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Finished Zelda:Four Swords Adventure - it was pure awesomeness

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I finally managed to finish Zelda:FSA for the GC yesterday. I would have finished it sooner but I haven't had much time to play games lately. Man oh man, I love this game. The single player was a total blast and the puzzles and gameplay with the four Links was a very welcome change to the series. You have to constantly use this gameplay to complete the levels. It is very well integrated. Definitely not the least bit gimmicky.

One of the things I liked so much about the game is how it is structured. In all of the other Zelda games you are put in the overworld and you have to find and complete the various dungeons in the game. What I liked so much about FSA was how every level was basically a dungeon. They kinda just throw you right into the mix. I appreciated the developers cutting the fat so to speak. Is this something I would like to see in all future Zelda games? Of course not. But it was a welcome change.... especially for someone like me who doesn't have a lot of time to play games. I certainly wouldn't object to a FSA sequel.

Many of these "dungeons" were parts of the overworld but the way they were set up made them feel like dungeons. Each level had a boss and various puzzles that need to be solved. And the "real" dungeons... well they are just freaking awesome. Tons of fun.

This game also had some great boss fights. I don't want to spoil them but they are a lot of fun. I don't know what it is, but there have been some great boss fights this gen. From Metroid Prime, to WW, to Viewtiful Joe, to FFX, and now this.

Music and graphics? The music was solid. Not the best in the series but not the worst either. All of the classic tunes are here. The graphics were good imo. The style is a bit different from ALTTP and the effects were well done.

I was critical of Nintendo when they first showed this title at E3 2003 but boy was I wrong. This is a great 2D next gen Zelda that in many ways feels like a mix of Zelda 1 and Zelda 3 with a lot of new stuff thrown in. It's so good, imo, that it surpasses several other games in the series.

My new ranking (note that I have not played the Oracle games):

1. A Link to the Past
2. The Wind Waker
3. The Ocarina of Time
4. Four Swords Adventure
5. Link's Awakening
6. Majora's Mask
7. The Adventure of Link
8. The Legend of Zelda

Edit: Am I alone in my love for FSA?


No, you're not alone. I've been replaying the game recently. It really is a blast.

If you get the chance, do play it in multiplayer.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
ge-man said:
If you get the chance, do play it in multiplayer.

I would if I could. I know plenty of people my age w/ Gamecubes and GBAs. The problem is that I hardly have time to play games anymore. Its kinda hard to get friends together and do a "Zelda night" or something. I think we'd all much rather go out and party if you know what I mean.
Yeah, great game. I beat it a few weeks ago. Fun as hell as a multiplayer game, and surprisingly, a damn good(and lengthy) single player adventure as well.

* funny side note- I almost finished the entire game before I realized I could use the c stick to quickly change formations. DOH! :p
3-player is better than 4-player in my opinion. Less chaotic and easier to communicate. Also, the game moves faster.

But I loved the single player quest. I mean, I couldn't stop playing until I finished it and now I am wanting to go through it again. Wonderful bosses and very clever dungeon puzzles. I hope the DS one can deliver on the same level as this.
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