stoked as hell at what I witnessed. My daughter was actually scared though. She wanted to get inside the house because she was afraid of aliens coming down and hurting us so I had to reassure her nothing would happen. I'm convinced that no naturally occurring phenomena can explain what I saw. I'm happy that I finally got to see a UFO with my own eyes but now I understand when people say it happens so fast that they are just frozen and can't take their eyes off it or that it was out of sight before they could grab a photo of video of it.

Has anyone here ever encountered a UFO?

Edit: I see ya'll got jokes, huh? It's cool, this is NeoGAF after all and it's 3am on Sunday. Don't know why I expected any sort of actual conversation about this. I was just really excited so I thought I'd share it and see if others on here have seen anything. I admit that whatever I saw is most likely easily explained just because that seems to be the nature of UFOs in general. People always want to disregard or crack jokes about someone who sees something he/she can't explain until it happens to them personally. I never once thought that what I saw were seven alien ships being intelligently piloted lol. I myself have always thought the notion of alien ships having lights on them is just ridiculous. If you saw what I saw though, I think you'd be hard-pressed to say that it was an airplane. Maybe it really was a military craft. All I know is that it was cool to finally see something like this because regardless of what it really was, at the time I just could not identify it and it was kind of surreal.

BTW lol....Gautier is just down the road from Pascagoula (which is to the east where the lights were flying) where this happened in the 70s: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascagoula_Abduction So that totally means I saw 7 aliens ships flying by! That's all the proof I need! /sarcasm No, I'm not being serious. Or am I?
Aliens are among us people just don't understand and the lizard people are censoring the evidence

It's probably a plane


I saw one when I was a kid (like maybe 7-8) and it scared the hell out of me. It was rows of red and white lights.

Then later I saw a rather boring one. Looked like Venus. Then vanished. Weather balloon, I guess.

And a few years ago I saw a rocket. I used to see them a lot when I lived in Florida. But I saw one here in the outskirts of St. Louis. I looked for any launches, like from Arizona, but there weren't any



No alien in their right mind would bother putting in lights on their spacecraft.

UFO <> Flying Saucers people.

Also, lights could be the results of some propulsion system or something similar. Damn sure they're not turning lights.


Your post sounds manic and you're attaching numbers to things that is impossible to gauge by eye.

You know this, right?
Huh. Well, I basically saw what you saw when I was a kid. Except it the whole triangle area was diffused green lights, with no visible structure to the craft. Never figured out what it was, maybe a secret Air Force project, but it was definitely Unidentified.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
"Was immediately thinking of birds, since that's the perfect explanation for height, formation and the "lights" existing at all, and because so many UFO nuts reportedly fell for it, but it couldn't be birds because I'm a way more special UFO nut."

There's absolutely no need to discuss since you made it abundantly clear you won't listen anyway :/ anyhow, you can't tell height of glowy dots by night.


Your post sounds manic and you're attaching numbers to things that is impossible to gauge by eye.

You know this, right?

Manic? I saw a UFO, something a lot of people only ever see or laugh at in movies and stories from others. I couldn't identify what was flying overhead and it was not something ordinary from what I could tell. Obviously I'm excited at seeing it. And no, I don't have exact numbers as far as distance and speed. They're estimates. I'm simply trying to give an idea of what I saw within the 10 seconds I witnessed it. That is a lot to soak in when it's happening on top of having to remain calm to remember details about it. Was it aliens? Eh. How the hell am I supposed to know? Could easily have been something military in nature. No one has to believe me and you can think I'm crazy all you want. I'm a very scientifically-minded person and largely skeptical about all of these things (aliens, ghosts, psychic crap, etc) but it still interests me greatly.

Second pic reminds me of...


I knew exactly what that would be a picture of, lol.

Oh and Chinner, maybe it was a combination of swamp gas, lens flare, and weather balloons! Was probably also Venus ;)


So a species capable of intergalactic travel decides to put a big bunch of green glowing lights on the outside of its ship and to fly around in the middle of bumfuck nowhere in order to let people see it? I hope you can see outside of the tunnel your eyes are clearly affixed on.


It was bound to happen to you at some point, OP.

I get sleep paralysis from time to time and every time there's some force trying to pull me out of the bed and I can feel an ominous presence in the room. Sometimes I even see tall shadowy figures in the corner of my eye. I don't know if this counts as alien encounters, though. But if they are, my theory is aliens don't actually abduct you to do experiments and poke around. No, their methods are much simpler. They simply invade your home in the dead of night and use telepathic waves to peak into your brains.


So whatever it was may have been a single cloaked object with dim lights or it was 7 small objects with some sort of propulsion by-product emanating from it. I have researched many, many UFO stories and I made sure to take note of anything odd. I noticed no electrical disturbances, no static in the air, and no metallic taste in my mouth. I have no burns or marks on my body either. The lights were totally silent. No noise whatsoever. The lights were gliding by so smoothly too.

It all happened so fast and I almost couldn't believe what I was actually witnessing. It was over before I knew it and I had no time to take my eyes off it in order to take a photo or record video because I would have lost the 7 lights since they were so dim/distant to begin with. I wouldn't have been able to pick up the objects on camera anyway because it was so dark out.
We're being trolled.


I believe you OP. I'm always fascinated to hear and learn about things like this. Hope to experience seeing one myself one day.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
You are living in a simulation.
something happened to me last Thursday when I was driving home. I had a couple of miles to go - I looked up and saw a glowing orange object in the sky, to the east! It was moving very irregularly... suddenly there was intense light all around me - and when I came to, I was home. What do you think happened to me?


Manic? I saw a UFO, something a lot of people only ever see or laugh at in movies and stories from others. I couldn't identify what was flying overhead and it was not something ordinary from what I could tell. Obviously I'm excited at seeing it. And no, I don't have exact numbers as far as distance and speed. They're estimates. I'm simply trying to give an idea of what I saw within the 10 seconds I witnessed it. That is a lot to soak in when it's happening on top of having to remain calm to remember details about it. Was it aliens? Eh. How the hell am I supposed to know? Could easily have been something military in nature. No one has to believe me and you can think I'm crazy all you want. I'm a very scientifically-minded person and largely skeptical about all of these things (aliens, ghosts, psychic crap, etc) but it still interests me greatly.

Maybe it's just maybe a bit weird to say you could assume that seven dim lights in the night sky is part an aircraft that is a thousand feet up in the air that moves at a hundred feet per second because you were able to shift your eyes twice per second.

I meant "manic" in the colloquial sense, not in the clinical sense btw.
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